
The Beast of Bell Island #29 - SIZEKINK .COM “Brooke, it’s starting!” The young woman, hair in a sma

The Beast of Bell Island #29 - SIZEKINK .COM

“Brooke, it’s starting!” The young woman, hair in a smart, spunky bob these days, finished pouring out some hot cocoa before rushing out into the living room of her shared flat in a sleepy suburb north of Seattle. Her housemate, Mara, had the TV tuned into the news, where live footage of an aircraft hangar-turned-courtroom…

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The Beast of Bell Island part 28 - SIZEKINK .COM

Both Michelle and Ryan came running, though, eyes wild. “What are you doing!” they shouted in unison, glancing up at the sky. The helicopters could be heard, but no longer seen through the suddenly dense clouds. “What?” Jack turned. “They can’t see us.” “You don’t know that!” “According to the…

Read the story on my actual website!

[Image picturing a sketchdump of a giant Nash in various stages of working a small human woman down his dick until she winds up in one of his balls. There’s some mututal masturbation, some internal shots, some dirty talk, and a nice little cumshot at the end.]

So Nash’s cockthroat is lined with villi that become erect when he does, helping coax prey down deep into his thick shaft and full balls (with some massaging on his part of course) and making it so that they can’t get out until he’s done with them. Yum. He doesn’t digest his prey, much preferring to watch them wiggle out of his soft dick afterwards, flushed and panting, and absolutely coated in cockdrool.

Another favorite of his is feeling his prey masturbate while snuggled up tight in his sack, being stimulated by their movement and the vibrations from their voice, until eventually their fluids mix with his, and he gets to geyser out their combined pleasure~

And here’s a doodle of his teeth - too bad he’s not a hard vore pred, those chompers would be perfect for shearing little bodies apart.

[Image showing a closeup of Nash’s mouth, with a set of teeth that are a mix of human and shark. His molars appear to be comprised of several rows of sharper teeth, while the front teeth are more typically flat. He’s smirking lecherously and wants you to hop in.]

d don’t forget folks, you can submit anonymous asks via my wordpress blog, no registration or even an email address is necessary! Have sketch requests? Questions to ask my characters? A random shitpost you want me to read? Hit me up!

Click here to see the art because tumblr sucks

[NSFW IMAGE: A big black and red mech hunched over a small human splayed out before him on a table, a dick half his size is nestled between his open legs, with globs of jizz smeared across his belly and chest. He’s covered in purple bite marks.]

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Introducing: Nash. - SIZEKINK .COM To celebrate(?) the death of sex-positive tumblr tomorrow, I’ve c

Introducing: Nash. - SIZEKINK .COM

To celebrate(?) the death of sex-positive tumblr tomorrow, I’ve created a new OC! Nash Whitetip: a pansexual shark alien boy, size-shifter, bodyboarder, and mech pilot. He can grow up to 120′ feet tall, and is quite the kinky fucker wherever he is: on land, in the water, or in the cockpit of his space-faring robot that comes with its own dick that his nervous system can tap into like it was his own. He’s a definite dom – pretty cocky and a complete ham, but he doesn’t get off on hurting folks. He definitely enjoys teasing and toying, though… but enough about him for now. So guess what I did folks? I figured out a way to enable anonymous asks on my WordPress blog! Follow the link here or click the one at the top of the site to send me your lewd requests and fantasies. (If there’s interest and it doesn’t turn into a spam magnet, I’ll write a quick guide on how I slapped it together.)

I’ve also imported all of my motherfuckin’ tumblr posts onto here – a big unwieldy mess for now, but I’m slowly going through them to delete the shitposts and whatever else I don’t want taking up space with my host, and listing them under the Old Tumblr Posts category for posterity’s sake. dusts off hands My job there is done.
(If you like or reply to this and want me to see it, you’ll have to go to the website. This is just an autopost.)
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