#lmaooo i love these godry



So@shebsart do you ever wonder what kind of bloggers the Greyjoy would be?

Euron: owns half of the porn bots on Tumblr. Follows Victarion from every one of them, just because.

Victarion: doesn’t know this and follows back.

Asha: has multiple anonymous accounts so she can sneak incognito on people.

Balon: follows all the conspiracies theorists.

Theon: blogs about jewelry (blocked his father).

Aeron: deactivated drunkonoctopusrhum.blog. Currently on howtodrinkseawaterwithoutdying.blog. Has a lot of followers. His followers from the previous blog all wonder where the hell he went.

Theon: blogs about horticulture (blocked howtodrinkseawaterwithoutdying.blog).

Asha: buy me a beer fund.

Balon: hashtag #brexitbalon, #maketheoldwaygreatagain

Aeron: “how a whale swallowed me and retched me up on Tumblr shores”

Euron: mod on Finger Bank DiscordTM

Victarion: blogs about his sea travel & expedition agency. Nobody follows him.

Victarion: buy me a hand fund.

Euron: blogs about his sea travel & expedition agency. Everyone follows him.

Victarion: buy me a hand fund is empty because nobody follows him.

Theon: old archives full of cute DogLife reblogs. Newer ones don’t have any. Reasons unsure.

Asha: post videos of herself juggling with axes.

Asha: write educative posts on her main blog. Latest ones include “Moon Tea or the Pill? Which contraceptive to choose”, “How to get out of the woods”, “Legal advice on getting a divorce in Pyke” and “The do’s and don’ts of bridge safety” (tagged @brexitbalon)

Balon: buy me a brain fund.

Aeron: is gathering proof that the maesters knew all along about the healing properties of seaweed and hid it to keep their monopoly on the medical field.

Euron: banned from Tumblr for 3 years after severely violating their guidelines.
