#looking forward to the weekend


I finally got Legal Lolita to go with me to a play event! We’re going on Friday and there will be music and booze and dancing and playing. I might even dance, if I get the right combination of it either alcohol or pain. Or, you know, if someone tells me to in that voice. Boy Genius had said he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to tie me at this event, and I told him today that I’d love for him tie me, but I definitely didn’t expect it , so no worries if he was too busy or tired or anything. He responded, “No, let’s do rope at [event]!” I made the cutest happy noises when I read that. Being tied up: one of the few things I’m useful for.

Then on Saturday I have a date with Crayola. They already outlined the beginning of the evening while I was at work, and it left me half moaning. They’re very orgasm focused, or so they say, and my owner said they can count as a man, dependent on my judgment. The situation is just a bit too “asinine"for him to bother with a rule. I’m not surprised at that reaction. In fact, I expected it. Of course if I don’t feel like I’m getting permission from a man to cum, I won’t cum. That doesn’t mean that I can’t cum over and over and over again to please a man.

It’s gonna be a great weekend! Concert tonight with a friend from undergrad, having my holes used hard* by Legolas while getting degraded on an individual level and as a woman on Saturday, getting brunch with Buzz and then going back to his place to get hurt (and maybe Lioness will be there, too), and then having dinner with a friend from high school/undergrad.

I’m gonna be wrecked by the end. I hope.

*Last time I got fucked by him, he fucked my ass and my cunt super hard, after they hadn’t really had anything in them for about two weeks. My ass bled a little bit when I got home, and my cunt was bleeding lightly for half of the next day. 
