#loved reading this analysis



Speculation(?) on part 5 about TRIGGER (½)

Originally written on 13 December 2021.

This is just the base of the speculation, so not really the speculation (if that makes any sense). Maybe a bit obvious, but read at own risk.

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Natal Chart interpretation for Jung Jaehyun

***This is for fun and I’m sure everyone will have their own interpretations. I don’t actually know anything about Jung Jaehyun - this was a suggestion. I hope you enjoy!

I’m using a modified version of his natal chart where the orbs for the aspects are tight (1 degree) so we can see the most strong influences in his chart.

WOW! Right off the bat he has a cradle formation in his chart that are all within 1 degree of each other - a very strong formation. This promises a lot of talent, however there is a lot of friction between Saturn and Mars here. Saturn calls on Jung to present himself as responsible, reliable, fatherly, and to be independent. A father figure may have restricted his independence. However, Mars drives Jung to relationships and a desire to be assertive and outspoken with other people. There is a conflict here between needing independence/to be separate from others vs being driven to collaborate with others/create with others/be with others. A resolution here will be if Jung learns that he can be independent even within the context of a group. His soul destiny wants him to be in a group. I don’t know anything about Jung, but to my understanding he is in a group - which is in accordance with his destiny.

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