#m2f transgender


It’s so much fun to walk in the woods in Spring just after rain has fallen.

I love my black boots very much. They feel wonderful on my legs in sheer pantyhose.

OMG! This black pantyhose feels wonderful, so soft!

Tan stockings, red painted toe nails … I love these feelings!

Would you like to join me in my car? On a nice journey into the unknown. ‍♀️

Enjoying the Spring sun in sheer pantyhose. That feels fantastic.

Deep inside the woods, all alone, need some company.

I like lounging around in comfortable, silky outfits and sheer tights. And of course I love being a woman. ‍♀️

I can try to deny it, to hold it back, to throw away everything I have girly in my inventory, but I always get back to it. Because it’s part of me and this part of me is real and I need to pay attention to what she says.

Yes, SHE, cuz I like to call it myself as Ms, just how I feel


I could spend all day with my head buried between those sexy thighs…my fantasy

              John’s face turned from vaguely irritated to noticeably angry when he saw that his flight was delayed for another full day. As a young professional just above the age of 30, he had jumped on the first opportunity he got to travel to China for teaching college at a reputable level. However, the flight had one layover in Singapore’s famous Changi airport – a beautiful, nature-filled building that was as much of a tourist destination as any other. John was able to enjoy it for a few hours, but at the end of the day, it was still just an airport, and he was nervous about any tardiness impacting his career.

               Luckily, the Changi airport offered luxurious options for passengers to sleep. It’s just one day, John thought, taking in a deep breath. Patience and rationality under pressure were never his strong suits when he didn’t have other people, like students, to keep him from getting into his own head. He had always thoughts services like air and ground transportation should be 100% flawless at all times because peoples’ lives and productivity depended on them.

               “Can you believe this shit? Full-day delays are ridiculous.” John said to an attractive female stranger at one of the airport’s bars. After having seen her and her bouncing blonde hair throughout the day, he assumed she was also stuck here for the night. “The weather outside is crazy,” the woman replied with an offended expression, “grow up, man. I’ll gladly stay here another night than fly in that storm.” The woman promptly sat up and walked away, handing John yet another defeat. After a few drinks, John continued to vent to strangers in the area and received even less sympathy for his increasingly tipsy behavior.

               After an uncomfortable night of sleep and a light morning hangover, John returned and waited at his gate, certain that his flight would take off within the next few hours. He passed the time by listening to podcasts with his eyes closed, browsing the web through his phone, and by writing down interesting observations he saw on a notepad to help him cope with a space he didn’t want to be in – an idea given to him by a therapist long ago. A few heads turned toward John when he snapped his mechanical pencil with one hand at the announcement of yet another flight delay.

               “Come on, people!! How long are you going to keep us here?!” John shouted, silencing everyone around the terminal. “Sir-” one of the flight attendants began, but was interrupted by John: “No, no ‘sirs!’ I needed to be in Beijing yesterday, and you’re telling me there’s a storm outside so disastrous that you need to hold off flying for two whole days? It’s not that long of a flight! Hell, I could’ve been there today if I had driven yesterday!” The security guards positioned themselves into John’s view – although he was fuming, he knew better than to get physical.

               To John’s surprise, the blonde woman from yesterday approached him. “Look, man. Have you seen what’s happening outside? I’m a meteorologist and I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I get it, you’re frustrated, and none of us want to spend another night here, but you just have to get over yourself. Stop acting like a pathetic man-child.” Before John could reply, the woman began to walk away, then motioned for him to follow.

               “I’m John, by the way,” John said as he walked with the woman. “I didn’t ask,” the woman replied coldly, “but I’m Kylie.” Kylie silently led John through the airport until they arrived at a huge room with glass walls and a domed ceiling where one could see everything in the sky as clearly as if they were outside. Although the clouds and rain had been apparent to John, he never could’ve imagined what he saw at this vantage point. Craning his neck all the way back, he saw a vortex of fluffy black clouds mixed with what looked like red clouds, wrapping around each other in thick layers. Bright red lightning flashed in the sky moments before the thunder roared loud enough to threaten breaking the heavily reinforced glass.

               “What the hell is this…?” John wondered out loud. “Like I said, I don’t know. Nobody knows. It’s a never-before-seen phenomenon, and the safest place we can be right now is in this airport. If you get it now, then do us all a favor and stop embarrassing yourself in public.” The words stung, but the unreal sight was almost incredible enough for John to have forgotten about Kylie completely. The center of the vortex almost looked like some kind of massive glowing eye that could move even the most artistically-illiterate people.

               As Kylie walked away, John asked: “Hey, you wanna get a dr-” “No,” Kylie replied without turning around. John sighed, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief now that he had a better idea of the storm, giving him a better excuse for his tardiness if he were to be questioned about it. He continued to walk and mingle throughout the airport for the remainder of the day, coming back to the view every few hours to check on the vortex. The storm didn’t let up – it only seemed to get worse into the evening with the rain pattering harder against the roof.

               Before it was time to get ready for bed, John found himself strolling through one of the many gift shops, figuring that he ought to bring something with him to remind him of this crazy trip when it was all over. Loud thunder boomed from outside, shaking a few of the more delicate ornaments. “You see the storm out there?” John asked the cashier, twiddling a small keychain depicting a lion’s head on a fish tail. “Oh, no, I haven’t…it’s been very loud, though,” the cashier meekly replied. “It’s freakin’ wild,” John said, “like, you gotta go to the big dome spot to get the best view. But it’s like a giant evil tornado. This is gonna be my second damn night here,” he laughed. The cashier smiled in return. The lights flickered throughout the airport. After a pause, John continued: “It kinda sucks, but what’re we gonna do, right? I’m just trying to get to China for work. Like, I just wish I could be where I could do my job, damn it!” John chuckled again, hoping that his coping humor was translating well.

               At that exact moment, a massive red bolt of lighting struck the airport. All of the lights died in an instant, and the ground beneath John’s feet shook enough to send him onto the hard floor. The impact knocked him unconscious. The keychain, partially wrapped around his fingers, glowed with a faintest little light for a few minutes before going out.

               John woke up in one of the airport’s passenger beds the next morning. To his surprise, Kylie was sitting near him on a chair. “Kylie?” he groggily asked. “Oh my gosh, Jen! You’re awake! Thank goodness!” Kyle exclaimed, frantically putting her magazine down and helping John sit up. “What happened last night?” he asked. “We found you knocked out in the gift shop, it looked like you fell. Do you remember anything?”

               John groaned, rubbing his eyes while trying to recall. “Storm…storm…storm! Yeah, the storm! Is it still going?” Kylie gave him an odd look. Even without being at the airport’s scenic dome, it was obvious to anyone that today was a bright and sunny day from the large windows around them. “I-I remember I had a little keychain in my hand, too…where is that?” John continued. “Think they probably just put it back. C’mon bud, let’s get you up.” Kylie said, helping John swing himself out of bed and onto his feet.

               There was a jolt of unfamiliarity – John was looking at Kylie at eye level. Wasn’t I taller than her? he thought. Adjusting and patting down his clothes, which had also become smaller, he figured he must’ve remembered incorrectly. “I-I’m gonna go check on the vortex,” John said, shaking out his fingers and wrists. “The what?” Kylie asked. “The vortex! You know, from yesterday? Maybe part of it is still there, at least? You coming with?” John expected another swift decline, but Kylie happily agreed with a laugh. She might think I’m crazy, but she seems kinda into me now, I think? Maybe she finally came around to my charm?

               John’s wrists and ankles cracked and spasmed as he walked with Kylie, much to his friend’s concern. “You feeling okay, grandma?” Kylie joked with genuine concern. “Yeah, just feeling a little tight in the ol’ joints…must’ve slept wrong?” As John was focused on getting to the dome, he didn’t cast a glance at his changing hands and feet. Within his shrinking shoes, his toes compacted to be smaller than his big toes, and his hands were powerless to become anything but dainty to match his newly bony wrists. His short, blocky nails grew out in both directions on his fingers, giving them captivating ovular forms.

               “It’s…totally gone,” John breathed, looking up through the dome at the clearest blue sky he’d ever seen. “Sure you didn’t imagine it?” Kylie asked. “Imagine it? Kylie, you’re the one who showed it to me yesterday!” Kylie simply blinked. “You must’ve really hit your head. C’mon, let’s go check on our flight.” The pair walked back to the gates and saw that their flight to China had been canceled, as the plane meant to fly out had somehow become damaged. John felt rage bubbling within him. He wanted to scream, shout, and accuse the world of being against him. After taking a deep breath, the anger faded away much faster and easier than it ever had before. “That fucking blows,” he mumbled. After a brief silence, Kylie suggested: “Why don’t we get some brunch while we’re here?”

               John ordered a burger and fries for himself while Kylie stuck to a light salad while mooching off of her friend’s fries. “Mmm, overpriced but delicious,” John said through a full mouth. His legs shifted while he ate, as he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was getting fatter as soon as each bite went into his mouth. Although he didn’t directly notice it, his gut was right – his stomach flattening wasn’t nearly enough to counteract the bloat he felt the from feminine fat that began to fill out his skinny thighs. His pants stretched in tandem so that they never felt too tight, even when his pelvis was uncomfortably broadening, testing the limits of how far his flesh could stretch. In contrast, his shortened calves had slimmed even further to better match his tiny ankles, and his knobby knees had leveled down along the joints. The light muscle tone in John’s upper arms was smothered out around the same time, leaving him with soft, rounded shoulders.

               After brunch, John and Kylie continued to tour around and enjoy the airport, mainly on Kylie’s lead, as John was having trouble figuring out what to do without her company. The pair chatted as they walked, including personal topics that felt odd to talk about between people who had just met each other. John wasn’t sure why Kylie felt so comfortable divulging parts of her life story to him, but he happily rolled with it, hoping that they’d still be able to connect once they left the airport.

               “Oh my gosh, I forgot they had a world-class salon here!” Kylie exclaimed as they continued their browsing. “I need a massage and a mani-pedi. C’mon!” Kylie dragged John into the salon by his wrist. “I’ll, uh, wait for you outside,” John chuckled nervously. Kylie gave him the most confused look he’d seen from her yet. “Bitch, get over here!” she laughed. “You are not going to pass this place up! I was here a few years ago, it is divine.”

               Although reluctant, John agreed. In the middle of their full body massages, he was certainly happy that he did. Kylie was right, the knots in his body felt like they were evaporating, including the knots that formed on his back during the massage as his frame continued to curve and slenderize. He was thankful that the man giving him the massage managed to avoid touching his junk while his meaty thighs were being kneaded like dough, not realizing that there was very little remaining junk to touch.  

               After the massage, John and Kylie lounged in the salon chairs soaking their feet while manicurists gently held their hands to begin working their magic. Guys do this shit all the time, if anything it’s just manscaping, John thought to himself, unaware that his nails were soon going to be painted with a cute bright yellow. As his wet feet were being massaged and prepped for a similar treatment, a tingle ran through his chest. At first it felt like it could’ve been nothing, but as his nipples slowly perked and grew, scratching against the inside of his rough shirt, discomfort became hard to ignore.

               Kiwi slices were placed over John’s and Kylie’s eyes, and their faces were lightly moisturized. With his hands and feet being worked on, John was completely powerless to address the foreign sensations within his shirt. Fat and tissue accumulated, bolstering little mounds that grew, sagged, grew, and sagged over and over in microdoses. His breathing was heavy, afraid of what the people around him were thinking more than how he felt himself. He was dying to press his chest in the hopes of relieving tension; however, the tension eventually faded by itself once his chest had fully developed into two modest breasts hanging uncomfortably within his shirt.

               “How ya feelin’?” Kylie asked as their newly painted finger and toenails were drying. “G-Good! I feel real-really-” John coughed a little, trying to alleviate a tickle in his throat. His voice began to change, although neither he nor Kylie seemed to find it strange. “I feel really relaxed, finally…I think,” he finished. God, what is wrong with me today?

               Shortly before it was finally time to get up, John’s clothing seamlessly morphed – his jeans became bell-bottomed and tighter around his ass, while his shirt became an entirely different material and color, fitting better to his feminine figure. His collar dipped further towards his chest, showing off the smallest amount of cleavage that his newly formed bra would allow. The boxers in his pants pressed up against his crotch, sitting comfortably between his legs now that any male impedances had fully retracted. John’s sneakers also shifted into small open-toed pumps.

               “Ohmigawd they did such a good job!” Kylie squealed, looking at her own pink nails. John looked down at his pretty little hands and feet and wiggled his digits. He smiled; they did look really damn cute. But looking down at his body developed a growing sense of dread. Things seemed normal, but completely irregular at the same time.

               “You okay Jen? I love the yellow on you!” Kylie asked, wrapping her arm around John’s shoulder. “I knowww, I don’t remember the last time I felt so dolled up,” John laughed. Saying that as if it were second nature continued to develop the pit in his stomach. A moment of silence passed before Kylie asked, “So what’s up with you today? We’ve been having so much fun and you’ve been spacey all day!” John looked into her eyes, unsure of how to answer. She looked more beautiful than he remembered.

               Putting out a fake smile, John eventually said, “I think I’m, like…ugh, no. Sorry, let me use the restroom. I just need a little refresher.” “As if the salon wasn’t enough!” Kylie joked, taking a seat to wait for her friend. Without thinking about it, John entered the women’s room, and upon seeing his reflection, he was completely unsure of how to react.

A pretty Chinese woman stared back at him in the mirror. “No,” he barely breathed through his lips, clearly feeling stubble on his face as he rubbed it with his fingers. His reflection had such long hair, but he only felt his usual short hair on top of his head when he patted it. As if on cue, the hair on his head began to grow, enveloping the hand on his head and cascading down with increasing volume. Touching his other hand back to his face, the stubble had vanished, and he felt his skin slithering underneath his fingertips.

               “Fuck,” John continued to mumble, taking his glasses off and splashing his face with water from the faucet. His thin, dry lips had moisturized and expanded around his rounding jaw. He couldn’t stop touching his tongue to the backs of his teeth as they straightened and whitened, giving him the gorgeous smile he had always wanted. Feeling the skin around his eyelids, there was a surprising sense of relief as they melded and folded together, giving his now-brown eyes the distinct almond shape he thought was familiar. His Caucasian tone was quick to darken and tan into a glowing yellow hue, making him indistinguishable from the Chinese woman the world had been seeing him as.

               John held her head. All of the changes felt right, she felt comfortable in her own skin, and yet something about her still felt off. At that moment, Kylie walked in and wrapped her arms around John’s waist. “How’re you babe?” she whispered. A warm fuzzy feeling fluttered in John’s stomach. It was more than lust, it was the same kind of comfort someone would feel with a person they could wholeheartedly trust and rely on. “Better with you here,” John whispered, turning her head around toward Kylie. As they closed their eyes, their lips met with a slow, passionate kiss.

               Fragments of John’s life were coming back into her mind. She didn’t know why she kept thinking of herself as John when her name was actually Ju Hua – or Jenny, when she told people in English. She had grown up in China and eventually moved to Singapore to teach, and somewhere along the way, she had met the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Kylie. Her platinum features were so alluring, and to this day Jenny still couldn’t believe that she was lucky enough to call Kylie her girlfriend.

               When the kiss broke, Jen turned toward her partner and buried her face into Kylie’s shoulder. Kylie lovingly stroked her partner’s long black hair and checked her head for any injuries due to the fall she had last night. “We can go to the hospital before we go home,” Kylie eventually suggested. Jenny pulled her head back up with teary, yet happy eyes. “No, no hospitals. I’m feeling…better. Where I really need to be right now is back at our apartment. Let’s go home, dear.” Kylie smiled and reached into the small purse that was wrapped around Jen’s arm – something she hadn’t noticed until now. Kylie pulled out Jenny’s car keys. “I know it’s your car, but no way in hell am I letting you drive today. Let’s go!”

This story is a Patron reward for Jun, thank you so much! <3 The story features a man who finds himself in the middle of his mentality and reality changing around him, struggling to figure out why he feels so uncomfortable during his smooth transition to womanhood.  I hope you enjoy! This story was patron-exclusive for about ~1 month.


Caption is NSFW ;) So I shall redirect you to heeeere~

TG 193: Lecherous

A Patreon reward for Himiko, thank you so much!! This story features a young adult who didn’t think his obsession with Asian women could be topped…until he became one himself. I hope you all enjoy!! A new long story has also been posted for patrons, so I hope you will also enjoy that and/or look forward to the public release. :)


TG 192: ReactionM2F + Mental ChangeA patron reward for Freelancer, thank you so much!! :) This story

TG 192: Reaction

M2F + Mental Change

A patron reward for Freelancer, thank you so much!! :) This story features a young man and his friend paying dearly for throwing caution to the wind.

As a note, I realize that some people may draw similarities between the current COVID-19 crisis and this story. This story is not a statement regarding, nor was it inspired by, the current pandemic. Another new caption is live on Patreon, too! 

Life update: things are getting better over here for sure, but there’s still a bit of emotional baggage left to unpack. I can’t promise I’ll get another release out in March, but I’ll try my best :) The worst of my situation is over, at least. 


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