#luca changretta imagines


Request: Hi, I love your writing! I’d like to request a luca changretta x reader based on 22. and 36. from the sad/angst prompts

Requested by Anonymous

Luca Changretta x Shelby!Reader

Word Count: 3k

Warnings: Language, mention of violence, mention of blood, pregnancy

A/n: This might seem a little all over the place and not well thought out, but that’s because I had to write it while it was still fresh in my mind. I did really enjoy writing this though b/c I’ve been thinking of writing something like this for a long time. And I have only written for Luca once before this and I really want to write for him more not. Good thing I have one more Luca request.



Walking down the hotel hallway, all Y/n could see was red as rage coursed through her body. She had a feeling it was a bad idea to accompany Luca to England, but she had been so excited to see her family again that she brushed it off. He didn’t even try to persuade her otherwise, not once he’d seen her bright smile at the idea. Now, she wished he had. She wished he would have done everything in his power to keep her in New York. But, no, he’d let her come along, lying to her the whole time about the true reason he had to come to England. And that pissed her off more than anything.

Y/n threw the door to their suite open, causing the two men Luca was talking to at the small desk to flinch. Her husband raised a brow, but made no move to do anything. “Out! Now!” she barked at the men. She felt guilty for yelling at them as they scurried out of the room, not even bothering to look at Luca, but at least they wouldn’t get the brunt of it. Once they were alone and the door was shut, Y/n glared at her husband. “What the fuck!”

“What’s wrong, my love?” he asked with concern, standing and slowly approaching her. There was only one thing he could think of that would upset her so much, but he’d made sure to keep that a tightly kept secret. And he wasn’t sure how she would find out as all the men were instructed not to say anything around her.

She rolled her eyes, walking away from him with a huff. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong, Luca? What’s wrong is you fucking lied to me! You lied to me! You lied about why we’re here and you keep lying about what you’re doing and where you’re going! And I just can’t fucking believe you right now,” she breathed, shaking her head. 

“I know, I know, but can you just calm down? If not for me then for the baby?” he asked with pleading eyes as he took in her angry form. Y/n narrowed her eyes as she rested a hand against the growing bump. Their child would be lucky if they even knew their father at this point. Y/n was sure she’d end up killing him if he kept it up.

“Calm down, you want me to calm down? You’re trying to kill my fucking family and I’m supposed to be calm about it!?! Oh fuck you, Luca,” she seethed. She hadn’t even gotten the chance to go see them yet, any of them, always having to have lunch with one of Luca’s cousins or go shopping with a distant aunt, now she knew why.

Luca sighed, running a hand down his face. “Y/n, your brothers killed Angel! If I had done that they would be hunting me down! That’s how it is being a part of this life, you know that.” 

She did know, she knew very well what it was like to be in that business, that was part of the reason she had moved to New York. And she should have known better than getting involved with the Changrettas, but Luca had promised to keep all of it out of the house and away from their growing family. And she should have known better when she was hesitant to even mention his name to her family. None of them even knew she was married, let alone to a Changretta. Had she mentioned it, she was sure it wouldn’t have changed anything. Her brothers were as thick as could be, always finding the stupidest ways to do things. And Luca, well, he was much the same. This would have probably happened anyway, but at least she would have been made aware of it.

“Why did you do it? Tell me,” Y/n demanded, taking a deep breath. She was starting to understand why her aunt hated men.

“Sit and I’ll explain it all.”

She shook her head. “No. I will stand right here while you fucking tell me or I’ll walk right out that door.”

“Where will you go?” Luca scoffed, hoping it was an empty threat. “I’m not sure your family will accept you with open arms right now. Not since you’re married to me.” He knew the words were sharp as knives, but she knew he had to follow through with this vendetta. It wasn’t the first one and it wouldn’t be the last. This was his job, his family, and he would do anything for them.

“Luca Changretta, I swear to god if you don’t tell me right now it won’t be my brothers that fucking kill. Tell me.” She glared at him. “Now!” she yelled when his lips refused to move.

He huffed, well aware that she would go through with her threat. “Okay, okay,” he started. Luca didn’t want to explain it all to his wife, he never liked talking about any of it with her, but she looked ready to kill, so he didn’t dare hold his tongue. And when he was done, she didn’t look any happier but she seemed to have calmed down. If that was as good as it was going to get, he was happy with it.

“That’s it?” she asked when he was finished.

“Yes, dear. That’s all of it,” he admitted, surprised she hadn’t ripped him a new one for trying to kill her brother and cousin.

Y/n hummed, taking a seat on the sofa. It was soft, probably full of down feathers or something, they’d have to get one for their house when they returned. That was if Luca returned at all. “Good. Now fix it,” she said, leaning against the soft cushions.

Luca looked at her with wide eyes. “Fix it? How do you expect me to do that? I’m not the only one in this family who wants to see the vendetta through.” He stared at her, waiting for a response. There was no way he could quit the job now, not with his family breathing down his neck.

“Well, that sounds more like your problem than mine.” She folded her hands across her chest. “And I’m family, aren’t I? I am your wife and these people you are trying to kill are my family. Don’t you think that’s wrong?”

“Yes, but they ki-”

“But nothing,” Y/n interrupted. “Angel wasn’t a good man, you know that and so do I. He would have died anyway, there is no doubt about that, and it would have likely been in prison.”

Luca sighed, going to sit across from her on the coffee table. She was right about that. Angel was lucky to have lived so long, but all the women in the family granted him mercy. There were plenty of times when an uncle or someone wanted to kill him for something he’d done. “Alright, alright. I can try, but that doesn’t mean anyone will listen to me. Okay?  To them it is business and I don’t think they will just let it go,” he told her, hoping she would understand if things were out of his hands.

“Well, you can just remind them that the Shelbys are your wife’s family and that your wife happens to be pregnant,” she suggested with a smile. “I’m sure they’ll understand and maybe your family and mine can talk it out or some shit. I don’t know, but you will take care of it.”

Grumbling to himself, he nodded and stood. “I’ll see what I can do, okay?” he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Stay here while I’m gone. I’ll try and sort things out.”

Y/n nodded as she watched him head toward the door. 


Luca sighed as he approached the Garrison. He had decided against speaking with any of his family, they wouldn’t care since he had mentioned the Shelby’s were Y/n’s family before the vendetta had even been sent. That information hadn’t mattered to them, not when they knew she hadn’t spoken to them in a long time. Instead, he decided the best thing he could do was negotiate peace between the two families. His family trusted him and they would trust him to do this if that’s what they had decided. If anyone could manage peace between the two families, he assumed it would be him. His wife wouldn’t let him live if he didn’t.

The pub was empty when he entered except for a table in the middle of the room where Tommy, Arthur, and John sat. John looked all banged up from the attack on his house, but at least he was alive. He looked pissed, but alive. That was a blessing for both men. By the bar sat Y/n’s aunt, who Luca didn’t want to be left alone with. There was a young, tall man behind the bar, who was probably another brother, and a short one leaning against the counter with a cigarette between his lips. 

“This is a very welcoming crowd,” Luca commented, his New York accent thick as he spoke. Taking a seat across from Tommy, he eyed the empty corners of the bar. He knew better than to trust a family like this. They would probably try and kill him as soon as he tried to blink. But it might be better than Y/n doing the same. 

“It could be worse considering you’ve been trying to kill us,” John seethed, sounding just like his sister. Their angry faces looked eerily similar to the one he’d left in the hotel.

Luca sighed. He wasn’t sure how to apologize for that, but he was sure Y/n would make him do it later.

Tommy cocked his head, looking the man over. “Why did you want to meet with us?”

“As much as I’d like to kill you all, we are going to have to find a way to make peace,” he shrugged, flicking his eyes over each one. If any of them were shocked, they didn’t show it, probably thinking it was a bluff.

“Why? You tried to kill my brother and threatened my family,” Tommy shook his head. 

Clenching his jaw, he hoped this was worth it as he tried to apologize. “Ah, yes, my apologies. But you know how it is. Family takes care of family. And Angel was my family.”

“And why are you wanting to end this now?” It was Polly who spoke, not buying a word of what he said. She didn’t see a reason to trust him, not when he’d threatened Michael.

He sighed, leaning against the back of his chair and took off his hat. “Because if I kill any of you my wife will kill me,” he confessed. The only reason he hadn’t mentioned the vendetta to her before was because he thought she’d kill him.  “She’s very adamant that you all remain alive.”

Polly scoffed. “And why does she care?”

This was the moment Luca had been dreading. He knew the information would come out eventually, but he didn’t want to be in the room when it did. He wished he’d brought Y/n with him, it might not have made it all easier, but it would have saved him from having to explain himself once again. 

“I’d rather not explain, but you can meet her if you’d like. It may help you understand,” he offered. That would probably be the easiest way to end all the blood shed, if they reunited with Y/n. “I’m unarmed and would rather not get blood on my new suit. There won’t be anyone else there but her, I swear.”

Tommy raised a brow, not thoroughly convinced, but they had more men than the Changrettas, so they would be fine if he was lying. “Fine, let’s go,” he said, standing. “Let’s hope this wife of yours is worth peace.”

Luca nodded. He hoped she would be to them because if not, he was sure he’d never know peace again. Not if he was married to a Shelby.


Luca didn’t bother to knock on the door before entering the suite, it was difficult for him to wait long enough for Y/n to respond when there was a gun against his ribs. He didn’t blame Tommy for not trusting him, he would have probably done the same, but it sent a little shock of panic through his body all the same. Scanning the sitting room, he found it empty and prayed that Y/n hadn’t gone out. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had, she was never one to listen to anything he said. His mother liked that about her, someone needed to go against Luca Changretta, it might teach him something, that’s what she thought. And boy, Luca sure was learning a lot.

“Y/n,” he called as Tommy shoved him further into the room to allow Arthur and John to slip in. 

Shuffling came from the bedroom before he heard her sweet voice. “You better not be back prematurely. I swear to god, if you are-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he cut her off. “You’ll kill me. I haven’t forgotten about that.”

All three Shelbys froze at the exchange. They hadn’t expected Luca’s wife to have a Birmingham accent nor did they expect it to sound so familiar. Tommy loosened his grip on the gun, waiting for the door to open. He thought it was weird Luca wanted to end the vendetta, but apparently that wasn’t the weirdest thing that would happen that day.

“Then you talked to them,” Y/n said as the door clicked and slowly opened.

“My family, no. They will be dealt with later,” he said when she came into view, disappointed eyes landing on him. She opened her mouth to say something until she registered the three bodies behind him. Her eyes softened as she glanced between the three men. “I talked to your family instead.”

Tommy lowered the gun, placing it back in its holster. “What’s going on here?” he asked roughly. He didn’t mean to be rude about it, but he couldn’t quite fit the pieces together. Standing before him was his sister, who he hadn’t seen in years, clearly pregnant, and supposedly married to a Changretta. “What is this?” he demanded, confused.

Y/n rolled her eyes with a huff causing Luca to smile. He adored it when she was irritated, as long as she wasn’t irritated at him. “What does it fucking look like, Tommy?”

“You’re-” He gestured to her. In his mind she was still the little girl who liked to steal his shoes and throw pencils at John. The woman before him, she was something new to him.

“Pregnant?” She filled in the blanks. “Obviously.”

“And he’s your…” This time it was John who tried to ask a question but couldn’t find the words. This was the last thing any of them expected.

“Husband? Yes. And yes, he did try and kill you, which I only just found out about,” she said with a venomous smile directed towards her husband. “But he is very sorry about that. Aren’t you, Luca?”

He nodded, stepping away from the men. “Oh, yes, very sorry.”

Y/n rolled her eyes. “Right now he’s only sorry he got caught.” She glared at him. “But he’ll be very sorry later.”

“I’m confused,” Arthur spoke up. “How long have you two been married?”

“Two years,” Luca answered, falling into one of the arm chairs. He felt more at ease now that there wasn’t a gun pointed at him and the others were caught off guard. “Y/n.” He pointed at the chair. “Would you sit?” She wasn’t up for arguing about it and sat in the chair next to him. Ever since he found out she was pregnant, he was constantly on her about resting. “Let’s all just sit and talk this over.”

“Yes, because you just love talking things through,” Y/n remarked.

“Hey, that’s not fair. It was business and you don’t like hearing about it anyway.”

Tommy, Arthur, and John took a seat at the sofa as they watched the two bicker. They weren’t sure how to handle it, but it was interesting to watch. Y/n had always been one to pick fights and it seemed Luca was used to it and would fight back. Good for him, since her brothers usually just let her get her way, not wanting to fight too much.

“I wonder if they’re always like this,” John commented, nudging Arthur. His brother rolled his eyes, but it seemed like a much healthier relationship than he had with his wife. Y/n and Luca seemed to merely be teasing each other, nothing too harsh. If it were Linda and him, he was sure it would turn into a screaming match.

Y/n huffed at something Luca said, ignoring him as she turned to her brothers. “Why don’t we all have dinner tonight,” she emphasized the last bit as Luca tried to interject. “So, we can discuss this together.”

Tommy nodded. “That might be best,” he said, refusing to confess that he was left confused by the whole ordeal.

“Yes, how about 7? The hotel has a wonderful restaurant, we can eat there.”

The three nodded as they stood, still in shock from seeing their sister again. Each gave Y/n a hug before heading to the door. Luca made sure to walk them out as he wasn’t sure he wanted to be left alone with his wife for too long. He was sure she still wanted to kill him. He’d make sure to sleep with one eye open.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile when he returned. “Thank you for doing that, love. I know it hurt your pride, but I appreciate it.”

Luca shrugged, resting his hands on the arm of her chair as he leaned over her. “I’d do anything for you,” he said, kissing her. “Anything at all. Now, why don’t you take a bath before dinner?”

She smiled. “Only if you join me.”


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