


I intend for my hot girl summer to cause a religious schism in Europe.


Ah yes, my favourite shipping dynamic: a sarcastic intellectual whose greatest joy in life is annoying people and a stubborn hot-head who’s easily wound up.



then there’s that trope where your fave character has just been knocked near unconscious or injured and is on the ground and the last thing they see before they fade out is their enemy standing over them or noticing them but not killing them and they know they’re going to be at their mercy and you’re all, fun times ahead

#is this Lymond (via@invite-me-to-your-memories)

not how it came up, but, to be fair, it’s happened in Lymond like 300 times

Happy Sunday to everyone but esp this tiny doodle I found of Gabe from that part of DK where he’s like “look at me, just a handsome god loving man, who has a cold but will struggle on despite the tyranny of our dear Francis”

“What have you been doing?”“Baiting a boyar or two,” Lymond said. “How did you know so much about th

“What have you been doing?”

“Baiting a boyar or two,” Lymond said. “How did you know so much about the road to Astrakhan?” The robe she had shown him was fox-trimmed, and of Persian silk. Bare to the waist, he allowed it to fall over his shoulders and subsided, with the oiled ease of total physical control, among the cushions beyond the low brazier.

“You are an animal,” the Mistress said. “Barbarous Scot. You have no shame and no shyness. Who do you think nursed you in those days out of Volos?”

The Ringed Castle, Chapter 5

What better way to celebrate someone’s birthday than with some thirst art of that time they were completely emotionally shut down and in charge of the entire Russian army? I did not mean for this to be a thing and then I spent the whole afternoon making it! Oops!

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Proficiency in both ranged and deranged combat
