
Hey! Long time no post! Sorry for the unscheduled delay I have just been SUPER BUSY adulting and ove

Hey! Long time no post! Sorry for the unscheduled delay I have just been SUPER BUSY adulting and overwhelming myself with things to do!

Confession time: It’s so bad I haven’t even been working out more than maybe twice a week for the last few weeks

Don’t worry I’m not counteracting that with tons of Oreos or anything (a complete lie)

Just wanted to leave this post here because I came across it on Facebook and felt it perfectly described my home life, down to the crazy pets! Shout out to my weirdo bae on this fine Valentine’s Day! Swipe to see my favorite pic of me and BooBae we took when we were in #Amsterdam.

I promise to update you guys on all that’s going on soon (This ”adulting” does not cry or poop so don’t DM about it ) and to resume my posting schedule next month (yeah no point lying about it )!

In the meantime check my stories for what I’m up to and the latest in pop culture news! And drop me a comment and let me know what your plans are for #ValentinesDay⁉️

My plans are TO HAVE NO PLANS oh other than eat a whole pizza ‍♀️
adulting #lifestyleblogger #pizzaisbae #relationships #lovepost #blacklove

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