#lola faumuina

Managed to play a bit today, streaming a bit of Lola’s Life for the Sims of History discord crowd! I

Managed to play a bit today, streaming a bit of Lola’s Life for the Sims of History discord crowd! I will update her story tomorrow (probably… !), but I had to let off some steam first.

Despite living on the water, it took this long for Lola to finally meet a dolphin.

[Related-unrelated footnote: I am thinking of making streaming a semi regular thing on Twitch, but in order to do this I need a couple of people to moderate the channel for me while I stream. It wouldn’t be super demanding as I don’t think I would do it more than once a week, but if anyone would be interested in volunteering as a Twitch mod I’d love to hear from you. ]

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