#madu text


i just wanted to let you guys know that i bleached my eyebrows. thats it thanks for the attention.

the lack of posts (embarassing to be adressing this now since i havent post in a month) are bc my photoshop and topaz got messed up somehow and im procrastinating to fix it. also i moved and im living my best life so yeah no depression  = no simblr content

hi guys just letting you know i wont post this weekend (besides my queue) bc im moving out but as soon as i get my shit together at the new place ill show up here and answer some asks i got!! 

i wish you guys (english speakers only) had a word such as talarico…. sighs

moving in two days to my university city just so i can be sent back home bc of covid i am losing my mind! 

wishing everyone a good new years day!! and hoping 2022 will treat us kind

going through a fnaf phase again god bless me

turning 21 in 2022 just no. not claiming this negativity
