#magic tf

Wording WishesA real magic coin, all she had to do was hold it tight and make a wish. She closed han

Wording Wishes

A real magic coin, all she had to do was hold it tight and make a wish.

She closed hand hand around the dull old coin and squeezed it tight.“Okay, I wish… I wish that I was the hottest ass in town, and had breasts no other girl could compete with, I want to be so well endowed… that even girls will want to have sex with me!”

She felt the magic rush out of her hands and flow into her body “Oh yes! It’s actually happening, I’ll be able to get any guy I want now… Or girl for that matter.” She chuckled to herself. Her mirth was cut short as she felt her hands began to stiffen and dropped the coin. “What the hell is going on with my hands!” She screamed looking at her arms as light gray hairs started to grow out, and her fingers became stiff and hard, turning a dark greyish brown. In only a few moments she had grown a layer of thin gray fur and…hooves.

She was so busy trying to comprehend what had happened to her hands that she barely noticed her breasts starting to strain at her flannel, but it didn’t take long before the pressure became to much. She swore it felt like her chest was covered in breasts, the weight and pressure of her tits popped the buttons right off her shirt, and she felt all four of her breasts flop free, and her growing nipples becoming stiff as the cold air touched them.

She tried to hold the growth of her tits back, but her breasts would not be denied, and her new hooves proof unsuccessful. Her face started to feel stiff and painful, and when her nose and ears started to itch she began to worry, knowing further changes were bound to happen. Her ears began to migrate up the sides of her head, becoming long and fur covered. She wanted to cry, she could feel her nose turning into a muzzle, her were nostrils widening and the fur now covered her nose as well. She felt a dull ache in her jaw as her teeth grew larger, becoming more suited for chewing on grass than the food she was used to.

“What the heeells happe-ha-Heee-Haaaawww!?” She tried to shout bout her H’s just became a series of donkey noises. “A… I’m.. I’m turning into a donkey!? But, why… No.. no I didn’t mean that when I said I wanted to be the nicest ass in town…”

Her frightened complaints went unheard as her breasts continued to grow heavier with each second, and her new grew inches longer and thicker still. A irritating itch at the base of her spine alerted her to her growing tail, but she didn’t even have time to give it a experimental flick before she felt a burning sensation in her groin. A painful sting and a strange lurching sensation as a long cock flopped out of her panties and a pair of balls dropped into a newly formed sack. She watched in horror as she became “well endowed”

It was bad enough she had turned into some four titted donkey thing… but a cock? and a large, dark, donkey cock at that. It was so long and thick, the thought of a cock that big would have been enough to make her feel aroused before, but the grey and pink flared maleness between her legs made her want to run, as if she could escape her fate…

Soon enough the pace of the changes slowed and stopped. Her hands and feet had become hooves, a long donkey tail swayed behind her ass nervously, long ears poked out from her hair and straight away from her head, a head that had a short half muzzle with huge buckteeth. Four massive breasts hung from her chest with nipples bigger than she thought possible, and her dick slapped against her knees as she moved. This had to be the worst wish ever…



“Heee-Haaaaawwww!? Heeeee-Haaaawwww!!!”

She tried to speak, but now it didn’t seem to matter what word she tried, it all sounded like the frightened braying of a donkey. It took her quite a while before she calmed down enough to quite her brays. She was still able to speak, as long as she didn’t get too excited it seemed, though H words were impossible and the occasional Hee-Haaww would replace a word without her consent. Not that it mattered, no amount of words would be able to help her, wishes were irreversible, and she had truly made an ass of herself with her careless wishing…

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Soft moans and the occasional gasp for air were the only sounds breaking the shlick shluck of her cock. Her pillowy breast were heavy in her hands as she squeezed them tight around her shaft. They were so big, soft, and warm, she barely needed wrap her lips around that throbbing dick. She didn’t need to, but she did want to. It’s all she wanted, to have yet another taste of her addictingly good cum. Thanks to the wish she got to taste it whenever she wanted, and it was quite addicting.

This had to be the third time in a row she was about to cum, her dick still perpetually hard, and those massive balls filled with an endless supply of cum. She could feel her stomach groan in anticipation, she already looked like she was a few months along due to the loads she had swallowed, but she needed more.

She was addicted, there was no denying it. When she had wished herself to have a massive cock and balls that were always ready to fuck and addicting cum, she hadn’t considered it would affect her too. Her dick was so big, so hard and needy though, and the head sat only inches from her face, the occasional fat dollop of precum dripping from it. She wasn’t sure what she had found so irresistible, so enticing, but she gave it a lick and was overwhelmed by the sensation of her tongue on her new manhood, and the taste.

It wasn’t long before she gave herself the best blowjob ever, her tongue gliding up and down the head as she used her hands to pump at the shaft. It felt incredible, she just… she just needed more. She started to rock her hips in time, and it wasn’t long before she began to deep throat herself. The giant cock almost had a will of its own as it pounded her throat, she saw stars for a moment and tried to stop for a second, but she found that her body didn’t want to.

That had been a week ago, and she had mad a few more perverted wishes since then. her balls were too big to move without the assistance of magical wishes at this point, and she sat on them as she pleasured herself. They were so thick that the pressure of her weight felt rather pleasant, and their warm smoothness made for a comfortable chair. Her balls weren’t the only thing she enlarged either, her once modest pair of breasts now easily were larger than head, with thick shirt tenting nipples that were begging to be played with.

She had no time to give them attention though, the pressure building within her balls could only mean she was on the verge, that she was about to let loose an entire gallon of cum. She had a moment of concern, a flickering thought of ‘it was supposed to be other girls being a slave to my cock, not me’ but that thought was washed away in a flood of cum that threatened to engulf her. She was glad she had wished that she could contain and endless amount of her own cum as she watched her belly inflate even larger, now looking as if she was at least eight months along. What she didn’t notice was the cup sizes added to her bra, or the thicker curves of her body as it had to contain the overflow.

“Mari, you need to come over here RIGHT NOW! You aren’t going to believe this, but I bought a real magic book.”

“You right, I don’t believe it. How much money did you waste this time Kayla? Remember the breast enlargement cream you bought me, fifty bucks and a rash later and you haven’t learned your lesson?”

“*sigh* Just get over here Mari!” Kayla hung up and paced about her room. She knew the book was magic, it looked real, and she could swear that she felt some sort of energy every time she held it.

She stopped in front of her floor length mirror and looked at herself. Kayla was an average height with a nice body, 22 years old, blonde, slight curves in the right places and a eye catching pair of D cups. Mari on the other hand was shorter, and skinny, with dark wavy hair that contrasted with her pale skin nicely. She didn’t have much in the way of breasts or hips, but her butt was rather nice, and she had a very pretty face.

Kayla was still trying to get ready in front of the mirror when the doorbell rang. She jumped and quickly made her way to the living room.

“Finally! Get in here Mari.” Kayla laughed opening the door and letting her friend in. “It’s already six o'clock, we’ve got so much magic to do!”

“Okay Hermione, but you better be conjuring me up dinner while I’m here.”

The two girls laughed and chatted about their days while Kayla prepared her bedroom, clearing a wide space on her floor and getting a bunch of candles.

“Okay, let me see what kind of nonsense you bought.”

“Hey… It’s not nonsense, it’s magic.”

“Fine fine, ‘magic’ nonsense.”

Kayla frowned and grabbed the book off her bed stand, bringing it to Mari and dropping it in her lap eliciting an oompf and a glare.

“Okay, Magic for dummies 101… Have you opened it yet?” Mari asked turning the book and fumbling with a small clasp keeping it shut.

“No I waited to open it with you.”

“Ahaha here we go!” Mari exclaimed unlatching the book. A sudden an loud noise somewhere between a moan and a fog horn scared the girls and Mari dropped the book. The book began to glow, and Mari looked to Kayla with concern. It appeared as though the book had been booby trapped to prevent theft, and Mari had triggered the trap.

There was a bright flash of pink light and a wispy cloud that enveloped Mari, slowly condensing and becoming a thick fog until she was no longer visible. The fog then shot straight at Kayla and knocked her off her feet.

Mari chocked and coughed as the fog entered her lungs, she felt like her insides were burning. She couldn’t see anything but the pink fog, and her lithe body started to feel like melting candle wax in the intense heat. Then with alarming suddenness, the fog pulled at her, and she felt as if she was thrown across the room. When Mari awoke she found herself trapped beneath a thick wall of fabric, it was closely pressed against her face and it smelled somewhat musky. Mari couldn’t feel most of her body, and the few sensations she noticed were strange. Her lips felt huge, as if they had been puffed up and left unable to completely close. She could feel that she was drooling slightly from them, and desperately wanted to tear the cloth away and wipe her face clean, but she couldn’t feel her body. She couldn’t feel much of anything but her strangely hot and swollen feeling face.

Kayla’s ass hurt from falling into the wooden floor, and she was dizzy from the strange magical fog. She brushed her long blonde locks from her face and shook her head slightly. 'What the hell was that?’ She wondered, realizing it wasn’t just her ass that was sore, her entire groin felt as if it had been hit with a heavy weight, and her pussy was intensely hot and aching. Ignoring the somewhat painful lust like feeling she looked about frantically for Mari, but her friend had vanished.

“Mari!? Oh my god, MARI!? Are you still here?” Kayla called out from somewhere above Mari, her voice booming loudly.

“I’m down here Kayla! You don’t have to yell…”

“Down where? What are you talking about?”

“I’m right here stupid, just get this damn cloth off my face and help me up, I can’t feel my body.”

Kayla froze as she realized where the sound was coming from. It wasn’t possible, that wasn’t something a book could do… Kayla’s hand hovered above the hem of her panties and she was breathing heavily. 'I’ll just pull them down and nothing will be wrong. Mari’s just… invisible or something.’

Kayla pulled down her cotton panties and exposed her large mound to the light. The fog had done something to her, that much was evident. Her mound was huge now, what had once been a gentle curve now stuck out from her body. Her lips looked thick and swollen, and she could see thin strands of lubrication dripping from her slightly gaping hole and clinging to her panties.

“Ahhh, thanks, I can breathe!” Mari exclaimed, eliciting a shriek from Kayla.

“What!? What’s the matter!?”

“No… oh my god, oh my… what the fuck… Fuck!”

“Kayla calm down! Your scaring me… and.. where the hell am I!?”

Kayla was nearly hyperventilating, and she covered her mouth with her hands in an attempt to hold her inner turmoil in. She slowly walked over to her bedroom’s floor length mirror.

“Hey stop dragging me, what are.. you… do…” Mari’s sentence drifted off into the silence of the room. She was staring at a mirror, and instead of her reflection, she saw Kayla’s body. The pieces started to fall together for her, and she realized that her field of vision wasn’t coming from Kayla’s eyes, but somewhere far lower. It was as if she was inside Kayla’s pussy… It was like if she…

“Holy shit! I got turned into your cunt!”

“Shhh, Mari, just keep it down, someone might hear you, and don’t say cunt, I hate that word…”

“There’s nobody here but us, and I GOT TURNED INTO A CUNT!”

“MARI!” Kayla didn’t know what to do so she slapped her pussy hard.

“Oww, what the hell Kayla…” Mari whimpered, surprised by the sudden stinging. “Okay… I’m your pussy.”

They stood there for a moment, trying to process the events that had transpired. Kayla’s best friend had been absorbed into her, and was now for all intensive purposes her vagina. Mari no longer had a body, it felt as if she was a face and a throat, and not much else. Her vision came from non existing eyes located slightly above Kayla’s clit, which was now the equivalent of Mari’s nose, and the thick folds of her labia served as Mari lips. Mari’s entire body felt warm and plush and almost sore with a need to be filled. She could smell Kayla’s arousal, a slightly sweet and musky smell that Mari realized was emanating from her. She was Kayla’s pussy and “they” were horny.

“So… what do you… think happened?”

“Well, the spellbook is probably cursed, I… I wasn’t even casting a spell yet, jsut looking at them… and now…”

“Now your my pussy… Do you think that, we can… change you back?”

“I… no… I’m most likely stuck like this.” Mari said with a defeated sigh.

Kayla felt terrible, she had been the one to buy the book afterall, and now her friend was cursed. Forever trapped as her pussy, doomed to spend the rest of her days horny and alone. Except… She wasn’t alone, Kayla was right here with her, and she could think of a few ways to solve her horny problem.

“So…Since your stuck like this… Do you wanna see what it’s like?”


“Do you want me to… you know?”

“Are you… you mean, eww that’s… well… I mean I guess we can… just, go slowly.”

Kayla moved to the bed and laid on her thick green comforter, slowly spreading her legs wide and rubbing her skin lightly. She trailed downward until she reach her mound, it would take some getting used to now that it was so big. Slowly her fingers caressed her smooth skin, only lightly touching her lips.

“Mmmm… such a tease…” Mari moaned out with arousal. “Pussy needs attention Kay, pussy wants you inside her.” Mari begged in a sultry voice.

Kayla giggled, Mari was surprisingly taking to her new role, and trying to play the part. “Aren’t you just a needy slutty pussy who wants to be filled.” Mari moaned again, and Kayla felt her pussy twitch. She began to draw a circle around her clit, coming closer and closer to her pink pleasure button. Kayla could feel her own arousal building to heights she had never experienced, she could feel her own lust as well as Mari’s, and knew it was the same for her.

Kayla came some close to touching her clit and summoned all of her willpower and stopped. Her hand now sat motionless in the air above it, she barely stopped herself from thrusting her hips at her own hand.

“W-why did you stop… Kayla… Please?”

Kayla grinned, she liked hearing Mari beg to be treated like a pussy. This had seemed weird a few minuets ago, but now she was actually kind of enjoying it. Mari on the other hand had little time to think of such things, the intense aching need to be touched and filled consumed her very being. All she wanted was for her friend to make her cum, over and over and…

Mari’s train of thought was interrupted by and intense sensation, at first it was nearly sharp and overwhelming, but Kayla knew what she was doing and within moments it turned into a wonderfully good feeling.

“Ohhh damn… Kayla… uhnnn mmmmm ohh yeah that’s… that’s soo gooood.” Mari groaned in delight and felt herself become even hotter as her juices dripped from her lips and landed on the bed. Kayla threw her head back and let out a soft moan of her own, it felt even better than normal with Mari as her pussy.

“You’re such a… a good… pussy Mari. You feel so good… uhnff… ohhh.” Kayla was getting into a faster motion, and began to stroke her large lips with the other hand. She covered her velvety folds in her slick juices and rubbed and tugged at her drooping labia. Her pussy had been much smaller before, and her lips had been thinner, tighter, and much less sensitive. Now then hug down just a little, and the feeling of pulling on them was amazing.

If Kayla was enjoying playing with her new lips, the Mari was having the time of her life. At first it had felt odd, Kayla’s labia felt sort of felt like the lips of Mari’s mouth, but tingling warmth and pressure was so good. It wasn’t long before Mari was thinking of them more as her labia than the lips of her mouth.

“Unnnff mmmmm Kayla’s so good at making pussy feel good… Oh fuck yeah… uhnnnn… Keep rubbing pussy’s clit!” Mari was enjoying referring to herself as pussy, if being stuck as Kayla’s pussy meant doing this all the time, she could get used to that. It wasn’t as if she had been having a great sex life before, and she would be lying is she said she had never though about Kayla and herself in that way.

Kayla grinned, Mari was playing the part of her pussy very well, and it sounded like she was starting to like her new role. “Does Mari like being a slutty little pussy?”


“Does Mari like to be called pussy?”

“M-mar..” Mari stopped. “Pussy loves being called pussy!”

“Does pussy want to have these fingers inside her while I rub my needy clit?

"OH god yes! Please Kayla… Mnnfff please make me your little slut pussy, make me cum for you!” Mari/Pussy desperate now, and nearly cried out in joy as Kayla stuck two fingers deep inside her. Kayla groaned, she was so warm and wet, her fingers sliding in and out with a steady motion was building upon the already amazing feelings coming from her clit.  

Pussy sucked at the fingers, trying to squeeze and milk them like a cock. Kayla was panting and thrusting her hips forward to get even more of her hand buried in Pussy. The heat and pressure grew until Neither Kayla or her pussy thought they could take any more.

They both cried out in unison as a massive orgasm hit them. Kayla’s body tensed and she shuddered, her mind consumed in a blissful fire. Pussy contracted and quivered, her senses overwhelmed. There was no way to prepare for experiencing an orgasm AS a pussy, and she passed out.

Kayla laid there for a good ten minuets not moving, the afterglow of post climax wrapping her up like a blanket. That was the best thing she ever felt, sharing a wondrous orgasm with her best friend, and being able to feel her feeling it. She loved having Mari as her pussy, and never wanted her to leave.

“…phewwww” Kayla breathed out deeply “That… That was, just… awesome.” She laughed and grinned a dopey smile. There was no response from her pussy and she realized that she had actually fallen asleep.

“Hey, Pussy! Wake up cutey.” She flicked her clit lightly

“H-hwhaaat!?” Pussy stuttered in confusion, momentarily unaware of where she was. “Oh yeah… pussy.. OH MY GOD! Kayla that was… that felt so fucking amazing!”

“I know right?” Kayla got up and walked to the kitchen in the nude. “I know this might sound weird, but I love having you as my pussy, it was so much better with you there…”

“I… Yeah… I like being your pussy too… No!” Pussy shouted for a moment causing Kayla to stop “I don’t like being your pussy.” For a moment Kayla was in shock and afraid

“I love being your pussy. I am pussy, don’t even call me Mari anymore, her life was boring and had no direction, from now on my name is Pussy, and my job is to suck on cocks, dildos, and finger until I cum for you.”

“So you don’t want me to try and find a way to reverse this?”

“As far as I’m concerned, throw the damn spellbook out the window.”

Kayla gave Pussy an appreciative rub and went to the sink, pouring herself a glass of water.

“I do have one request though.”

Kayla finished off her drink and sat the cup on the counter. “Name it.”

“A shower, and then we go shopping for some toys!”
