#lukanette idk anymore



dear zag

when I said lukanette stans deserved a break I meant a break from the love square not a break up what the fuck

Hi! Just a little bit of an opinion here about the upcoming MLB season! Specifically the first episode’s plot “Truth” with Luka

(Am I Luka’s defender at this point? Yes, I am bc I love my sweet bby lol )

I want to think that everyone has a limit for how much they can be hurt or be mad and not let it see to other people. I guess that Marinette’s actions like skipping dates with him, staying away from all her friends and banishing all of the sudden is something to worry quite a lot and I understand Luka in that part.

Marinette has trusted Luka enough for him to worry at that level, and for what is implied, they’re dating and as her SO (to put in a funny way) it’s part of the job lol. Being that said, getting mad at someone that doesn’t wanna share a secret is not right, everyone is entitled to keep secrets for themselves as much as they want, but people has a limit in what they can take, for Luka it was this moment, and I think that his emotions are not out of pure anger, but because of helplessness, despair for not knowing what is happening and not knowing what to do to help.

He’s not acting like his usual self because this emotions are dominating him, and absolutely EVERYONE in this world has been in this kind of situation, it’s human nature.

Also, if my deductions are correct, this feelings just stay for a snippet of a moment, because that’s all that it takes for Hawkmoth to akumatize someone, one moment to let go of the mask that everything is fine and show that negative part of us, because I ASSURE YOU he would meditate his actions and he would know his mistakes if he was given more time to reflect in what he said or thought it was right.

Because that is Luka. We can’t expect him to always be this calm, serene person, he is a human too, he can feel hurt or angry, he can’t just be the emotional trash can of people and leave his personality at that. That is my opinion lol

I guess all this rant occurred because I saw some comments here and there throwing hate at Luka because of the plot on the upcoming season, which I get but it’s quite funny because it’s the first time Luka shows this kind of negative behavior (for like a snippet of a second, if my suspicions are correct) and people do not approve this, but if Chat Noir or Adrien we’re to show jealousy or immaturity in his actions it’s justified because he and Ladybug/Marinette are “meant to be” and that’s all it takes to justify that kind of behaviors, which shouldn’t be the case.

I’m not throwing hate towards Chat Noir/Adrien at all, because all these faults have been resolved through the course of the seasons (slowly, but it’s showing), but I guess this goes more to the people that point at Luka with the judging finger and don’t care to look that even their favorite characters or their favorite ships had this kind of “problematic stuff” or still has it.

If we’re gonna judge a character, we should apply that same criticism with aaaaall the rest of the cast in the show, because everyone has issues and “problematic stuff” but that doesn’t make them bad or unforgivable people (unless they don’t get over this issues and continue to behave like that) they need deeper personalities besides being just a support for the protagonists.

Sorry for my whole statement of all this lol I’m gonna go to draw as usual!~ ✨
