#lotr watch party


Oh they’re committed to “Denethor is dumb and evil,” huh

It was a mistake to have reread lotr so close to watching it for the first time. Gandalf’s giving a speech and all I can think is, That’s Faramir’s speech! Faramir said that to Frodo!!! Wow! They changed it! Faramir said it in the book and now Gandalf’s saying it!!!!

I was raised Catholic, which is the same brand of Christian as Tolkien. And may I just say, designing Gondor’s throne room to look like a cathedral with statues of ancestors in place of saints is…well, it sure is A Choice.

My favorite lotr character is the rohirrim that Merry and Aragorn both rudely push past on the staircase so they can stare wistfully out at Pippin riding away. He must be the patron saint of patience to put up with the likes of them.

Hearing Treebeard call Gandalf, an actual maia older than middle earth, “young master Gandalf” has added 15 years to my life.

I’ve finished the Two Towers!

Concluding thoughts: my god, but I’m so invested in these movies. They have flaws. They have such flaws. But there’s so much they do right. The backgrounds, most of the acting, costuming, sets, there’s so so much here that’s good.

I think Tolkien would hate the battle scenes. The comedy beats are wildly inappropriate. War isn’t supposed to be cool. And I don’t think he’d appreciate the shield surfing, specifically.

Also they really did fake that Arwen’s gonna sail. Please. We all know it won’t happen, all you’re doing is wasting our time. I liked seeing her again, I just wish it’d been spent on something more productive.

Eowyn is amazing. Frodo and Sam are amazing.

The ents strike me as too small? I mean, you see Treebeard next to actual trees, he looks like a child. I’m assuming that’s due to technical considerations of some kind.

I’ve now seen the iconic Aragorn-doors scene. I felt nothing. I’m not attracted to the actor though, so I’m assuming it’s spectacular if you are.

I think that’s it. Really really cool movie. I’m having fun. ☺️

If y'all are wondering why I take so long to watch these movies, tonight’s been a good night for wifi and it’s still taken me an hour and a half to watch half an hour of movie. Earlier I spent two hours on five bloody minutes. I have data on my phone, that’s how I post to Tumblr, but the internet on this TV is so. Sobad.

The more Frodo endures the more goth he becomes.
