#little tracys


Virgil Drabbles

Since I’m going to be reading these to help me continue writing them I thought I’d use them for this weeks Fic Back Friday.

Tagging some who are usually tagged and a few of you who I know enjoy Virgil fics If you’d like to be tagged for this or any other fic updates then please let me know



  • Each chapter is 100 words only.
  • I will be posting up to chapter 12 today then sharing more next Friday until I’ve caught up with my Ao3/FFNet pace.
  • Virgil is the main focus of these and is the middle child.

Chapter 1: 15th August

I’ve been here before and I always swear, ‘Never Again!’

But then…

It’s over and for a few seconds, which always feels longer, I hear nothing. Then the sound I’ve been waiting for… That first cry, followed by:

“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”

The relief washes over me, as I look to my husband. The obvious pride flowing from him as our new baby is placed in my arms, and his soulful eyes lock with mine.

“Do you have a name?” Someone asks.

It’s at that moment I know I’ll be here again.

“Yes,” I nod, “his names Virgil… Virgil Tracy.”


Chapter 2: Expert

“Grandma,” John sang out, running into her arms as she stepped through the door.

“Hello sweetheart, are you enjoying being a big brother?”

“I better than Scotty!”

“Not!” Scott retorted.

“I make Virgie stop crying!”

“After I showed how… Mommy said I expert!”

“You’re both experts!” Lucille reassured, stepping behind them with a crying Virgil in her arms.

“He’s sad, we make better!” Scott and John chorused.

“No boys, it’s my turn!” Grandma announced.

“Wow!” Scott and John chimed when Virgil instantly went quiet after being placed in his grandmas’ arms.

“That’s right boys…” Grandma smiled, “I’m the original expert!”


Chapter 3: He’s A Tracy

“Virgie,” Scott and John called their arms open, while their mother watched.

Virgil attempted to leave the sofa he was holding, but instead fell on his bum and giggled.

“Hello,” Jeff said, smiling at all of them from the doorway.

“Daddy’s home!” Scott and John chorused running to him, while Lucille happily kissed him.

Jeff gazed fondly at Virgil. “Have you missed daddy?”

Virgil released a delightful squeal, and then with no hesitation toddled over to his father.

“He did it!” Scott, John and Lucille chirped.

“Of course, he did,” Jeff replied, scooping Virgil into his arms, “he’s a Tracy!”


Chapter 4: Bath Time

“No!” A two-year-old Virgil shrieked, splashing water all over his father as he tried to escape the bathtub.

“Still no luck!” Lucille asked, stepping in the room and kneeling next to Jeff.

Jeff shook his head. “He’s the same as Scott and John were at this age. Everything is a no and he hates the bath.”

“Well, maybe the next one will love the water.”

“Yeah… Wait, the next one?”

Lucille nodded showing Jeff the positive pregnancy test.

Jeff grinned at Virgil. “Well, looks like you’re going to be a big brother!”

“No!” Virgil screamed, splashing his father once more.

  • More Below The Cut

Chapter 5: Big Brother

Virgil sighed when he saw the bundle in his mother’s arms. He’d just become a big brother, but he really didn’t want to be. All he wanted was to be the youngest again, he’d been good at that.

“Do you want to hold Gordon?” His dad asked.

Virgil nodded his head reluctantly.

Jeff carefully placed Gordon in his arms.

Virgil frowned, he couldn’t understand why everyone was happy. It was just a baby, there was nothing special about it.

Suddenly, Gordon’s eyes opened and locked with his.


“Happy to be a big brother?” His mother asked.

Virgil grinned. “Yeah!”


Chapter 6: Piano

Bright eyes gazed, watching as fingers glided effortlessly across the keys… Ears pricked, listening to magical melodies fill the room…

When the final note ended, Lucille opened her eyes and observed Virgil. She had always presumed he would grow tired of listening, just like his brothers, but he was still very much as captivated now as he had been before.

Lucille picked Virgil up and placed him on her lap.

“Are you ready for your first piano lesson?”

Virgil nodded, reached out, touched the keys, and then gasped with delight.

‘Looks like this is love.’ Lucille chuckled, cuddling her son.


Chapter 7: First Day

“Want to go home!” Virgil whimpered, when the large building loomed in front of him.

Lucille bent down so she was level with her son’s eyes. “Oh sweetheart, it’s okay to be scared.”

“Not scared!”

“Scotty was on his first day, but he was brave, and went in anyway. Can you be brave like Scott?”

Virgil nodded, wiping his tears away.

“That’s my boy! Now, I’ll pick you up later and you can show me the paintings you’ve done.”


“Yes.” Lucille replied, ruffling Virgil’s hair.

“Bye Mommy!” Virgil grinned, dashing through the school gates and towards his new teacher.


Chapter 8: Doctor Virgil

Hearing a scream, Lucille darted into the lounge. “What’s wrong?”

“Gordo… Hurt… Bear…” Virgil sobbed, holding out his beloved toy.

Lucille frowned, the bear’s arm had been torn off, obviously suffering from Gordon’s tantrums. Bending down, she regarded Virgil. “We’ll fix him, but I need your help!”

Minutes later an old toy stethoscope of Scott’s was used for Virgil to wear, while Lucille sowed the bear.

“How’s the patient?” She questioned when finished.

Virgil listened to his bears chest. “Cuddles and bedrest!”

“Good decision Doctor,” she smiled, watching Virgil race off… Bear in one hand, stethoscope still in the other.


Chapter 9: Brothers

“Do you have to go?” Virgil wined, clinging onto his big brother’s waist.

Scott nodded, returning the cuddle.

“But, who will chase the monster who lives under my bed away?”

“John’s on monster duty,” Scott informed him, suppressing the amusement at his brother’s imagination.

“Can I come with you?”

“It’s a school trip, so I’m afraid not, but I’ll be back.”

“Promise,” Virgil said.

“Promise on the brotherhood bible!” Scott stated, holding out his finger which Virgil linked with his.

Virgil squeezed his brother once more then let go. “Miss, you!”

“I’ll miss you too, but it’s only one night!


Chapter 10: Drawing

“Hello sweetheart,”

Jeff kissed his wife, then placed one on her large pregnant belly. “Where are the boys?”

“Gordon’s sleeping, Scott and John are doing their homework and…”

“I’m here,” Virgil chirped, running over and handing him a picture, “drawing for you daddy… It’s transponder!”


Virgil nodded. “So, we can fly to your work and keep company!”

“Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you Virgil,” Jeff responded hugging his little boy.

Virgil gave his dad a big grin and ran off happily.

Jeff showed the picture to Lucille. “Do you think it’s meant to look like an upside-down frog?”


Chapter 11: Swimming

Gordon surveyed his older brother. “Don’t know Virgie, it’s really far!”

Virgil looked over to the other side. “It is… But Scotty and Johnny are waiting, mommy’s watching from the side with Alan, and I’ll be next to you the whole time.”

“You will?”

“I’ll try, although you’re quicker than me, so you might get there first.”

“I’m faster?”

“Yes, you’re good enough to win a medal like the swimmers on tv.”

“Cool!” Gordon grinned, holding out his arms.

Virgil pulled off the inflatable armbands and put them on the side. “Ready?”

Gordon nodded.


Gordon prepared to release.“



Chapter 12: Choices

Jeff lovingly held Lucille while she fed a one-year old Alan, while his four other boys huddled on either side. “Whose choice is it?” He finally asked.

“It’s Virgil’s!” Scott and John announced.

“No,” Gordon huffed, “mine!”

“Virgil gave his turn to you last time and we went to see the dolphins!”

Gordon grinned. “Yes, that was fun!”

Lucille looked kindly at Virgil. “Where do you want to go sweetheart?”

“Happy here!”

“There must be somewhere you want to go?” His father questioned.

Virgil nodded, and opened the brochure to a picture of a cabin in the snow. “Here please?”

More Next Friday- or you can read up to C52 over on Ao3 or FFNet: CreativeGirl29. For anyone waiting on chapter 22 of Gone I’ll be posting it here on Monday evening UK time.
