#lotte jansson

if you search long enough you find the most interesting things on the internet…Vanessa learne

if you search long enough you find the most interesting things on the internet…

Vanessa learned that from Jeremy Clarkson! 

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Yeah completed the trio… now to wait for Diana and to get that gun off Akko before she hurts

Yeah completed the trio… now to wait for Diana and to get that gun off Akko before she hurts someone. Mainly me!

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➥ ❝ Akko, Sucy & Lotte ❞

➥ Little Witch Academia

 Lotte Jansson from Little Witch Academia is a Magical Girl!  Lotte Jansson from Little Witch Academia is a Magical Girl!

Lotte Jansson from Little Witch Academia is a Magical Girl!

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Little Witch Academia episode 16 (2017)Little Witch Academia episode 16 (2017)Little Witch Academia episode 16 (2017)Little Witch Academia episode 16 (2017)

Little Witch Academia episode 16 (2017)

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