






My birthday gift (early).

I will proceed to be INCREDIBLY normal about this


some stuff i’ve learned by skimming through this book:

  • So there are MULTIPLE bryozoan species whose colonies can move. In fact, the ability to crawl around has independently evolved TWICE. There are little disc shaped groups of Guys that can just? move around??? on the sea floor??? because some of them have decided “okay, we’ll be the legs” and the others send them food and everything???? and there’s pictures of them in an aquarium and one colony is crawling on top of the other one hpbibghgfdfvklk????
  • there are “bryoliths” which are bryozoan colonies that envelop sediments and then just roll around on the sea floor like pebbles. alive pebbles.
  • there is an “amphibious” species that grows on mangrove leaves
  • some of them are symbionts with hermit crabs! some with nautiluses! If there is a Surface and it is Wet, there will be bryozoans on it sooner or later.
  • sometimes when two bryozoan colonies are competing for space, they will just. MERGE and new zooids budded at the site of the merge are genetic chimeras of the two colonies. This is fine
  • We Still Do Not Know how they cause different types of zooids to form. Like, how do they decide if new Guys are going to be feeding zooids or they’re going to have Weapons or what. We assume they can just selectively turn their genes on and off (as one does) but how.
  • their nervous systems are all connected, so they basically share a brain???? they can respond to stimuli and stuff??? and if they move around it seems that they are deciding to move??? i’m still??? a little freaked out by how much the Guys might Know

I need to show y'all some of the photos because these things can be FREAKY looking. Seriously they look so alien.I’m obsessed

The freshwater genus Hislopia can reproduce by just…breaking off some guys, and they swim for a while before settling down and cloning themselves to make a new colony. What

fences, spirals, and whatever the hell that last one is doing on that crinoid stem

Here are the crawly guys

Team work makes the dream work

Oh my god oh my god I’ve never seen what those walking ones actually look like walking I had no idea they lifted up on little legs I NEED THEM
