#lmk if you would go on them too


tot men + spooky dates.

artem wing…

  • …. takes you to a haunted fair! there’s all sorts of supposedly ‘haunted’ goods for sale ― and while he’s not interested in getting either you or him haunted by a spirit, malicious or not, he adores your childlike glee at the items on display and sale.
  • if he knows a myth or a legend about a display you’ve seen, he’ll tell you all about it ― all the while he softly holds your hand, even if you aren’t scared by it. if you’d like to, he’ll take you out to one every halloween.
  • takes you to all the activities there and makes you a cute little air clay pumpkin carving that you can use as a charm.

“for you,” he says as he places a little clay charm in your hands. it so suspiciously looks a lot like you ― but it warms your heart nonetheless.

  • he knows his way around, and takes you to places where you can eat lots of delicious food. gets very flustered if you kiss him, but eventually relaxes and gives in.
  • sneaky kisses while hidden under his cape (he bought it because he thought it’d look cute on you, but it ended up being too big, and had to wear it himself), and he brings you along to the woods when you’re done exploring the fair, to a clearing to watch the night sky. wraps the large and warm cloak around both of you as he pulls you into a hug, placing feather light kisses all along your hands (maybe nipping at them here and there, too).

“what was that?” he teases, when you squeak at his sudden nipping. he looks at you for a moment, and then buries his head in your neck right after. “you’re too cute, you know that? it’s not good for my heart to skip so many beats.”

the both of you sit there flustered and comforted in each other’s presence, until you break the silence with the appearance of a shooting star. quickly making your wishes, you ask him what he wished for, if he did make one.

all he does is smile the softest you’ve ever seen, and knocks his forehead with yours, before finally answering your question.

“for me to always be able to stand alongside you, no matter what happens, and to be allowed to love you till the end of my time.”

marius von hagen…

  • …. much to contrary belief, would like to spend his halloween at home. it’s one of the rare times that he can relax with you, without having to bother about work and his actions constantly being judged.
  • though it doesn’t mean that he’s going to skimp out on the festivities ― he makes a little fair of your own at the von hagen estate, where everyone from his family to the staff are in celebration.

“doesn’t it look good?” he says, chest very much puffed out in pride, as he looks around. the lights hung around shine on his face, giving him a glow ― one that doesn’t allow you to look away.

  • he does steal you away a little while later, throwing a “there’s no need to show off your good looks, i’m enough proof of it!” over his shoulder as he grows pouty by the attention you’ve been giving his family (he knows you were just being polite, but it’s your time to spend together, and he’s not going to let anyone intrude on it).
  • spends the rest of the night together with you as he takes you to all the little things he’s set up (with careful planning) and makes the most obnoxious pumpkin carvings. steals a kiss here and there while you’re distracted and laughs in smug glee at your flustered expressions. pulls you for a dance, and twirls you around until you’re laughing so much that it’s hard to breathe, and finishes it with a lingering kiss to end the night.

“come on, it was just onekiss!” he whines at you, clinging onto your arm. he only pouts harder when you give him a deadpan, and continues to grumble under his breath, throwing his biggest and saddest puppy eyes that he’s able to muster your way.

“maybe give me another one, and i promise won’t bother you for the rest of the time!” he says,and cheers loud enough for the whole mansion to hear when you finally agreeto his demands, and give him a kiss that he nearly doesn’t allow you to escape from.

he, of course, as usual doesn’t keep that promise.

luke pearce…

  • …. takes you to a haunted city tour! he’s always adored them (while being scared, not that he’d admit), finding a mystery for him to solve around every corner, in every nook and cranny. he does make sure that you’re both appropriately 'armed’ ― by that he means two very large squirt guns of holy water.

“just so we don’t get haunted”, he says, smiling at you, like it was necessary to do so and to reassure you (even though it seemed like it was more for him than for you).

  • says he doesn’t believe much in ghosts ― though the squirt guns tell you otherwise. holds your hand tightly during every single thing, squeezing it when something remotely as makes a squeak.
  • he keeps a tight hold on you throughout the duration of the tour, watching out for both you and him. although he wouldn’t admit it, your presence helped relax him a lot, allowing him to loosen up and join in with joking around with the tour guide.
  • when it’s all over, he heaves a big sigh in relief. he managed not to get scared in front of you, and actually, even enjoyed the trip, listening to all the stories and the lore. though when peanut appears out of nowhere from a bush, he gets so startled that he jumps into your arms (well, there goes his plan to keep a brave front).

“hey, let’s get some food from that new place that opened down the stree ― OH MY GOD!” he shrieks mid-sentence, cutting himself off and jumps into your arms as you surprisingly manage to hold his weight.

something rustles in the nearby bushes, slowly coming through… and it turns out to be peanut. he stares at it, before sighing and hiding his face in embarrassment. all you can do is shake your head at him (while stifling your laughter) and squeeze his hand a little more to reassure him.

he does end up getting a lot more cuddles that night, though.

vyn richter…

  • …. being his very mysterious (not really) and secretly extravagant self, takes you out to an actual castle which was said to be haunted by rather friendly spirits, in the country where he asked you to travel with him for vacation.

“it doesn’t look quite ominous as a haunted castle would,” you say, raising an eyebrow at the looming and eerily beautiful structure.

“well, it is said to be haunted by rather friendly apparitions, so i suppose that it is the reason why it looks so, he replies, not once looking away from it.

  • the two of you run amok in the castle, with him somehow having the entire place to yourselves (you think that he owns this place, for some reason, and your intuition tells you that you’re right). he tells you a little something about all the people in the large oil portraits hung along the long hallways as you pass by them.
  • at some point, the two of you get separated from each other ― and you slowly realise that it’s getting colder and colder, shivering in both cold and fright, when you hear footsteps and the door swings open. you sigh in relief when you see that it’s just vyn, and allow him to help you up and dust your clothes even though he says nothing to you, and his hands being cooler than usual.
  • he leads you out to the exit, where you see a large wisteria tree, and gestures at you to wait there. he comes by just a moment later, waving at you, and pulls you into a hug, hands warm all of a sudden, and you sigh at the comfort. however, when you apologize to him about being separated, his reply is what leaves you veryunsettled.

you pull away from him, feeling guilt gnaw at you for probably worrying him so much, and apologize.

“vyn, i’m so sorry that i got separated from you ― i should’ve been paying attention to what we were doing. i’m really sorry for making you worry so much.”

vyn looks at you with a face full of confusion, as he responds.“but you were with me the entire time ― although your hands very quite cold compared to what they are now, and you told me to come here for you, too.”

the uncertainty swirling in his amber eyes turns to fear soon, and sure enough, when the two of you look back at the castle, there’s two translucent figures waving back at you.

you’ve never bolted out of a place so fast in your entire lifetime.

✦ notes; aaaaah i’m so sorry i haven’t posted in so long ― my allergies have been giving me such a hard time lately, and all i’ve been doing is sleep, sleep and well, sleep. you know i had to add something actually haunted to this piece ― hope all of you like this <33

- rine

© 2021 rine @artemstellation. do not plagarize or repost without due permission.
