#maewyn succat


The Truth About St Patrick’s Day

Patrick actually born AD 357 as Maewyn Succat and not in Ireland, but in Britain. He was a slave and pagan until becoming a Christian while in slavery in Ireland. He then started hearing voices that lead him to escape slavery and return to his homeland of Britannia. He rose in ranks of the Catholic Church until becoming a Bishop when he then returned to Ireland to conquer and convert the pagans. This basically became a genocidal campaign, and destruction of the older culture of Ireland. Sacred sites were destroyed and covered over with Catholic churches. The Holiday it self, like most Christian holidays is set around the same time as an older Pagan holiday. Again the tactic of covering over an older sacred thing with the new conquering faith.

So when celebrating this day, think about what your really celebrating, the genocide and destruction of a culture much older than the Christians. Many Pagans have taken to wearing snakes on this day to celebrate the older holiday, and to remind the Christians there are still snakes, Patrick failed to get them all.
