#lucas koh


am i the only person who likes lucas’s mustache? if i’m a lone wolf so be it baby!


lucas looks like a hugh hefner train wreck and priya is serving in thigh highs (step on me) and bobby’s tights are doing it for me for sure

all of the outfits are fun (albeit weird) but like. im having so much fun playing this and i haven’t had the urge to play litg in months so… I love it! idc! im content

What I imagined Lucas would have worn in the heart rate challenge. Honestly, I don’t think anyone wouldn’t mind taking him for a spin.

100% he’s dancing to Shut Up and Drive and the mental image - ugh kill me now

I’m thinking of making a series for the Villa! And Casa! gentlemen. Who do you guys want to see next?


Good morning everyone! Lucas’ MBTI type has been a bit of a conundrum for me a while by now, but reading @notasdriedapricotsthoughts on him herefinallyclicked something within my brain, and @aislinnstanaka, to answer the second part of your ask from before,

I see Lucas as an ISTJ.

@moderarato,@sailorpleiades,@starsarestars,@voile-de-lune, and @vulnerabledime, I would love to hear your thoughts on this too, in addition to Sofi and Iris’

(As always, more details on this subject can be found here!)

Keep reading

Brilliant analysis Aly and it actually makes a lot of sense for him. I had him as a ENTJ, but you know a lot more about the MBTI than I do and this stuff is often very confusing to me

Introducing: Lucas

Full Name:Lucas Koh

Age:27|Birth Date:11 April 1992



Reason for joining Love Island: I like a good challenge and doing things that people don’t expect of me. You can say that coming in later might put me at a disadvantage, but I actually think it makes things more interesting. I… ⁠[smile to himself] have a good feeling about this, so let’s see how it goes.”

Visit Lucas’ Character Profile Here
