#loki fan fiction


Part One/Part Two/Part Three/Part Four/Part Five/Part Six/Part Seven/Part Eight/Part Nine

Pairing: Loki x Reader    
Summary: Following the fallout of Steve Roger’s surprise visit, Loki continues to share the Fairy Tale from his book with Reader. Things take a turn when his offhanded comment lands poorly with his one woman audience. 

Loki didn’t know how to answer your question. You had asked him what happens next but he hadn’t planned for what had already transpired; let alone what was to come. He had expected himself to have abandoned you by now. Rescuing you and bringing you to Asgard had been an impulse decision. He’d assumed that once you’d awoken, you’d want to leave with your do-gooder friends or your own brother. Instead, you’d asked to stay. This too had surprised him. No one had ever asked to stay with him before.

When Captain Rogers came for you, he’d thought for sure that would have been where you parted ways. But he’d seen red at the sight of the captain’s territorial display. If anyone was going to take you away, Loki wasn’t going to allow it to be this oaf who clearly didn’t respect you.

What now, indeed. Loki thought to himself. He began to pace behind you. He thought better when he was moving about.

“Where we last left off, the prince had been banished for treason, correct?” He asked aloud.

“Officially.” You recalled. “Unofficially it was because he didn’t kill his brother.”

“Right.” Loki nodded. “The younger prince had been banished from the kingdom by his father. He was ordered to be beyond their borders by nightfall or suffer the consequences. Having little time and even less resources, the prince took to his horse and reached the edge of the kingdom just as the stars were beginning to dot the sky. A vast thick forest separated his former home from the next closest kingdom. It was part of the same forest where he’d hunted his own brother. The prince would be happier when he’d put the entire stretch of land behind him.

He rode for two days before finally reaching the gates of the next kingdom. It was much smaller than his own had been, but the people who lived there were known for being kind to travelers and they asked few questions. It was as good a place as any for the now banished prince to hang his hat.

The prince attempted to blend in. He exchanged pleasantries with the locals and asked if any inns or pubs with vacancies in town. But the shop keeps and merchants who occupied the square recognized the man as a member of royalty, though they couldn’t place exactly from where. So, they directed him to the castle and promised that the King and Queen would see he was taken care of.

At the castle, the prince was shown to the thrown room straight away. Introductions were made and the prince came face to face with the Brutish King and his Earnest wife…”

“Brutish King, Huh?” You looked back at Loki, interrupting his story.

“Yes.” Loki stopped pacing and crossed his arms. “The King was notorious for being a brute who tried to bully others into doing things his way.”

“Right.” You nodded. “Was this King’s name Steven?” You asked.

“The story doesn’t say.” Loki commented, but he didn’t try to hide that you’d seen through his rouse.

“Have you been making this story up as you go alone?” You accused him with a smile. You got to your feet so that you no longer had to look over your shoulder to face him. He cast his eyes away. “Is that why I can’t see the full story in your book, because you haven’t written it yet?” His silence confirmed your suspicions. “So, the Princes are you and Thor, the first King, their father, is Oden and if this King is Steve then the Queen would be…oh.”

“Oh?” Loki raised his eyebrows and looked back at you.

“Earlier when I asked you about the ending you said the prince moves to a new kingdom where he meets a princess, I’m guessing you’ve changed it to a queen, and they live happily ever after.” You told him.

“You fancy yourself a Queen?” Loki asked. He was attempting to intimidate you. You’d exposed a vulnerability in him that he hadn’t planned on sharing so soon. “It’s just a story, [Y/N].” He decided to wave your accusation off.

“A story with some pretty real-life inspiration. Two brothers, one banished for not meeting his father’s absurd expectations. An older brother who turns into a monster and an older brother character that receives all the fame and glory from their kingdom, while the younger brother worked just as hard in his shadow.” You said.

“It’s all just a story, nothing more.” He insisted. “And as I’ve said before, I stand in no one’s shadow.”

“Loki, it is okay to be honest with me. Not every person you meet is going to weaponize your feelings.” You stepped towards him and tried to hold Loki in your arms. He stepped away from you.

“Yes and not everyone is as broken and weak as you are.” He snapped. You didn’t know how to respond to that. After the fight you’d had with Steve and this conversation escalating, it was too much at once. You forgot about your injuries and how much pain you had been in. All you could think of what wanting to get away from Loki as soon and as fast as possible.

You ran away from the clearing, powered by your own anger and adrenaline. You ran through the royal family’s private garden until you reached the cobblestones of the main courtyard. You continued running as fast as you could. You didn’t know if you were looking for Thor or Bruce but you’d happily take either one of them at this point.

You’d been so determined to put distance between yourself and Loki that you weren’t paying attention to where you were stepping. You tripped on a loose cobblestone. You heard the snap before you felt it. You didn’t need to look down to know you’d broken your ankle. The pain was enough.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” A familiar voice said, before you felt the blackness take hold of you.

