#lucifer x femreader


Request: Yes / No  Can I request sabrina chilling adventures lucifer ( luke cook ) x reader where like she is a like witch and had a one night stand not knowing what he is and like she ends up pregnant @nickibunny23

Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night

Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Witch!Reader 

Word count: 2438

Warnings: SMUT!

Y/N: Your Name 


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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)

I picked up my glass of vodka and tipped it back, taking the last bit like it was nothing. An unwanted figure passes by me at the bar and frustration immediately spreads through my veins. He looks me up and down, probably trying to figure out what’s under my dress. But I’m not dressed for him… I’m only dressed for myself. The figure whistles quietly as his gaze travels down my legs. I peer sideways and frown at his shaggy hair. His face and hands are dirty and his t-shirt is baggy. His jeans aren’t any better and desperately need a belt. 

“Hey babe, why don’t you come join my friends? Gorgeous girl like you shouldn’t be sitting alone. I have somewhere better you could be sitting.” He winks and I roll my eyes. 

“How charming.” I said, turning back in my seat to ignore him. I’m sure he’ll mumble something about me being a bitch and walking away, but unfortunately he doesn’t. 

A sweaty palm lands on my shoulder, causing me to tense. The smell of cigarettes waft over me. I tighten my hand on my glass, many harmful spells run through my head as I turn to glare at the man. 

“Hey, look lady, you don’t have to be a cunt about it, alright? You’re here to have a good time and I’m here to do the same.” He said. I lean back in my chair, before slowly peeling his hand off my shoulder. 

“Listen asshole, maybe I wasn’t clean enough before. Let me spell it out for you. What I meant to say was leave me the hell alone.” I said. The man frowns and leans forward, and the fucker is bold enough to place his grimy hand on my thigh. The urge to hex him into the next generation is getting harder to control. 

“Listen babe, cut the crap. Don’t play hard to get, okay? We both know why a beautiful woman like you is at the bar by herself. I’ll buy you a few drinks and we’ll take a few turns on the dance floor. Then we’ll get a room and you can make it worth my time, hmmm?” My blood starts to boil, but an unfamiliar voice cuts in before I get the chance to reply. 

“I think we can both agree that the lady has already given you her answer. I suggest you get going before she starts swinging.” 

The creep takes his hand off my thigh and whirls around to face the new stranger. My own eyes dart over quickly to evaluate him. I was curious to see the owner of the deep, smooth accent that had come to my aide. An accent like that doesn’t belong here. The man is tall, pale ski, and has a head full of curly dark brown hair. He was dressed in classy, yet slightly revealing clothes, but he somehow made it work. The creep’s face was growing red with anger. 

“Listen pal, why don’t you mind your own business? I wasn’t talking to you, was I? I’m trying to have a good time with the beautiful lady and I got here first. If you want her then you should have gotten here before-” He was cut off with a punch right across his jaw. A yelp escapes the creep and his body hits the floor. I gasp in shock, my heart beat quickening as I watch him slowly struggle to his feet. He pulls his own fist back and aims for the dark-haired man who is bristling with anger now. Before he could hit the man, the creep paused and the man glared. 

“Leave the lady alone, now.” He said. The creep dropped his arm and he had a look of horror on his face. The man scurried off and I looked at the stranger confused. 

“Thank you for the help.” I said. The man grinned, taking the empty seat next to me. 

“Don’t thank me yet… What should I call you?” He asked. 

“Y/N.” I answered. 

“Don’t thank me yet, Y/N. I was only coming over to try my luck with the beautiful lady myself. As chance had it, I saw the perfect opportunity to jump in and impress you. Did it work?” There was a twinkle in his eye. I smiled and giggled at him. 

“You might have, so what do I call you?” I asked. 

“Luc.” He answered. Interesting name. 

The two of us engaged in conversations and drinks for hours. He may have been trying to impress me and get into my pants, but he was doing it right. He grabbed my hand and took me to the dancefloor. Our bodies moved in perfect sync, like we’ve known each other for years. He placed two fingers under my chin and tilted my face to look up at him. 

“Care to make a deal with the devil?” He asked and I bit my lip. Not your usual pick up line, but it sure was working. 

“What would be the deal?” I asked. 

“I take your hand, lead you to the hotel across the street, and stay between those pretty legs all night.” He said and I felt the heat spread between my legs. 

“Sounds like a good night.” I whispered. Luc takes a sharp breath. He steps closer to me, leaning towards me until his lips are at my ears. One finger slowly strokes my cheek. 

“I’m not like the gentleman you think I am. I’m sure you’re used to vanilla men, someone who just wants to touch you once underneath the sheets in the dark. I want nothing more than to rip your clothes off and sink in between your thighs. But I also want to tie your hands and ankles so you have to take whatever I give you. I want to spank your ass until it’s red with my handprint and then I want to fill you with my cock, ringing you hard. In my bed, I’m in control. I run the show and take what I want. Your body and your pleasure at my mercy. Try to turn the tables or act out of line and there’ll be punishment. I’ll use you and take what I want, then leave you in the morning.” He growled passionately into my ear. There’s a quiet hitch in my breathing as my heart begins to speed up. My world spins at his words, he’s so different to other men. 

“Take me.” I said and he pulled me along to the hotel across the street. As soon as we get into the room, his lips slam onto mine and I gasp when I feel his erection press against my quivering thighs. His hands grasp both sides of my face as his tongue slants over mine, winning his battle for dominance. I sank into his kiss as my head swims with this magical feeling he’s giving to me. There’s something about this man that I can’t put my finger on. He feel’s so magical, yet dangerous. His hands trail down my back and cup my ass, they skim the delicate skin of my inner thigh, then run up my hips. They travel up my stomach and cup my breasts. His hands return to my back and unclip my bra. He pulls away suddenly, pushing me more into the room. 

“Clothes off, now.” He demands. He steps back, chest heaving as he watched me. There was no way I could disobey him, it was like I was in a trance. I grab the hem of my dress and pull it over my hand. It lands on the floor next to my feet. I heard Luc take a deep breath. My heart flutters as I bend over and take off my heels. 

“I can’t wait to touch all that beautiful skin.” His admiration encourages me as I slide my black-laced panties off. They lay discarded on the floor next to my bare feet. I shiver in anticipation as his warm hands skim their way up my bare back. Goosebumps rose on my arms, and my nipples stood erect. He grasped my arms firmly and pulled them backwards. He guides me downward until I’m bent over the soft bed. When his feet push on my ankles to widen the space between my legs, my heartbeat quickens and I lick my lips. I want to rub my thighs together, desperate for friction, but I don’t dare move. I feel rope slither around my wrists, leaving them bound behind my back. However I never felt his hands leave my skin… He lends down and places a kiss between my shoulders. 

“I can’t wait to feel you around me, my little witch.” He said and my eyes widened. I looked back at him and his eyes turned red. 

“Lucifer…” I whispered and his smirk grew. His palm suddenly reaches back and strikes my ass, leaving a resounding smack through the room. I jolt at the sudden strike, and I’m unable to hold back the moan that escapes my lips. 

“You really thought you could escape me?” He said. I bit my lip and swallowed. 

“Your beautiful cheeks are going to be red.” He growled. 

“Please…” I whispered quietly. 

“Ahh!” I cried out as his palm struck my other cheek. Again, and again, and again. The room is quiet except for the sound of his hand landing on my skin and my moans. 

“You look perfect with my hand prints on your ass.” He says and I barely hold back a whimper. 

“I wonder, how wet are you?” He asked and slipped between my open thighs, finding my clit. I jolt and back my hips as pleasure spreads like an electrical fire. I arch my back and moan as his thumb works my little button. My world is shattering into nothing but heat and flames. He’s barely touched me and I’m already on edge. Is this just the power he has over us witches? 

“So fucking wet. Your pussy is absolutely drenched. Is this all for me, darling?” He asked and I nodded my head as I rocked back into his touch. Hot pleasure builds in my pussy and I’m nearly speechless. He growls and his movements begin to slow. 

“Answer me.” He demands.  

“Yes!” I cried out desperately.

“Thought so.” He replies smugly. His thumb picks up the speed and I feel my juices flowing. The idea of my wetness slowly sliding down his fingers has me feeling flushed. I moan and rock my hips faster. Every stroke sends me higher into oblivion. I whimper at the heat pooling in my belly, the pleasure building inside me. His touch is everything I thought it would be and more. 

“That’s it my little witch, ride it out.” He growls low in my ear. His words, combined with that husky voice, sends me spiraling over the edge. A moan escapes my throat as the powerful orgasm crashes into me. My pussy spasms asI arch my back, riding the waves. 

“You’re more beautiful when you come, and that’s just the beginning.” He whispers into my ear. With a loud groan, he stands and roughly turns me over. He cupps one of my breasts. His tongue gently glides across my earlobe as his thumb roughly flicks my nipple. I cry out in pleasure. 

“I think the other one is feeling neglected, don’t you?” He whispers in my ear. 

“Please!” I beg shamelessly. He switches to my other breast, paying the same attention as my other. 

“What do you want, my little witch?” He asked. I felt my cheeks heat up and bit my lip. A smack landed on my pussy and I groaned. 

“Answer my question, what do you want?” He asked, more demanding. 

“You, I want you. Please!” I begged. He pulled back, his fist closing around the shaft of his huge cock. He spreads my legs open and rests the tip of it at my entrance. His fiery eyes met mine and that dark smirk appeared on his face. Before I could even think about anything he pushed into me. I have never felt so full in my life. He hissed as he eased himself further inside me and I moaned at the fullness. His eyes closed and I took a moment to memorize his features. I had never met the Dark Lord myself, but every witch and warlock was to devote themselves to him. Something I haven’t done since I ran away from my family. 

“So fucking tight, my little witch.” He groaned. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, pushing him deeper inside me. He began rocking his hips back and forth, all my thoughts disappeared. I took a deep breath and tried to free my arms, but it was no use. His magic was much more powerful than mine. I rocked my hips as best I could to meet his thrusts. With each thrust, his cock hit the perfect spot inside my pussy. I closed my eyes and released a loud moan. Lucifer reached between us and stroked my clit. 

“Oh yes!” I moaned, his thrusts increasing. The sound of skin slapping and moans were the only thing to be heard by anyone who was passing. The roaring inferno swirled in my stomach once again, a delicious fire that threatened to burn me. His cock continues to pound inside me, even as he lends over and bites down on my shoulder. A cry leaves my throat. 

“What’s my name? Tell me, who’s fucking you into oblivion right now?” He demands. 

“Lucifer!” I answer, breathlessly. 

“Who’s your Master?” He asked. His thrusts became more erratic as his jaw tensed. 

“You, Lucifer! You, you, you…” I trailed off. He threw his head back with a satisfying roar and I feel his cum spurting inside me. That’s all it takes to push me over the edge. 

“Yes, my little witch. Give it all to me.” He growls in my ear. My body finally begins to relax as  he pulls out of me and I feel the urge to sleep take over my body. Before I know it, my eyes are closed and I’m off to sleep. 

I woke up the next morning alone and clothed. I thought that night was a drunken dream. Until I got pregnant… I ran once again and tried my hardest to keep my child safe from her Father. I didn’t know what he would do if he found out, but I wasn’t planning on learning. I would keep the heir to Hell away from her destiny for as long as I live.

Tag list: @les-bio-lie@tashy-bear @hollie-blogs-blog1@schisbro87@lover-of-books-and-teas@nerdygaloresposts@teenwolfbitches28@genius2050@drw0301bieber@lady-of-lies@ravenmoore14@ravenempress101@cillianchamp@rowanthomasknapp@rachelxwayne​  @lover2448
