#lmao i think the ending is kinda dumb but


pairing;harry( aka wroetoshaw )x reader

warnings; a bit of pda i guess?id k


summary;even though you have been invited for fifa and movies, the boys soon change their mind and head to a club, dragging you along. but luckily at least one of them decides to keep you company.

(song recommendation; 17 - cyrus feat. packy )

tonight was supposed to consist out of playing fifa and munching on snacks, but somehow jj had a change of mind and as soon as he roped enough guys into the idea, there was no escape. you glared at him from the couch, a fist full of cereal and a death glare directed at him as well.    ❝ c'mon! it’ll be all party and hype! you’ll have fun without a problem, really. ❞    simon and harry cheered you on, already stuffing their hair under hats while grinning from the excitement. you rolled your eyes, but pushed yourself off the couch anyway, searching for your jacket while jj celebrated his great idea by convincing josh that taking his lambo would be a great idea, although you all literally knew that it wasn’t, but he wouldn’t be stopped. so half of the group took jj’s car while the rest of you decided to take josh’s car, just following behind jj and ethan screaming into the night out of the loud sports car, until they stopped at a random club and parked their car there, your group following right after. cal seemed to notice your grumpiness as you got out of the car, hair messy and make-up barely done, since you thought it was going to be a stay-in night.    ❝ don’t be so down, ______…    ———    ❞    he started out, but got interrupted by harry throwing an arm around your shoulders with a laugh.     ❝ yeah, you need to let loose every once in a while too!right?    he smiles at you, teeth showing from the side and you giggle as you lean into his arm trapping you against his side, but didn’t respond more than that. for you and harry, this kind of touch was normal. it came slow, when you spent a bit of time together during the day and someone decided to watch a movie, you would usually end up leaning against his side and his hand would discreetly stroke over the line of skin between your shirt and pants with his thumb and as soon as someone mentions it, you both wave it off and quietly part. (plus harry then gets involved in an argument with that person, because he doesn’t know any better while you quickly slip away, not a fan of confrontation.)

jj led you all into the club without a disturbance and as soon as you were all inside the club, most of the gang ran off either to the dancefloor or to the bar, while harry still had his arm around you and looked rather clueless, before you inched him towards the bar, to which he complied and kept his grip on you.     ❝ fuck, i left my wallet back home… ❞       ❝ no problem, let me pay you the drink. what would you fancy?❞    harry says in your ear, still grinning while you try our hardest to contain a blush in the dimmed light of the room, because damn, that was really close (but justified, since the loud music blocked out almost any other sort of noise ).    ❝ i’ll take the same as you then. thanks a bunch, harold. ❞    you reply cheekily and he chuckles before ordering and without taking his arm off of you, you turn to look at the dancefloor, where tobi was going mad with dance moves and you laugh as josh tries to match him somehow, but fails in an utterly adorable way. a finger then pokes you in the face and you look at harry, who nods his chin in the direction of your drinks. you thankfully pick it up and raise it towards him and with a small sound, he meets it with his own, before pulling back to take a sip. after the alcohol set in a little, you cocked your head a bit to the side to get a better look at his face in the bad light of the club.    ❝ weren’t you a lot more excited earlier? if you want to join the others, i won’t mind. don’t let me hold you back, yeah? ❞     harry then laughs, almost spilling his drink and looks over to answer your stare with another grin.    ❝ nah, this is pretty comfortable, no?and i’m wearing sweat-pants with a hoodie, so no hardcore dancing for me either. ❞    he replies with a chuckle and you shrug with a smile of your own, before taking another look around the room, noticing a black couch in the corner in the progress.    ❝ but sitting down is still a lot more comfortable, no?let’s head over there, shall we?❞    you were a bit concerned by the lack of enthusiasm that the youtuber wore on his face, but weren’t one to dig into grounds that you didn’t own, unless it was an emergency. so you pointed at the couch and he seemed to think for a second, before letting himself be pulled after you, through a crowd of people that only parted due to harry’s statue, but at least they moved. harry then proceeded to almost throw himself onto the couch, pulling you down with him and causing a shriek from your side, but the music drowned it out anyway.

you both remained silent and listened to the fast beat of the music, occasionally sipping on your drinks, until you leaned forward to get a good luck at harry’s face, before sighing.    ❝ is something the matter?it’s really kinda weird to see you like this, harry. ❞    he blinks while drinking, but swallows first and then chuckles a little again while twirling the glass in his fingers.    ❝ well, it’s just….    ———    you don’t seem like you’re having a lot of fun, ______. ❞    you laugh a little, because either he was trying to avoid the question or this was headed in a direction unknown to you.    ❝ well, i was invited to a movie night with some fifa, not a night out and clubbing… but what has that to do with your mood, may i ask?❞    now he’s staring at the dancefloor and you start to ask yourself if he might have lied earlier when you told him to go dancing if he wanted to.    ❝ i don’t know, i just thought…    ———    that maybe, we could have some fun here? dancing and so on?but when you’re not really motivated, i guess it doesn’t really matter, so yeah. ❞    you raise a brow as he takes another sip of his drink, not looking at you, but still staring at the dancefloor, where the other boys seem to be having the time of their lives. you almost felt a little bad, but you weren’t really in the mood to be pushed against sweaty bodies and dance until your feet fall off; other nights yes, but not tonight.

but harry has also done things for you even when he wasn’t in the mood or had other things to do, so you guessed that you could make a sacrifice for him as well. sighing, you stand up, grasping his hand tightly and pulling at it to make him look at you, light eyes wide in surprise.    ❝ i guess if you really want to dance that badly, i can make an expection for once… ❞    was all you had to say to make his face light up even more than when jj first announced that they were heading to a club. immediately he was on his feet and sat your glasses aside on the table besides the couch and pulled you with him to the other boys, who all welcomed you with loud shouts already, getting a tired laugh out of you as ethan invites you to dance beside him to a loud electro song, while you saw josh getting jumped by jj right as the drop came, almost making them fall over in the progress if simon wouldn’t have been there to hold them up.    ❝ careful! ❞    tobi shouted over your head as vikk spun right into you, making you bump into ethan in return, who flew against harry’s side, making you all drop as a chain reaction. and as you all laid on the dance floor in silence for a second, ethan burst into laughter and as contagious as it was, so did the whole circle after a moment and josh offered you a hand to pull you up, which you thankfully accepted.    ❝ owww… ❞    you heard from the ground and saw harry still laying there, holding his foot tightly.     ❝ harry?are you okay?❞    you asked as you crouched down, cautious enough to check if anyone was dancing behind you again, before looking at him in the blurry lights of the club.     ❝ uh… i think ethan kicked me right in the ankle, fuck’s sake!❞    he exclaimed angrily as he stood up again, standing on the injured foot and flinching as his weight inflicted pain upon the wounded area. you shake your head in disbelief, because as soon as you had begun to enjoy yourself, this just had to happen.    ❝ well, i guess that’s it for dancing then?    you ask, still crouched down and he looks away angrily as simon comes over and raises a brow himself.     ❝ harry mate, you alright?❞         ❝ no, ethan kicked me right in the fucking ankle!    he explained a second time and angrily kicked the air with his good foot as simon also sighed looked over at you, to which you just gave a nod.    ❝ listen, vikk, me and josh were planning on leaving soon anyway… if you want to, we can give you two a ride back to halo. ❞    simon offered as harry held onto his shoulder in order to get his balance back as you stole a glance at him.    ❝ yeah, i guess we’ll kindly take you up on your offer then. ❞   you agreed, before waiting for harry’s agreement, who just mumbled something inaudible, but he didn’t disagree, so you were soon telling everyone goodbye and to be careful on their way home before getting into josh’s car.

since josh, simon and vikk all lived somewhere else, they dropped you and harry off first, waving as they left the underground garage.     ❝ alright, let’s get going. ❞    you tell harry and offer him your shoulder, but he shook his head.     ❝ nah, thanks. my foot’s getting better anyway, i can walk by myself. ❞    he told you and you shrugged, stepping into the elevator besides him, making your way up into the 34th floor, where you quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind you, before turning on the lights on a low level, making dim light fill the room.     ❝ sorry about the thing with ethan… but we can always go at another time again, no? ❞    you asked cautiously, especially since harry seemed to be quite on the edge ever since you started your journey home. although it was kind of understandable that he was pissed, you didn’t really know what to do to make it up to him (even though it wasn’t your fault, you felt a little responsible for also having been a link in the chain). but luckily, an idea came to you. you reached out and grabbed his arm to spin him around and wrapped your arms around his neck, causing him to raise an eyebrow as he slowly responded the gesture and pressed his palms against your waist.      ❝ jesus christ ______, what are you on about? ❞        ❝ i’m dancing with you, silly. ❞    you responded, giggling a little as you took a small step to the side, careful that he could follow up with his bad foot, which he was quick to do as well. he hummed in response, pulling you a little closer, compelling a quickening in your heartbeat the closer he got.     ❝ this is what i would have liked… the club was way too crowded. ❞    he murmured low enough that you barely caught it, but you still did and nodded shyly as you took a step back and pulled him with you.     ❝ so this is fine…     —–     right? ❞    you asked slowly, looking at his face as he returned your stare before resting his chin on your shoulder and whispering back.    ❝ more than fine. this is perfect. ❞
