#love this scene



When you’re home alone and you hear a noise.



its actually really well tenderised. you could be a chef. probably could. maybe i will. i can do anything. id come to your restaurant. well you might not get in. its going to be very popular. youd save me a seat wouldnt you. maybe. if you werent being a dick. what night do you wanna come. saturday night. thats a busy night. ill come on the monday. okay. i can probably get you in. its called blackbeards bar and grill. and other delicacies. and delights. and fishing equipment. yeah but who wants to go to dinner and walk past all this fishing gear you can buy. maybe a gift shop out the back. then you could say oh i hope you enjoyed your meal have you seen the gift shop. what would they say. oh no thanks ive just come for a nice meal. thats aw now theyre angry. no! theyre gonna leave a bad review. another guy from the other side of the room might go oh im into gifts! ill go and have a look! oh yeah well thats the guy im after i want him to come. whos he. thats me. awwwghh


hey I don’t wanna make any assumptions but I think maybe this guy has lost his mind
