#look at luka













NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?

thank you for the tag @https-stay

tagging: anyone who wants to play along!

Thank you for the tag @somebodysstupidwifeand@l-tora-l

(I feel myself getting cancelled over liking Type O Negative ☠️)

But yeah I guess it fits together perfectly





thank you for tagging ! @haitanihybrid


tagging : @hakkais-hoe@yeosatinyngz@hajimeiwaswife + anyone else who want to join !

Thank you for the tag @wakasagurl<3

Uhh Please no, the fricking title. I hate love triangles

Tagging:@kyleikie@severellamahottub@keifairie@moodyclouds89@mellomanjiro@soushswag + anyone who wants to do it

the end? of what?


Thanks for the tag, dear <3

The irony


Thanks for the tag, Gabby~

DAMN- Who’s the Master and who’s the Servant here, Jade?

Tagging:@nanamisflowerfield@amarella-chai@eirlysian@unknown-aisling@simplygaile@crunchy-princeles@dormhouse (feel free to ignore!)

Thanks for tagging me!!

(Never had I thought that it was him… But I really like the chibi version of him and the song by E ve is so great!)

Tagging:@honeyuuyuu@l-uvleona@dreamkidddream@moonstruck-writing@yuunemi@cupids-chamber@idiasbodypillow@ferny-bread@hanafubukki@dexpairs-blog and everybody who wants to do this :3

Thanks for tagging me @nanamisflowerfield this was fun

Well, a film with Yakumo, and the title being “chaotic”… I never would’ve expected it!

Tagging:@kissmetwicekissmedeadly@tiny-wooden-robot@angrypaperearthquake@ajisaihana@lost-khione@randowwriter@thechavanator and anyone else who wants to do this!

Ok this is some damn perfect timing bc i was just listening to my marius playlist when this song came up recommended im super sold for this idea its gonna be the movie of the year yall

Thanks for the tag Luna!! Tagging (no pressure): @devonares@aquagirl1978@chaosangel767@hqissodelicate@queen-dahlia@themysticalbeing@namine-somebodies-nobody@ikemenlibrary

Thanks for the Tag @kissmetwicekissmedeadly

Magical…. beautiful…. perfection

Tagging:@aquagirl1978,@thewitchofbooks,@atelier-maroron -anyone else who want to play

Secret Moments -Luka x Reader

A fic that was made from the anticipation for his route… 5 minutes to go

Secret Moments 

Fandom: Ikerev

Pairing: Luka x Reader

Prompts: “I’ll protect you forever” & “You being with me, that alone is enough” 

Type: NSFW

WC:  798 

Warning: soft smut 

Tagging:@thewitchofbooks,@queen-dahlia,@sarahann-1984,@rhodolitesroseforclavis,@kpop-and-otome,@ikesimp100,@mojamika,@psychoangelinmydreams,@devildomwritersposts,@kissmetwicekissmedeadly,@canaria-blackwell,@ikehoe,@citizensofcradle,@littlewitty,@aquagirl1978, @tele86 - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.

You watched entranced as your fiance spins on the ice, skating under the moonlight. The light catches his skates, glinting at you and you approach closer, not realizing you have been spotted. 

“MC-” Luka stops his skating and moves towards you. 

    “Oh, Luka” You startle at his voice and he moves to his stuff, pulling out a second pair of skates. 

    “Would you like to join me” His voice is gentle as he hands you a second pair of skates and you nod hesitantly. 

    “I’ve never skated before-” you start and Luka gives you a reassuring smile. 

    “I won’t let you fall” Helping you into the skates, he keeps his promise. You grow accustomed to the way his back warms you, his hands always holding yours. The moonlight is the only one who bears witness to the kisses the two of you swear. Slowly skating becomes a hobby you share, just like cooking, but one that benefits only you. After the rest of headquarters goes to bed, the two of you sneak off to the frozen lake to skate, secret moments hidden away from the forever teasing officers.


Cold air pulls you from your sleep and you sit up groggily. Looking around the dark room you realize  you are alone, and you can’t help the disappointed sigh.

 "Luka" you softly whisper his name, missing his presence.   Luka has been gone for weeks, missing the first snow of the year and the lake freezing over. Missing his touch, you slip out of your night clothes and into a warm dress, wanting to feel the ice under your skates again.

Stepping onto the ice is still one of the most magical feelings, even after a few years of doing it. The night is still, only the sound of your skates on ice and the rush of your heartbeat around you. 

Almost missing the flash of silver in the edge of the lake, you turn as a second pair of skates sounds behind you. 

The figure approaches and your mind blanks out, completely forgetting how to register who was in front of you. 

“LUKA!” After clicking, you skate forward, jumping into his arms. His chuckles are music to your ears as you spin in the ice, your lips finally connecting in a kiss. 

“I’ve missed you so much” burying your face in his neck as soon at the kiss breaks, you hold him close. 

“I'm  back, we got everything taken care of” He reassures and you pull him closer. His scent calms you down as he gently skates, guiding both of you around the lake. 

“Everything is okay, open your eyes” he soothes and shaking your head you squeeze his fingers, kissing his cheek

“If I open my eyes you may disappear” you pit and laughter rings out from your fiance. 

“I promise I will be right here” he murmurs and you finally open your eyes. 

“Hey” he murmurs and you smile shyly, a blush forming on your cheeks as you meet the amber gold eyes. The two of them stop in the middle of the lake as you kiss him again, your hand trailing his hair. 

“I forgot how pretty your natural hair is” you softly murmur, watching his faded roots fall through your fingers. The minty silver catches the moonlight and a blush graces Luka’s cheeks. 

The next few minutes pass in a flurry of kisses, promises and a hasty exit from the lake and back to headquarters.

“I’ll protect you forever” his promise sealed by a kiss as he lowers you back onto the sheets. Your clothing haven been forgotten at the edge of the bed,a soft sigh escapes between the kisses. Fingers glide down your arms to tangle with  your hands. His side of the bed is no longer empty  and you shut your eyes as his lips catch your nipple, a breathy moan falling from your lips. Tongue lavishing the bud has your eyes  opening, meeting the desire filled amber ones.

He takes his time with you, loving every inch of skin, making sure you understand how much he's  missed you, how he's  hated being away from  you. His tongue and fingers have your nerves alight, making sure only one name falls from your lips.  A fire rolls through your body from your core, making sure you are consumed in pleasure, in the heat. These times after he's  been gone, the feeling of him back by your side triumphs all others. 

Falling sweatily by your side, Luka presses one last kiss to your forehead, his legs entangling naturally with yours.  Resting your head on his chest, you listen to his heartbeat, strong and sure. The last words you hear bring peace to your soul, the best promise. 

 “You being with me, that alone is enough”
