#lol in the notes again



In the months following the Russians being found underneath Starcourt Mall, Steve Harrington goes back to carrying the nail bat in the trunk of his car. For a little while, it had lived at the back of his closet amidst buried athletics trophies that now feel hollow and meaningless. For a little while, Hawkins had felt safe…but not anymore.

On the days Steve works, and even on the days he doesn’t, he drives by the Henderson’s house to make sure everything looks normal. Some days, when the ball of fear in his throat can’t be swallowed, he pulls into the driveway and knocks on the door. It’s always a relief when Claudia Henderson greets him with her smiling face and the smell of roast in the oven.

Sometimes he’ll drive Dustin to or from the arcade, even it means being fifteen minutes late to his shift at the video store (he’s not sure how, but Robin even managed to have him named employee of the month).

Because, honestly? Since the bruises and black eye have healed, Steve doesn’t remember much about being imprisoned, but he does remember Dustin’s name falling carelessly from his loose lips into the ears of very dangerous people. And even though he knows it’s not his fault, he’s worried that one day that mistake is going to cost him.
