


As you know ive got a cold and a bad cough at the moment. Missed work on Friday because of a high fever and while that’s gone down over the weekend my coughing hasn’t.  Its been keeping me up, im very very tired and really weak. I missed Monday’s work as well. 

Its currently 6am Wednesday (ive tried to sleep but again, the coughing is waking me up alot) and im roistered on to work tomorrow and Friday but the way things are going im going im not sure i’ll be well enough for it. 

So if anyone is interested please browse my https://lustfullittleangel.tumblr.com/tagged/content tag and consider buying something to help me out during this shitty week. 

Side note for snap buyers, i really really really plan to make up for the lack content being posted there but as you can imagine this little angel isnt in top for at the moment! You’re patience will be rewarded i promise.

Lastly if you can;t donate or buy content, please reblog this and maybe someone else on your feed can, reblogging posts is the only way i get noticed by new people and it means alot. 

(P.S: Im gonna try to sleep again now so if i dont reply to any messages right away i will get to them the moment im able.) 

Go browse and then buy. She’s a nerdcore QUEEN. 

