#lol this post





Chapter 4: Send My Regards to Hell

“I’ve spent half my life around wannabe Death Eaters. So if you think I’m going to fall for your damned lies, whatever they are, you’re sorely mistaken. I don’t believe you’ve changed. I don’t believe you’re working for us now. I know your type. You’ll go straight back to Voldy and tell him everything you know, you traitor,” Sirius said.

“Sirius,” Remus warned.

“Send my regards to hell,” Sirius sneered, bending down to where James sat, still restrained.

“I’ll tell Reggie you said hello, shall I?” he shot back.

What the fuck, James? What the actual fuck was wrong with him?

Sirius’ face turned white.

Continue on ao3

Listen, Dumbledore is awful in general, but fuck this version in particular.
