

jet lag has REALLY gotten to me, but besides that, how has your day been everyone ?

if any could give my lovelies could suggest four hq boys i’d be greatly appreciated

definitely thinking about changing the theme for may .. i think it’ll up my productivity on here :))


mutuals i am politely asking you what color i remind you of

flying to germany to live with my sickly mother ! life is good :))

to some today is a happy birthday to katsu, and others it’s a day after

regardless, happy birthday bakugo katsuki ( pomi boy )

happy easter to those celebrating today ! and those who’ve already experienced the day, i hope the aftermath treats you kindly ♡

my carrd is finally updated with this theme ! a days work is done phew .. i’m not sure if i like it as much as the red one, but this will do for now

used a wheel thingy to decide, it’s atsumu btw :)

for a small fic i’m working on, can you lovelies choose between atsumu, oikawa, or kuroō

i’m genuinely tempted to write a small fic with a random character of my own imagination .. he’s really dreamy in my mind

atsumu’s name in my draft autocorrected to asthma and i haven’t laughed that hard in my life.. good times

i love how soft and rounded the post on my dash appear after this update

posting a cute drabble tomorrow, i’ve been looking forward to posting and updating you guys more ! !
