#lovely person



Reblog and say why the person you reblogged from is a good person

Also. I love this screenshot

I finally FINALLY finished the story quest so I can reply to this lol. I’m only how many months late?? But I’m here now and ready to slap the whiteboard.

@5aph join us at the round table

Note: I’m going off Mihoyo’s cutscene trailers so Lumine is the “evil” twin and Aether is the one we play.

Honestly, I think we’ve been pretty spot on with our theories. Maybe not the specifics but in general we have been. I still believe in the theory we made last time where: because Khaenri'ah never had a God, they had to find a way to survive in a different way. Creating machines and using alchemy/khemia instead of visions or having an archon.

Now it’s confirmed that Dainsleif used to be a part of Khaenri'ah and worked as some sort of guard (PRINCE KAEYA AU WHERE) but this makes me wonder. If Khaenri'ah was already going to shit when Dainsleif was “mortal” how the fuck is Kaeya okay?? Was Khaenri'ah just a shit place to live and that caused his father to take him to Teyvat to save their already ruined world? It’s been 500 years so were their just a group of humans somehow living? Or maybe Khaenri'ah is separated from Teyvat and therefore, time passed faster/slower?

Honestly, I think the Unknown God was talking about how Khaenri'ah people were building machines that were stronger than vision holders (according to Dain and Mr.Wolf). If Record of Ragnarok has taught me anything, it’s that God’s are assholes. Plus if you think about it, that’s kinda how the electro archon is. Venti doesn’t really care about his Archon duties and Zhongli found empathy/humanity through Guizhong but I fully believe in Dictator Zhongli if Guizhong never existed. I’m assuming that Khaenri'ah people were oppressed or were getting a bit too cocky, either accidentally turning themselves into monsters through khemia or the gods did that themselves, then Unknown God appears and you know the rest. Or maybe, and hear me out, the beginning cutscene we see is a timeline where the Travellers actually succeeded in their mission to help Khaenr'ah. But because of our arrogance to change destiny, we got sent back and everything was either undone or the Unknown God threw everything to shit while we were asleep. Once we woke up, everything was already ruined and etc.

But either way, she probably destroyed Khaenri'ah. Her powers are these cube things, right? And during the flashback with Lumine overlooking what appears to be Teyvat or Khaenri'ah, we see those same red cubes. But there were definitely more Gods, especially if we are going all the way back into the past. I remember Zhongli/Archon war, there were numerous Gods fighting each other. But I think she might be a part of Celestia (maybe like a guard, the same way as Dainsleif?) and not one of the original Seven but I could be completely wrong. Every Archon seems to have an element and she doesn’t, plus her cubes trap people and who knows what else.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Tokyo Revengers but this feels like an “I’m going into the past to change the future”. Instead of Aether + Paimon, it’s Lumine + Dainsleif and they go through the same journey as us. All the stories we hear from Barbara might have come from when Lumine first travelled through Teyvat. I definitely think that the first sibling tried to save Khaenri'ah but failed and using the second sibling (aka us), they are trying to re-write the destiny they experienced. The one where everything goes to shit.

I definitely believe that both Dain and Lumine had the same idea. They wanted to stop the Gods and they both dislike them. But due to some unfortunate incident, Lumine became “corrupted” in the sense that the “end justifies the means” while Dainsleif wanted to rely on himself and not involve others. So they separated and that’s why even though the Abyss Order and Dain share a common goal, he’s actively fighting against the Order. Plus, considering that this was in the past, I would assume that Venti/Zhongli aren’t the same happy/calm people like they are during our adventure. Plus I think Paimon is a better friend compared to Dain when it comes to emotions too.

As for the Tsaritsa, yeah I would agree that she is trying to do the same thing. We’re not 100% sure if she’s trying to wage war against Celestia or there is an ulterior motive but Childe did say that Tsaritsa wasn’t a bad person. But honestly same?? Where is Venti + Zhongli in this?? Give me more lore crumbs plss.

Now the upside-down Archon statue. We see the statue chained up and the symbolism is literally screaming in our faces. perhaps this is something Khaenri'ah people did because they had no archon? Not exactly the same way since I don’t think they could lug a giant statue away but using Archon objects to draw power to use them as a catalyst? Re-watching the cutscenes, apparently, they are using the statue as a base, attaching osial’s limbs to construct a mechanized god. Since the statue holds abyss power which corrupted Dvalin and it was strong enough to kill a human (like we saw with the thief) it makes sense.

It makes you wonder how Dain got his immortality. Perhaps he was going to become an Abyss Herald himself but something happened, maybe Lumine stopped his transformation since they used to be partners. Or dain is just an op bastard and broke free and fled. I’d like to believe that during the fall of Khaenri'ah, instead of helping the people he simply watched which caused Lumine to feel betrayed and that’s why they went their separate ways.

I also want to point out that our twin is using the same sword that we saw during the opening cutscene. But I think I’ll stop here since this post is long enough lol. Ty for being patient with me (❤´艸`❤)

A gift for the lovely @phd-mama … a cover for her hilarious and steamy fic You Make Me Melt. After I read it, I had to know if the oversized ice cream cone hoody was based in reality. When she obligingly sent me the link to prove its existence, I had to immortalize it.
