#love your take on quinn




I present: Quinn/Eliot (with ambiguous background ot3), except Quinn is a vampire and so was Moreau. 2.4k.

Involves: minor violence; slight kinkiness of the kind you might expect; no sex stuff beyond kissing; implications of past abuse. Also, potentially, ace vibes. Expect gentleness and absolutely no plot.

It’s quietly known in certain circles, and suspected in many more, that Damien Moreau is a vampire. It’s not the kind of thing people talk about, but the signs are all there: his skin always cool when you shake his hand; his charisma bordering on hypnosis when he’s dealing with enemies and subordinates; the way he favours dark glasses and doesn’t spend much time in the sun. (Sensitivity varies between individuals, yes, but it tends to get worse over time - avoidance of sunlight is a classic indication.) Even the way he dresses, if the stereotypes can be believed. Vampires maintain a certain image for a reason.

When Parker slips into his villa to explore and to loot, she makes notes of the layout, the odd design choices, the way the rooms with all those big windows can all be easily bypassed to reach anywhere important, the kitchen properly equipped and furnished but the cupboards almost bare. She’ll share her suspicions with Nate, she decides, in case they need to make tweaks to his accommodations.

Of course, Eliot knows the truth of it better than anyone.


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An epilogue of sorts:

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