#lucas is a minji stan confirmed sorry yeri



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“they’re eclipse! they’re super popular right now.” so maybe she’s overplaying it a little bit right now, but she thinks it’s a good time to promote them. if she wasn’t an idol, maybe she would have a career in marketing “did you see the blonde one? isn’t she cute? if you walk a few blocks down you can see her in the chicken store. you like chicken, right?”

eclipse. lucas runs the word over in his head, but he doesn’t recognize the group name for what it is. “eclipse,” he repeats aloud this time, pronouncing it the same way the girl does albeit slower and enunciating each syllable as he familiarizes himself with the name. “like, a lunar eclipse? or a solar eclipse?”

it takes a few seconds for him to understand what the stranger says. he’s not at the level of following along with a native speaker at their natural speed of speaking. not yet. sometimes he feels as though he’ll never reach that level, but that’s an issue to dwell over some other time.

as if on cue, when he turns back to the screen, the aforementioned blonde girl appears mouthing along the words of the song. she is cute, he has to admit. but then, almost immediately after, another girl takes her place and lucas is swayed. he points at a girl with light brown hair. “i like her better.” 

lucas only takes his eyes off the screen once the girl is no longer focused on. from the corner of his eye, he keeps watch in case she returns on screen. “chicken store? can you show me where? i’ll buy you chicken as a thank you.”
