#lizard fashion




looks for climbing vertically down the walls of your house



Some Dracula art in honor of today’s iconic scene! ‍♂️

(art by Alan Lee)

(cover of the first paperback abridged 1901 edition)

(front cover of the 1919 edition)

(art by Fritz Schwimbeck, 1917)

(from Legendary Comics, art by El Garing)

(from Roy Thomas and Dick Giordano’s adaptation starting in 1974)

(colorized closeup from Thomas/Giordano’s Marvel Classics comic book)

(art by Greg & Tim Hildebrandt, 1985)

looks for climbing vertically down the walls of your house


looks for climbing vertically down the walls of your house


looks for climbing vertically down the walls of your house

Book one: Jake came out of the locker in his lizard fashion.


Serve it





ID: A digital drawing of Count Dracula from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. He is a skinny white man with white hair, bushy eyebrows, a bushy moustache, and pointed ears. He is wearing a lizard onesie with the mouth open around his face. The onesie is green with yellow teeth and yellow spikes down the back, and with a red interior lining and red eyes. He is wearing red scaled boots and holding a red lizard-shaped handbag. He is pouting and brusing his hair back from his face, walking down the hall of his castle like he’s on a catwalk. He is wearing green eyeliner and a tasteful red lip. The background is mostly empty, shades of grey and green showing two windows letting in light. Above him, an excerpt from a Dracula Daily email reads: “15 May. - Once again have I seen the Count go out in his lizard fashion.”
