
There is a place in the heart where everything meets. Go there if you want to find me. Mind, sense,

There is a place in the heart where everything meets.
Go there if you want to find me.
Mind, sense, soul, eternity,  are all there.
Are you there?
Enter the welcoming vastness of the heart.
Give yourself to it with total abandon.
Quiet ecstasy is there - and a steady regal sense of resting in a perfect spot.
Once you know the way, the nature of attention will call you to return again, and again.  And be saturated with knowing,
“I belong here, I am at home here.”
~ A Place in the Heart, The Radiance Sutras

#radiancesutras #lorinroche #nubodyandmind #vijnanabhairavatantra #yoga #meditation

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