#m tom holland




Summary:When you and Peter begin working on an assignment for your Child Development class and Morgan overhears your discussions, she starts to think that you and Peter are actually expecting a baby, leading to a lot of confusion and a very pissed off Tony.

Word Count:3.8k

Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth, swearing, typos

a/n: just something nice and fluffy before the last chapter of bty comes out and crushes everyone’s souls 


“MJ is so pissed,” Peter laughed as the two of you walked hand in hand into the penthouse of the tower, “she said Flash has already made three misogynistic remarks and eight ‘that’s what she said’ jokes.” 

“Oh god,” you chuckled, “she’s gonna kill him.” 

Peter’s phone buzzed again, “nine jokes,” he updated with a smile, texting her back a frowny face. 

“I’m just glad we got paired together,” you said as you set your backpack on the kitchen counter, “I mean imagine if you got paired with Flash… or worse, if I got paired with Flash.” You grimaced at the thought. 

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pls ive been laughing so much reading this, rly love the way she comfort morgen even tho i cackled along the way, and tony HAHAHAB I CANT MY STOMACH HURT RYT NOW HAHAHAHAH
