
 The Lunoct Week 2021 giveaway winners are @sarndonic and Ren_Luna (AO3). Congrats!Please let me k

The Lunoct Week 2021 giveaway winners are @sarndonic and Ren_Luna (AO3). Congrats!

Please let me know if you’d like to receive the giveaway and contact me within the next 3 days otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Thanks again to everyone who participated

Post link

Lunoct Week 2021 is officially over! Thanks everyone who participated Also reminder that last submissions are still welcome.

Hopefully I didn’t miss any of your posts. Please let me know if I failed to reblog any of your submissions! And again I’m really sorry about whole Tumblr deletion situation going on during the week.

And last but not least, this year’s giveaway winners will be announced on Sunday


Day 7 video for @lunoctweek2021

Even though I only did 6 videos this year, it was awesome. See ya next year!

Next for me is making videos for @hurtnoctweek which is in a few weeks.


Rainy day, familiar intimacy

AUGUST 7, for @lunoctweek

For LUNOCT Week’s last day, I’m sharing my take on the prompts, “rainy day” and “familiar intimacy.” I reckon both elements are present during Noct and Luna’s canon phantom wedding. Had the couple lived and with their wedding taking place in “real” life, it’s not hard to imagine magazines running on steroids, coming up with dozens of article inspirations about this beautiful event. Something like this:

This week has been a blast! As usual, FULL CREDIT goes to @Nsept0403at Twitter for Noct and Luna’s wedding pictures; please check them out!

Also thanks to Google Search for the other pictures used, including the Perfect Wedding logo. No copyright infringement intended. This work is just for fun, and not for profit! Peace.


Day 6 video for @lunoctweek2021


LuNoct Week Days 5-7

Stand By Me

link here!

Day 5 of LuNoct Week. Dialog prompt “Then Live! Stay with me forever!”. Noctis and Lunafreya on the altar in Altissia.

Silken Sheets, Silver Scars

Link here!

This fic is Mature!

Day 6 of LuNoct Week. Slightly explicit but still tender moment between the King and Queen of Lucis, but there in the bedroom they can just be Noct and Luna, and that is more than enough.

Whispering Moonlight

Link here!

Day 7 of LuNoct Week! Noctis has worked hard to set up a small flower garden to act as a place of respite for his queen.


Lucian Queen

AUGUST 5, for @lunoctweek


Imagine all the elaborate and glamorous magazine special editions that will likely come out about Luna after her marriage to Noct! <3

FULL CREDIT goes to @sei_kitsune or @NoEbonyNoLife at Twitter for making the Luna in Black mod, a screenshot of which I’ve used here.

FULL CREDIT goes to nodern03 at Deviantart for making this beautiful image of Lunafreya in her wedding dress.


After his throne ascension, I’m pretty sure King Noct will also have his own set of magazine features.

FULL CREDIT goes to xletdown at Tumblr for this wonderful image of older Noctis without a beard. The first time I saw it 2 years ago, I immediately thought it was fitting for a magazine cover! So here it goes…

Please check these amazing artists out!

Before I forget, thanks also to Google Search for the Vogue, Vanity Fair, and GQ logos. No copyright infringement intended. This work is just for fun, and not for profit! Peace.

xx-vampycat-xx:Squeezing in under the wire for #LunoctWeek2021 because I wanted to draw mermaid Luna


Squeezing in under the wire for #LunoctWeek2021 because I wanted to draw mermaid Luna with Noctis back for MerMay but Didn’t so second opportunity!

Post link


In another lifetime

AUGUST 5, for @lunoctweek

Because in another lifetime or a parallel universe, Noct ascends the Lucian throne without having to give up his life, marries his childhood confidante/ best friend/ soulmate from Tenebrae, and gets to start a family with her.

With the Royal Line of Lucis secured, the entire world of Final Fantasy is treated to dozens of rambunctious and tacky magazine headlines.  But this time, it’s all positive coz R O Y A L  B A B Y. Also, since the point is to mimic tabloids, I’ve filled the cover with some other running gags in the FF franchise same as last time. Hope the fans of these other games won’t mind.

AND BONUS! I just couldn’t resist making a gossip magazine on Noct and Luna. In an AU where there is no war and Starscourge, the royals’ lovelife will probably be a constant talk of the “press,” what with them being childhood friends. Their dating status is like an open secret around EOS, LOL.

FULL CREDIT goes to @Nsept0403 at Twitter for Noct and Luna’s pictures; please check them out!

Also thanks to Google Search for the other pictures used, including the Daily Star and OK! logos. No copyright infringement intended. This work is just for fun, and not for profit! Peace.


LuNoctWeek Day 2!

Feels Like Coming Home.

Written for Day 2 of LuNoct Week. Reuniting after a long time apart.

This is honestly pure indulgent fluff imo. I’m not sorry though I loved writing it.


Day 3: Against Fate itself!

Lunafreya was kidnapped and the Bros (+Ravus) assist in freeing her from captivity. Noctis is reminded that Luna isn’t exactly helpless. Fits into the Draconian’s Grace timelines.

And Day 4: Between Sorrow and Bliss!

An AU told in (primarily) in kisses. Written for Lunoct week day 4, with the prompt ‘kiss’ of course. Lunafreya and Noctis are betrothed at a young age, but when Tenebrae falls, things get complicated.


Day 4 plush video for @lunoctweek2021


Day 3 video for @lunoctweek2021


Growing old together

AUGUST 4, for @lunoctweek

Picking up from my AU in which Noct lives to rule over Lucis and is able to have children with Luna. When they reach retirement age, I reckon they will choose to live out the rest of their days in Tenebrae. At this point in time, they will be living legends/ important figures of Eosian history, so it’s only natural that they will be asked to write memoirs.

Luna and Noct will most definitely do something unique, taking advantage of the fact that their lives have been intertwined since childhood. My hc is that they will come up with two physically separate books containing two different life accounts. But these books are meant to be read simultaneously; for example, a chapter from Noct’s book completes the narrative in between two chapters from Luna’s. So yes, growing old together and still knowing how to have fun.


Thanks to Google Search for all the pictures used, including the book award medals. No copyright infringement intended. This work is just for fun, and not for profit! Peace.
