#lunas rants


Wings | C.S + J.WY

Summary: You happen to be the only person who can make your way through both Heaven and Hell. They were two very different places that had two very different people. The boy with the pitch black wings and the boy with the whitest wings you’ve ever seen. It’s all fun and games until you start to notice the boy with the white wings slowly turning darker every time you see him.

Pairing: San X Fem!Reader X Wooyoung

Genre: Smut and fluff

Word count: 20k??? Maybe???? (Currently 1.9k) (this is only a 1.1k selection)

Smut Warning: Dom!San, Switch!Reader, Sub!Wooyoung Corruption kink, lots of dirty talk and teasing, and more I haven’t thought of

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The concept of heaven and hell was a lot more complex than anyone can really comprehend.

Heaven was filled with beautiful angels with even prettier white wings. Hell was filled with what you would call demons with the largest pitch black wings you’ll ever see.

The contrast was night and day. Completely different. So how did you end up with gray wings? Well… Your mother and father had been complete opposites. Your father was one of the best guardian angels there were and your mother was the slyest demon in hell. Somehow they ended up together and boom, here you are.

Your wings are completely different from pretty much anybody’s in both places which made you a walking target, but you did have access to either place which was very… interesting to say the least.

Yeah you had friends in both places but like you would assume, the angels are a lot more cautious when being around you. Let’s just say, they don’t really trust you. Which is totally fair because you are in fact a demon in heaven.

There was a particular boy who always caught your attention. His name is Wooyoung. His wings are probably the whitest in all of heaven, he has a blinding smile that even makes you feel warm on the inside, and his hair is a bright silver that contrasts among the other angels who had dark hair.

You could say that you had a slight crush on him without ever speaking to him even once. Even though you’re a demon you still have feelings contrary to everyone’s beliefs.

You got the feeling that if you were to speak to him, he would immediately run in the opposite direction.

To Wooyoung he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, angel or demon he didn’t care. Yeah, you scare the absolute shit out of him but he is highly attracted to you.

Wooyoung loves your wings. He loves how they’re different from everyones. He’s heard the story of your parents and he commends your father on the courage he must’ve had to speak to your mother much less do things that are completely dirty and impure.

Wooyoung loves your soft features that completely contrasts your demeanor. Your eyes are soft and inviting, your soft button nose looks totally boopable, your slightly chubby cheeks that makes him want to squeeze them, and your pretty pink lips that look really soft.

Wooyoung knows that associating himself with you could completely ruin his reputation and career and that is the only thing ringing through his mind as you walk up to him.

“Hello, angel.” Your voice is dripping with honey, so gentle and sweet. Wooyoung only smiles softly as he avoids eye contact with you.

“What’s your name, pretty boy?” Of course you know his name, you just didn’t wanna scare him off completely.

Wooyoung opens and closes his mouth like a fish making you cock an eyebrow up at him, “Do I make you nervous angel?”

“Wooyoung…” You smirk at the angel and put your hand out, “Wooyoung… cute. Y/n.”

Wooyoung cautiously takes your hand in his and shakes it. The two of you make eye contact and he quickly away with a gasp as if you shocked him.

You look at Wooyoung with a surprised face, “What?” Wooyoung shakes his head and looks away with red cheeks.

You knew what happened and you knew what he saw. When you touch someone’s hands you have the ability to see their dirtiest thoughts and fantasies, all you have to do is make eye contact with them to actually see it.

The vision flashed through both of your eyes pulling two completely different reactions. Wooyoung got flustered and embarrassed while you tried your best to pretend nothing happened. You just try to save Wooyoung from the embarrassment because honestly, even you are a little bit surprised.

“I-I should get back to work…” You nod and hop onto the counter Wooyoung was standing at. Your eyes flash sparkles of red while you eye Wooyoung, “Mind if I watch?”

Wooyoung looks at you with an unsure expression “I dunno if that’s a good idea…” you smile softly at Wooyoung making his cheeks flush pink, “Just- Just don’t break anything.”

Wooyoung feels your heavy gaze as you watch him work. He is beyond nervous. It was like you were hunting your prey and the prey was him.

Your mind keeps going back to what you saw earlier. You’ve never seen an angel so pure with a thought just the opposite. You close your eyes for a split second and you see the image again.

Wooyoung’s back was arched underneath you as you touched him. Your hand was pumping his pretty cock while your other hand was lightly playing with his nipples.

When you open your eyes Wooyoung is standing next to you. You bite your lip as you run a delicate finger over the edge of his pretty wings, “Tell me angel… how do you look so pure and innocent? And your wings, so pretty… so white.”

Wooyoung knew what you were doing but that didn’t stop his cheeks from turning even darker. He honestly would’ve thought you were a succubus if he didn’t already know who you were.

“I-I don’t… Yours still have white. You’re still an angel…” Wooyoung’s eyes are glued to the floor as he doesn’t allow himself to make eye contact.

You cock your head to the side, “Don’t kid yourself, angel. We both know I’m not a pure innocent angel… but neither are you. Am I right?”

Wooyoung shook his head, “Y-Yes I am… Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

You run a finger across Wooyoung’s jaw, “You’re right angel, but they can’t see what I can see.” You knew he knew what you were talking about. As you ran your hand down Wooyoung’s arm you felt goosebumps being left in its path.

Wooyoung’s eyes shut as you thread your fingers with his, “Open your eyes angel… Show me what you want.”

Wooyoung immediately obeys. It was like you’re controlling Wooyoung but he would be a fool to say you weren’t right. With your free hand, you grip onto Wooyoung’s chin before your eyes meet his.

I’m gonna post a thing from a fic I’ve been on and off working on for literally 2 years and only have 1.9k words

I’m posting a teaser so then it’ll force me to finish it bc it’s like out there so y’all never shut up about it and yell at me plz


Summary: Secret santa but yall got each other even though you two don’t like each other

Pairing: Reader x Yunho (ft. Seonghwa and San)

Word count- 11.8K unedited… oops

Smut with too much plot (Subs: reader and Yunho, Doms: Seonghwa, San, and reader to Yunho) *Yunho is a sub and no one can change my mind*

Smut Warning: exhibitionism, oral sex- M receiving, degration, dirty talk, car sex?, use of pet names, soft cute sex, sex that’ll make someone feel sore for days, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy) Marking, cream pie, and more that I can’t remember… 

25 days of christmas: Day 6 

12-27-19 pretend it didn’t take me 20 days to write this ah ha ha 


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I really want to like rewrite it bc I could 200% make it better bc there’s so much stuff that’s wrong with it oh my god AKDHKAHD

Y’all I definitely pulled through on the rapping in my section my videos are so funny DHSKHDS

Who posts the most on universe?? I wanna get a subscription but I’m not trynna get like one picture a month for that

Does anyone know any good kpop album stores in Dallas?? Or like around Dallas??? I’m going to the ateez concert the 27th and am gonna be in the area so I want to get some albums while I’m there :)


Should I wait to get a light stick at the concert??? Or should I get one now and hope it comes on time?? Bc ik dallas has like the smallest venue so I’m pretty confident I could actually get one but idk???

Is Elon gonna delete all the twitter porn?

Is dumbledore canonly gay in the books or is that just something jk rolling did to look less homophobic??? I’ve never read the fantastic beasts books so idk

Like was the secret of dumbledore that he’s gay??AGFKSHDH ig I didn’t understand it too well bc I’m not like a super big fan of the franchise

I’m almost done with my timestamp I NEED TO FINISH AND POST BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP currently at 935 words

I’m making a personal goal to post at least once a week so I’ll list what imma write this month to motivate myself SGDKSH

1st week: [10:22pm] “Look at the camera, baby, I’m gonna save it as my background even if your boyfriend sees it.” W/ Dom!San x Sub!Reader x Dom!Seonghwa(posted)

2nd Week: Ateez reaction to their s/o not being able to sleep

3rd Week: [???] Doing a sexy collab with their s/o (more to be added later)

4th Week: [???] TBA

New era guys


For context this is what it’s doing did this happen to anyone else’s???

So I purchased the universe membership but it’s not letting me see any of the exclusive content and it’s not giving me like any of my benefits is it bc like I’m trying to too early? Like should I wait?

This picture of San makes my brain EMPTY like he looks so pretty n innocent- like imagine him looking at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as you’re leaning over him with a quiet voice telling him what you want to do to him

Y’all they opened a FYE at the mall here and I regret walking in there they actually have ateez albums and I already know every time I go to the mall imma buy one

Like yeah they’re slightly overpriced BUT target still don’t have ateez so that’s all I got

San has Covid again… he’s asymptomatic again and doesn’t feel sick, but like San babe wtf are you out there doing that you’re the only one getting Covid again

I just went to go see that new Jennifer Lopez movie Marry Me, and I was feeling inspired the whole time… like it was SCREAMING fanfic plot and I’m like tempted to write something based on it

Absolutely no one asked but this is my ateez PC collection so far

I only have 27 PCS

I have absolutely zero hongjoong or seonghwa cards

I have 2 makestar jongho PCs but they aren’t POBs so they’re not on the list plus I couldn’t find a jongho template with POBS

I literally have way more twice photocards and only have 3 albums why can’t all the groups be like twice and have a million PCs

I started watching all of us are dead and it looks so good bUT THE EPISODES ARE SO LONG theyre literally over an hour ik I’m not gonna be able to finish it- I have such a horrible attention span

Ateez really went from losing kingdom to performing, and opening, with a kingdom performance on their sold out world tour… that’s definitely karma.

No but at the very beginning I was counting, there was like a delay and something happened idk, so I was like one of them has to not be here AND SO I WAS COUNTING 7 AND I WAS LIKE THERES ONLY 7 and so I was like with my luck it would be Mingi aND I THINK I HAD WENT THROUGH ALL 5 STAGES OF GREIF in like 20 seconds AKDHKSHD so when mingi started his rap I literally thought it was Hongjoong bc my vision were blurry bc I was FUCKING SOBBING and it like sounded different and I was like oh my god bUT THEN I SAW MINGI AJD STARTED CRYING EVEN HARDER LIKE I SANG NOT ONE WORD OF WONDERLAND BC I COULDNT STOP CRYING IT WAS SO BAD AKDBKSHD like as soon as the lights went down my heart was down my ass and I could not breathe and I was already on the verge of crying so when the curtain dropped I immediately lost itmoral of the story: IM JUST A FUCKING DUMBASS WHO CANT COUNT BC ALL 8 WERE THERE
