

Witchgender, Magusgender, Magegender, or Venefigender: A gender that has a closeness or connection to witchcraft and magic. It is, in a way, a magic gender. You could use it to perform strange gender magic. Or something. It is also associated with a feminine or androgynous gender expression.

Witchgender’s names come from the following things: witchgender, coming from the word “witch”; magusgender, coming from the Latin word “magus”, meaning “magic”; magegender, coming from the word “mage”, another word for “magician”; and venefigender, coming from the Latin word “venefica”, meaning witch.

Not to be confused with Genderwitched or Magigender.

Term coined by:remipachu-archive


[image description: a flag with four stripes. the second stripe is widest, the first and third stripes are slightly narrower, and the fourth stripe is much narrower. from top to bottom they are: purple, black, green, brown. a yellow pentagram is centered on the top three stripes]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:remipachu-archive

Color meanings: “ The colors of the flag don’t mean anything, but are witch-like colors (from my mind, anyway). The magic circle is to represent the magical aspect of it.”


[image description: a flag with four stripes. from top to bottom they are: purple, purple-pink, pink-purple, pink]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:@chimericalhills

Color meanings: Different shades of purple because it’s a color associated with magic.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
