#love this cutie albyyyyy



a/n: It’s one thing to read about famous historical figures and about the lives they led. Living with them, though, has shown you new sides to them that no history book could ever do justice, starting with Vincent.

[Characters]: You, Vincent

[Word count]: ~800 words

[Tags]: established relationship, suitor habits, fluff, humor


Your beloved Vincent loved the outdoors, and he loved taking you out on long walks in an open field, by the cliffside, or through the forest around the mansion. One thing your outings had in common is that it was always easy for you to find each other. Walking hand-in-hand was a must, and if you were feeling particularly affectionate, he would be more than happy to link your arm in his.

However, that wasn’t the case when the two of you went to run errands in town together.

“Vincent?” You called out when you emerged from the grocery store.

You turned your head in every direction, squinting at every blond pedestrian on the street. You walked to the park, where the two of you split up to your destinations. You called out for him again, raising your voice a notch above the ruckus of the general public. You moved with the crowd in search. The sun was setting, and it would get much harder to find each other as more time passed.

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Omw Vincent freaken ripppp to mc Vincent is such a cutie even if he be absent minded at times ❤️♥️
