#love that reclaimed tag too lol



Some rough concept sketch for the new characters. Nothing is final. Mostly testing out colors, outfits and such.

Okay so first, I had to re-familiarize myself with Emperor Awesome and I forgot how much I liked him, his voice sounds hot to me lol. (So the fish man thing was before Hody… interesting…) He likes to party and get chicks so I thought okay, so he goes to Earth, parties, and knocks up a chick and then it’s the kid and the mom together. Then I was like… I feel like I do that a lot, the whole mom/son relationship so I thought I’ll switch it up by a fun son/dad relationship where the mom kinda just drops the kid off and now Awesome has this random lil guy to take care of. Speaking of which, I’m leaning on the name Guy for him cause I feel like that’s definitely what he’ll would call him. “Who the hell is this guy? How am I supposed to party hard now?” Or something like that. Or some other silly name like Bodacious or Duke Awesome. Design wise, I’m really digging a 90’s vaperwave surfer bro vibe for him. Bright saturated colors to match his dad. For his transformation thing, I’m leaning towards something like this:

Like his arms turn into beefy orca arms so he has super strength and he can give himself gills and whatever. He has a full orca beast form but for whatever reason he can’t go into often.

Next for the girl. Obsessed with y2k vibes on this one and I think green is the color I work with the least with designs so she is kinda refreshing. She walks around with a retro custom laptop and one of those new touchscreen flip phones with charms hanging off. She’s cool. The parents come the idea of combining Abby and Priya from turning red. And the idea of best friends dating their partners best friend cause of AJ and Mee Mee, I thought that would be cute. For her personality, I’m thinking she’s not as chatty as Gigi and she’s like the cool collective popular girl, who’s lowkey a techie. If Gigi is star and voice of the gossip blogs she runs, Meesha (placeholder name for now) is like a moderator in the background, who will find your information in seconds if you even think about talking trash about their favorite boy band member. Again inspired by Turning Red, it’s like weaponized female adolescent. Like what is the typical 00’s omg let’s go to the mall teenage girl could ruin your life.

Alright, so final designs and descriptions coming eventually, I might loop back to the Calypso kids so I don’t forget all the ideas I had for them.
