#loki series theories


The ship from the new loki trailer… Apparently could teleport through time and different dimensions…

Screen grab from the latest teaser on Marvels Instagram.

Sorry for the awful quality, but this has to be Bermuda triangle related right?

The shipwreck in the foreground is one of the many that have gone missing and I thing there’s a spaceship in the background which fits with some of the theories surrounding the triangle. The blue green shapes in the back might also be the sea of waves?

Maybe this is another TVA blind spot, like the apocalypses, where the loki variants can hide?

Anyone else think that maybe the time keepers don’t exist? I’m getting Wizard of Oz vibes from them…

It’s kind of suspect that only Renslayer seems to have met them, but there’s a chance she’s lying. I’m assuming that the pen she uses in the second episode hints that’s not actually from the TVA but is a Variant who worked her way through the ranks. Considering how the TVA views variants as ‘cosmic mistakes’, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to believe she needs to keep this a secret to avoid being pruned. Therefore, blackmailing her to lie about the time keepers wouldn’t be very hard.

The time keepers being fictious could also explain C-20’s reaction when she’s found by Mobius. By saying 'it’s real’ over and over, she could be trying to convince herself that the hierarchy she’s always believed in is real despite finding out it isn’t. The fugitive loki knows that the time keepers are not real and uses this to torture c-20 until she reveals their supposed location. Perhaps there the truth behind the TVA will be revealed. This could also explain why the fugitive scoffed at our Loki’s idea of over throwing the time keepers since she knows that they don’t exist.

I think that the time keepers will turn out to be just figureheads of authority that exist just to inspire the TVA to keep working and to convince them they are fulfilling a noble purpose. It would fit in with the themes of lies and betrayal we’ve already seen touched upon and the idea that nothing is ever wholly good nor bad.

What do you guys think?
