#luis garcia


Luis Garcia’s insta stories today ❤️














So… Are we going to talk about this?

did they ever actually say what Luis’s last name is? like, do we know he’s not Luis Garcia y Barnes? this doesn’t even have to be some shitty dark headcanon involving experimentation by hydra on immigrants, Bucky had sisters.

Please, God, somebody write the transcript of Luis spending seventeen minutes telling Bucky his grandfather’s life story through WWII and up to the point where he fell hard for this one hot chick from Brooklyn and like brought her back to California with him, man – and Bucky sits there the whole time in silence, too bewildered to interrupt.

My finger slipped..

Oh dude I am so pumped to meet you at last! I mean my Mamá, she’s gonna be so thrilled. Oh hey, speaking of, can I get a picture? Just a quick one? I gotta send it to the family Whatsapp. You go one of those? No worries, we’ll get you all set up, now say queso

Scott, who the hell…

Perfect! I swear, they gonna loose their shit. Not to say we ain’t been looking, Ernesto got a restraining order from trying to sneak into-

Seriously Scott, where’d you find this guy?

Aw shit, sorry man, I’m just a little excited! I mean I was weaned on those Howlies stories, y’know? Abuelo Pedro used to tell them, you know what he’s like. You don’t? Oh shit, man! Of course you don’t! So my Abuelo was a soldier in the war? He was legit, I swear, like there was half a million Latino soldiers in WW2, hell, we’ve been fighting for the US in every war from the Revolution to Afghanistan, you feel me? So Abuelo Pedro, he signed up and got sent off for basic training and shit. Now it was colder than a well-digger’s ass in those barracks, so while they’re waitin’ in formation he sticks his hands in his pockets to warm up. The Drill Sergeant comes storming over all ‘American soldiers stand to attention!’ and ‘They never keep their hands in their pockets!’ And, well, Abuelo Pedro ain’t never been called an American before. That left an impression on the guy.

Is there a point to this?

I’m getting to it, I’m getting to it! Hey, you like John Candy movies? Well, get used to it because you’re gonna see them a lot. Well, one of them. Can’t argue with a name like that though, right? So anyway, Abuelo was shipped out and ended up kicking heels and other parts we ain’t gonna mention with this spitfire WAC from New York. An’ he was like crazy for her, but figured there was no chance of making thing legit what with him being Mexican an’ her being, like, Irish or something. Her daddy was pretty clear on that. But then her big brother got killed in action, died a hero, like they gave him every medal going an’ invented a couple of new ones. So Abuela Becca just went fuck it, life’s too short, and ran off with him to California. They went back when uncle Gorges was born, which was a few years before Mamá came along, and patched things up. Abuela said I took after her brother, because he was forever knee deep in trouble too.

You alright man? You need a glass of water or something?

Oh. My. Gods. This is canon. This is CANON!!!!

@escapologistldn - Headcanon accepted.

and it’s not just that he’s bewildered to meet his fast-talking grandnephew; it’s  just…it’s like hearing Becca talk again.  too much and too fast and with a million asides, especially about art because she had a little bit of a crush on Stevie and repeated damned near anything he told her and would assail unsuspecting Brooklynites with a PhD level screed about what a crime it was for Rockefeller to have destroyed a Rivera masterpiece. Only apparently at some point it became more than just repeating her Other Big Brother because here was this guy, this stranger wearing his sister’s smile, telling him about abstract expressionism and delightful rose wine, and what the actual hell had Becca gotten up to in California?

Apparently what Becca got up to was raising a bunch of fast talking Irish-Mexican kids and being far far too amused with her grandson Luis.

And I am in love with this idea.


Can y'all imagine scotts face tho he’s known Luis for years. He’s been best friends with James Buchanan fucking Barns aka The Winter Soldier’s grandnephew for years and he didn’t know? Like just imagine his face.

it just occurred to me: luis has attempted to tell scott about it no less than 50 times, especially after berlin, but he never managed to get to the point before scott stopped listening.

Reblogging because it got better.

Luis needs to show up in at LEAST one episode of The Falcon & The Winter Soldier with this story.
