#love that they decided to announce it together



S : After 10 years, when we reach 40, one of us must have children already right? 

A: But you know, in the past, like way back, all of us were saying, “When we have children in the future, let’s make them into Arashi Juniors!” 

S: It’s gonna be fun, if we all come to a place like this with our families, and then someone… well let’s say Aiba-kun cooks, and then Nino’s kid comes and says, “This tastes bad!” 

A: haha it seems like something they’d say 

S: If it’s my son, he might be noisy about the travel time and cleaning up. 

A: Yeah, the ones making all the travel arrangements will probably be Sho-chan’s family. 

A: Who would it be? (Get married first) Who do you think it’d be? 

S: I have no idea.

A: I can’t imagine it being any of us. 

S: I think it could be Matsujun, surprisingly. 

S: But we’ve never talked about it right? 

A: No we haven’t. 

S: We’ve never said to each other, “If you’re going to get married, tell us first” 

A: We’ve never even talked about whether we wanted to get married. 

S: What would you do? If you decided that you were going to get married, how would you tell the other members? 

A: Well, directly, just like that, is fine right? Not through the phone or through text, just… on that day, after we finish work, I say, “Hey can I talk to you for second?”, and then… “I’m going to get married!” 

S: That surprised me! It was like doing a simulation. The shirasu was about to come out of my nose. 
