#louise cornish


Alphabetical Reasons to Love Lewis: Day 3, orThe many foils of Robbie Lewis, part 1.

Who is Louise Cornish gonna call when her husband is acting strange and it don’t look good?  Ghostbus… oh wait, no, Robbie Lewis. Reliable Robbie has tea and listens to a wife’s concerns about her wayward husband- a former colleague of Robbie’s.  He leaves a rambling voice message for Nick Cornish, then drops some change in front of a busker on the bridge.  That’s our sentimental Robbie, not wanting to admit that sometimes people change for the worse.  He didn’t give up on Nick Cornish just as he never gave up on Morse- until it became clear that Cornish was running a meth lab in Croatia.   Nick Cornish’s line about Robbie Lewis and the Ladybird Book of policing reminds us that some people might mistake Robbie’s stability and decency for naïveté.   But Robbie is an anchor for everyone in his life, and he has his eyes wide open. Robbie had thought that he and Nick were cut from the same cloth, but by the end of Ramblin’ Boy, he sees a bit of himself in Louise instead.  Her lament that she will never love again resonates with him.  But Robbie realizes that he too has changed, and he goes off to find Dr. Hobson. Cue the swans!
