#long cock

One is not enough. It has never been enough, but only now are we comfortable enough to welcome other

One is not enough. It has never been enough, but only now are we comfortable enough to welcome others. Happy feeding, slut.


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The first thing every girl would do if they had a big cock.

The first thing every girl would do if they had a big cock.

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long cock

Here is the Lovely Eliza Jane sucking on Mandingos 12" Monster Black Cock before takes it deep inside her pussy.

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hungdudes:Snack Attack!!!hungdudes:Snack Attack!!!


Snack Attack!!!


Snack Attack!!!

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#long cock    #monster penis    #gay dick    
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A fun type to find known as “The pencil type”

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A fun type to find known as “The pencil type”

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Norah clicked aimlessly at the image board, no news, no messages, no new images. This site was usually her one stop shop to find pics of sexy ladies with large horsecocks, but today it was dead. She sighed with boredom “There’s got to be somewhere I can find a girl with a damn dick that I haven’t seen.” She got up from her desk, horny but not satisfied in the least. Norah took of her teeshirt and shorts, throwing them into the pile of laundry she had yet to do, and laid on her bed. Her wavy brown hair spilled out over the soft pink comforter as she pulled her panties off and got under the covers. She may have exhausted the internet’s supply of horse futas, but she had one stallion that never let her down.

She reached over and opened her nightstand, pulling out her trusty friend. A 16 inch rubber beast made of shiny black latex. She ran her hand over it’s flared head and down the long shaft to it’s medial ring, cupping its huge balls with the other ‘I wish this bad boy was real, It must be so awesome to have a cock’ A flashing red message on her computer caught her eye and she groaned “You gotta be kidding me!” She got out of bed and walked to her desk, carrying her beastly rubber shaft with her. Sitting in her chair she clicked her message. It was a note from Sukubust666

Hey there StallionGirl, find any good cock of late?

Norah laughed “Just what I need some little boy trying to offer me a good time.” She typed a
quick message. Hey Sukubust, nah I can’t seem to find any lady’s packin’ enough for me, so I’m gonna have to go more direct today

Sounds like fun, u got toys?

Lol yeah I got quite the beast here, not as good as the real deal though…

Bet you wish it was real.

OMG yes -_- I wish I had a cock just like this one!

Norah’s eyes went blurry for a moment and she felt as if she was spinning. A red light was coming from her monitor and the room was engulfed in a crimson glow. After a few seconds of blinking the room came back into focus and she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw a girl sitting on her bed, short black hair in a faux hawk, piercings, tattoos, and a red corset made her quite the unexpected sight.

“What the fuck! Who the hell are you!” She yelled trying to cover her nudity with one hand while waving her horsecock like a sword. The dark haired stranger grinned at the word hell with a come hither smile.

“Who me? We were just talking and you asked me to come over.”

“I wasn’t talking to anyone, I was just chatting on a message board with…”

“That’s right, it’s me, Sukubust666, but you can call me Adelayne.”

“Look.. Adelayne, I don’t know how you got in here but-”

“Norah, please, let’s calm down and have a nice chat shall we?”

“How.. how did you know my name?”

“Isn’t it obvious? The name, the red light, magically appearing out of nowhere? Fine, I’ll give you a look behind the mask..” The strange red light bathed the room again, and Norah fell back into her chair as she saw the other girls true form. Goat like horns protruded from the red skin of her forehead, and a row of sharp teeth flashed a confident smile. The tattoos on her body seemed to occasionally shift, almost swirling with the girls mood, and her fiery eyes burned with lust. Her feet ended in cloven hooves, and a spade tipped tail curled around them seductively.

“Your.. A.. A”

“Demon? Yes that’s right my Norah, I’m Adelayne the Succubus, and I’ve come here to give you a gift.”

“A gift?” Norah asked skeptically “Why do you want to give me a gift!?”

“I like you my little Norah, I like watching you pleasure yourself to the though of a giant horse dick hanging between your legs, I like to watch you imagine bending girls over and furiously

pounding them with your beast.”

“I… Well, so what if I do that..What does that matter anyway?”

“That’s where I come in. You made a wish.”

“A wish?”

“Use your brain Norah.” She said with a mocking tone “I wish I had a cock just like this one” She said using Norah’s voice. “So I decided to grant your wish!”

“Are you… Your serious?” Norah asked, looking unsure.

“Damn straight I am little Norah, now lets get right to the business.” She pointed a clawed hand at Norah and said a strange series of phrases.

Norah felt a burning sensation that stung like fire and she nearly screamed. “Oh, yeah I forgot to mention this will hurt a bit.” Adelayne giggled, enjoying watching the girl writhe on the floor.

Norah gasped in a breath of air as the pain began to lesson “Holy… Fuck… What the hell was that for!?” She shouted at the demon. Norah began to climb to her feet when she felt something strange, a heavy weight hanging from her. She looked down and saw the flared head of her shiny black latex horsecock looking back at her. The 16 inch shaft was pointing straight out from her crotch with a slight upwards curve, and its hefty balls hung in a tight sack beneath it.

“What.. What did you do to me?” She asked in horror.

“Don’t just stare at it Norah, give it a feel!”

Norah’s hand moved onto the shaft against her will and began to pump up and down. Norah gasped as she felt the sensation of masturbating with her new cock for the first time. Biting her lip, she started to pump on her own accord and closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of her hard black equine endowment.

“That feels good don’t it Norah?” Norah murmured in agreement, lubing her shaft with her thick pre until the ebony rubber glistened. She felt an ache deep within her balls, dense with thick cum and ready to burst with need.

“Looks like you could use a hand there little Norah, mind if I give it a taste?” she said in a dark and sultry voice, quickly closing the distance between them and pulling Norah to the bed.

“Time to give this bad boy a test run don’t you think?” Adelayne said with a flick of her forked tongue.

Norah silently watched as the demoness crawled up her legs, and positioned her face inches from the large flared head of her massive dick.

The Succubus’ long forked tongue snaked out from her cherry lips, and curled around Norah’s rubbery shaft. She inhaled sharply, surprised by how hot the demon’s tongue was, but it didn’t burn her, it actually felt wonderful. Adelayne let her soft lips slip over the tip of Norah’s head, toying with the girl’s ebony member before taking the flared head into her mouth for just a moment. The heat of the demoness was too much, and Norah’s senses were set on fire from the demon’s touch, a burning hot lust that left her aching for more. She shot the demon a look of desperation and the Succubus laughed before taking the ebony cock deep into her mouth.

Norah moaned loudly, a throaty and lewd bellow of bestial need. She watched through fluttering eyes as the demon bobbed up and down on her thick black cock. The slurping sound of her expert efforts mixed with Norah’s groans of ecstasy as she tugged at the girls stiff rubbery balls.

Adelayne gave Norah a few moments of earth shaking bliss before letting the cock pop out of her mouth, a mix of spit and pre drooling down her face. She pushed Norah flat onto the bed, and mounted her, forcing her arms down and giving her a sloppy latex flavored kiss. “Time to fuck me like the animal you truly are..”

Norah didn’t need to be told twice, and she eagerly guided her shinning stallion to the demon’s hot drooling cunt. She pressed her manhood against the dark red folds of her pussy, sliding the flared head up and down. The slick rubber easily slipped into the demon’s gaping hole, and Norah cried out as she brought the demon all the way to her medial ring. The demons tight velvety walls squeezed her unrelenting cockflesh as she pumped into the succubus. “Oh fuck yeah! That’s the spot Norah! Ohhhh.. oh yes!” The demon was being bounced up and down, the force of Norah’s thrusts lifting her off the bed as she rode her toy pony. “I.. Forgot… How much… I love.. Riding a… Horsecock!” Adelayne said between wild thrusts.

Norah was hardly an expert at keeping the best rhythm with her new rubber endowments, but the painfully stiff cock kept her unbearably close to orgasm, and she rammed her demonic lover’s hot dripping pussy. Adelayne motioned for Norah to stop, then turned around with Norah’s dick still buried inside her. The twisting suction on her cock made Norah moan, the demon laughed at the girl, and gave her balls a tight squeeze before settling into a reverse cowgirl position. Adelayne spread her cloven hooves as far as they would reach and instructed Norah to give it to her good, at the same time she dropped her weight down, her plump ass hitting Norah’s pelvis with force. Norah bottomed out, sixteen inches of her horsecock fit snugly in the searing hot tunnel of her lover’s sex. Adelayne rocked her hips against the cock as it penetrated deep within her.

It was too much to bear, the feeling of her stiff black member encased in the hot folds of the demon, and Adelayne’s hands playing with Norah’s stiff balls. She pumped even faster now, heavy violent thrusts, as the demon lifted her ass a little each time to allow as much to slip out of her as possible before slamming back down. All she wanted to do was cum, the sex was amazing, better than she had even dreamed, but this pent up feeling, the need to fill the demon with her cum, left her latex balls throbbing. Adelayne’s wall massaged at her thick horsemeat, a suction like massage that was trying to milk her for all she had, and Norah was only too happy to oblige. She barely had time to warn the demon as she suddenly got into just the right motion, the feelings of red hot pleasure overwhelmed her. Her balls churned and she felt her heavy load stretch the rubber material as she sent a torrent of cum into the demon. Both the girls bucked wildly, Adelayne’s belly looked slightly bloated as she became filled to capacity, and Norah felt like she could no longer control her body.

“Mmmmm, that’s just what I needed my Norah, A nice little fuck before lunch.”

Norah was barely conscious, drained in multiple ways. “That… that was, amazing!” Norah panted, exhausted from the effort of her first male orgasm.

“You weren’t too bad yourself my Norah, It’s been a while since I got to ride someone that big.” Adelayne grinned, rubbing her belly as the feeling of being filled with horse cum left her drowsy. They both sat there for a silent moment, enjoying the post sex glow until Adelayne got up from the bed and walked toward the bedroom door.

Norah slid her feet off the edge of the bed, readying to stand and follow the Succubus, when she noticed her long hard shaft leading the way, and her heavy balls resting on her thighs, still almost painfully stiff. “W-what? We.. We just had sex, why am I still so damn hard?!”

“Come now Norah, remember the wish, you wanted a cock just like your toy, and that beasts made of latex, which means he’s always stiff. Have you ever seen a flaccid sex toy?” Norah tried to speak but was cutoff by the demon “Nope, and that’s why your always hard, hard and filled with cum, ready to fuck! Just like a little futa horse slut should be.” She giggled, enjoying Norah’s predicament. “I gotta run.” She said cheerfully as she disappeared around the corner, the demon quickly exited the building and she heard Adelayne yelling “Send me a message sometime!” through the open window as she crossed the lawn, and disappeared.

The demon had left Norah stunned. She sat on her bed, staring down at the 16 inches of waiting latex stallion, still begging for her attention, and she knew she would never be able to fully satisfy the ache in her heavy rubber balls…
