

Pairing:Jungkook x Reader


Word Count:9k+

Summary: When Jungkook gets hurt on tour, requiring stitches and needing to sit out for a few performances, you’re there to comfort and reassure him, no matter how much he tries to push you away for trying. Mostly fluff, slight angst!

A/N: Just a little idea I had after seeing the behind-the-scenes video of when Jungkook cut his heel while on tour. I just wondered what it would be like for his girlfriend to see him in pain and how she would respond to him insisting on performing while still clearly hurt. Hope you enjoy!


Groaning, you rolled over, burying your face deeper into your pillows at the sound of the obtrusive ringtone sounding off much too early in the morning. Glancing at the alarm clock next to you, you were fully prepared to ignore the unwelcome caller after seeing what an ungodly time in the morning it was.  However, your attitude quickly changed and your heart began racing after remembering that your idol boyfriend was currently on tour in Europe, often resulting in sporadic calls due to the constantly changing time zones.

Nevertheless, you had just spoken to him before heading to bed that night. He knew that you were sleeping, and as such, wouldn’t call unless something was had happened. Concern growing, you turned on the bedside lamp, heart dropping when you saw the caller ID. Jimin. You knew that your boyfriend’s fellow BTS member wouldn’t be calling, especially at this hour, unless something was very wrong.

“Hello? Jimin?” You answered warily, bracing yourself for the worst.

“Y/N,” he answered, voice tight, which did absolutely nothing to ease your anxiety. “Hi. How are you?”

“I’ll be honest, Jimin, not great,” you snorted humorlessly. “I know you wouldn’t be calling me unless something happened. What’s wrong?”

Despite the somber mood that had plagued Jimin’s mind for the last few hours since the accident, he couldn’t hold in the slight chuckle that escaped his throat. He should’ve known that you wouldn’t have been fooled by his not so successful attempt at nonchalance. You were already a very bright girl, but you were even more sharp when it came to Jungkook. The two of you had been dating for the last few years now and Jimin had never seen anything like your relationship. You and Jungkook seemed to have this unspoken understanding and were so in tune with each other, that although he mostly found it sweet, sometimes he found himself a little creeped out by just how well the two of you were able to sense such small shifts in the other’s demeanor.

“Can’t get anything past you, Y/N,” Jimin finally responded, reaching his hand up to rub the back of his neck, mulling over how best to break the news in order to cause you the least amount of worry possible. “There was something that happened,” Jimin finally admitted, quickly continuing after hearing your sharp intake of breath. “He’s going to be absolutely fine, but he is going to need a few stitches.”

“What happened?” You demanded, not yet satisfied with the amount of information you had been given.

Jimin sighed. “I’m not 100% sure myself,” he admitted. “But Jungkook had been warming up for our performance this evening and then went into the bathroom,” he began. “Somehow there was a piece of loose metal or something and he cut the back of his heel on it. He has a pretty deep cut. The doctor is on his way right now, but our team is pretty confident that the cut will require a few stitches.”

You released a breath, worry still lingering, but the feelings of panic had at least subsided. You were grateful that it was nothing serious, but now you were more worried about Jungkook’s mental state. Knowing him as well as you did, you knew that he would be blaming himself for an accident that could not have been predicted and that was in no way his fault. Additionally, you knew that if this was something that would prevent him from performing, he would be beating himself up relentlessly. That boy lived for his fans and always gave 110% for every practice, performance, interview, etc. Although that dedication and passion are two things that initially drew you to him when you first met, they were also two qualities that worried you like nothing else. He often tended to overwork himself as a result and if he didn’t perform to what he believed to be anything but his absolute best, he would tear himself to pieces. And you knew this situation would be no different.

“How is he?” You asked and Jimin immediately knew what you were referring to. Jimin was very similar to Jungkook in many ways, particularly in the impossible standards they set for themselves and their inability to slow down, even when sick or hurt. He understood, probably more than anyone, exactly what Jungkook was feeling right now and he knew that you were just as in tune to how Jungkook’s mind worked and what his priorities would be right now.

Jimin let out a breath. “He’s handling it surprisingly well, but I don’t think it’s truly sunk in yet,” Jimin admitted. “I think that he believes he’ll be able to get these stitches this afternoon and then go right out and perform like nothing happened tonight.”

You inhaled sharply, ready to scold your boyfriend for even having such a thought. Although you weren’t surprised by this information, you were upset that he would care so little for his own health and risk further damage by performing so soon after his injury.

“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Jimin comforted. “None of us are going to let him perform. Especially Jin and Namjoon. You know how protective they are of our little maknae. Besides, I think at the back of his mind, Jungkook knows he’s not going to be able to perform tonight. He just doesn’t want to admit it yet.”

“Is the doctor there yet? Can I talk to Jungkook?” You asked, grateful for the information from Jimin, but wanting to hear from your boyfriend’s own mouth how he was doing.

“Yeah, hold on, I’ll bring the phone over. They have him laying down on the table so that he’s ready. The doctor should be here any minute.”

On the other line, you could hear a door opening and the eruption of voices talking as Jimin moved to where all the excitement was no doubt happening. You supposed their team had a lot to discuss regarding the show tonight. Jungkook was such a major aspect to the team, as were all the boys. When one piece of the puzzle was missing, it threw everything off.

After a few moments, you heard Jimin’s quiet voice telling Jungkook that he had you on the phone to update you on what had happened and that you wanted to speak with him.

“Hi, jagiya,” you heard his tired voice murmur, causing tears to well in your eyes. You loved that man more than anything and you absolutely hated it whenever he was in pain. You knew that he was putting on a brave face for his members, but you could hear the fear and pain in his voice and you wanted nothing more than to be there with him to hold his hand and reassure him that you loved him and it was all going to be okay.

“Hi, Kookie,” you breathed out. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m ok,” he stated, causing you to roll your eyes, knowing that he was anything but ok right now.

“Kookie, you can tell me,” you softly urged, wanting him to be honest and express himself openly to you. “I know you, I know you aren’t fine right now.”

A slight sniffle was heard and you bit your lip, cursing your job and its reason for you not being there on tour with him to hold and comfort him. “It hurt a lot at first, but it’s not so bad now. The doctor is coming to take a look, but they think I’ll need stitches,” he explained, pausing for a moment before continuing on in a much quieter voice as he finally admitted the root of what was bothering him. “I don’t think they’ll let me go on stage tonight.”

You sighed, suspicions confirmed. Of course, he wasn’t worried about his physical health and the fact that he was bleeding from a deep cut on his foot. His main concern was disappointing his fans and not being able to perform for them tonight. Although you admired that love and dedication, as the woman who loved and adored Jungkook more than anything, you worried that he never seemed to consider his own physical well-being.

“I know, Kookie, I know,” you murmured. “But they’re only doing what’s best for you. It’s not going to help anyone if you go on stage tonight and end up tearing your wound right back open when the stitches are still so fresh. Your fans love you and they’ll understand. They’ll be a little disappointed, but I know they will overall be grateful that you’re taking care of yourself.”

He sighed, knowing that you were right, but still disappointed in himself and in this entire situation. “I know,” he admitted. “You’re right. But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier. I hate letting people down.”

You heard an eruption of angry voices in the background, disagreeing vehemently with Jungkook’s claim that he was letting anyone down. You nodded along, even though Jungkook was unable to see you, in agreement with what the other boys were saying, waiting for them to quiet down so you could voice your own opinions on the matter.

“They’re right, Jungkook,” you stated once the torrent of voices had stopped. “You’re not disappointing or letting anyone down. This is just a freak accident that no one could have anticipated. These things happen. It’s a slight set-back. I know you and I know you’re going to be beating yourself up over this, but please don’t. Take care of yourself, if not for yourself then for me. I can’t stand the thought of you hurt. I need my little bunny to be back in tip-top shape and that’s not going to happen unless you listen to everyone and slow down until your body is healed and actually ready for you to go back out and perform again,” you pleaded.

Jungkook exhaled, a different form of guilt now creeping in. He hadn’t even considered what you might be feeling. He couldn’t imagine how worried you must be - being so far from him when he was in such a vulnerable state. Jungkook didn’t even want to think what his mindset would be like if the situation was reversed and you were hurt while he was so far away from you.

“You’re right,” he stated. “I’m sorry, jagi. I’ll do my best to take it easy.”

“And to not beat yourself up too much?” You pushed, not yet fully satisfied.

He chuckled. “Yes, yes. I promise not to do that either.”

“Okay, good,” you smiled, tension finally beginning to leave your shoulders. “Do you want me to stay on the line with you while the doctor does the stitches?” You questioned.

“No, no, jagiya,” Jungkook answered. “It’s late there and you have work early in the morning. You get your rest. The boys are here to take care of me. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you later though to check back in with you.”

“You better,” you threatened, earning another small laugh from your boyfriend.

“I love you,” he shared, a smile evident in his voice.

“I love you more,” you responded.

“Impossible,” he argued.


Another torrent of voices sounded on the other end of the phone and you paused to listen.

Jungkook sighed. “Ok, Y/N, the doctor is here. I’ll call you later, ok?”

“Ok,” you agreed softly, exchanging another quick round of ‘I Love You’s’ before hanging up.

Turning the light off once again and rolling back into bed, you struggled to find the peace to fall back to sleep, knowing that your boyfriend was currently in pain on the other side of the world.

Knowing you wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep anytime soon, you pulled up airline tickets on your phone, preparing to speak with your boss in the morning about the situation and hoping she would understand and give you some time off to be with Jungkook, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to concentrate anyways on any work without seeing him in person and verifying that he was indeed ok for yourself.


Going into work that day, you sent up a silent prayer, hoping that your boss would be gracious and understanding towards your situation. By the time you had woken up after eventually dozing off into a fitful sleep, videos had been all over Twitter of the latest BTS concert, and not surprisingly, most comments were how Jungkook had been unable to perform. It seems though that Jungkook and his stubbornness had at least half-way accomplished his goal to perform. Although he was unable to dance and run around the stage with the other members, he was indeed there – present and accounted for - but sitting in a chair that had been set up just for him. You couldn’t help but shake your head when you saw that. Of course, he had found a loophole that still allowed him to perform rather than staying back at the hotel room to rest like he probably should have done.

However, your frustration with your stubborn boyfriend didn’t last for long as you saw many of the videos focused on a crying Jungkook, visibly upset at being confined to a chair at the corner of the stage. Your heart broke to see him struggling so much, but you were grateful that he had the other members there to look after him and cheer him up. It always amazed you to see the different relationships and dynamics between the members of BTS. They truly were a family that loved and cared for one another - and this situation was no different. Considering Jungkook was the youngest of the group, the other six had always felt a certain responsibility towards him. While they would have obviously cared for any member who was hurt or not feeling their best, you had a feeling that everyone was even more affected by this incident considering it was Jungkook who had been hurt. He seemed to evoke feelings of softness and brotherly love and affection from the others, especially the older members. It was always sweet to see and definitely something that you were extra grateful for right now as you were unable to be there with him in person to help care for him.

As you stepped into the office, it seems like your prayers had been answered as your boss immediately called you into her office, inquiring worriedly as to the health of your boyfriend. It had been no secret from your friends, family, and co-workers that you were dating one of the most famous men in the world, but evidently it had been a secret that your boss was indeed one of their biggest fans. In all of your time working at the company, you had had no idea. But in this situation, it was working to your advantage.

Filled with concern for Jungkook, your boss had not batted an eye at your request for time off, claiming that she would allow however much time you needed so that you could be there for Jungkook during his recovery. She warned you to of course keep up with your assignments online and to call with any questions or concerns, but otherwise gave you a free pass to travel to Europe to be with your sweet Jungkookie.

Aside from the fact that he was injured, you were thrilled at the thought of simply being able to be in his presence once again, to be held in his arms, to touch him again after so long. He and the others had been on tour for quite a few months now with your only communication having been phone calls and Facetime conversations, most of which were hard to organize in the first place due to the differing time zones.

The distance was nothing new to you as you and Jungkook had been dating for a number of years at this point, but despite your familiarity with the distance, it never became any easier. You were devastated that Jungkook had been hurt, but were definitely not complaining of the hidden blessing it brought you in a reunion with Jungkook – who you otherwise would not have seen for another month or two.

Leaving work quickly, you headed back home to begin packing and to place a call to Jimin, letting him know the situation and allowing him to organize all of the other details over on his end.


Two days later, you found yourself walking out of the terminal in Heathrow airport, looking for the security guard that would be holding a sign with your name on it, just as Jimin had instructed you. Spotting the man easily, you quickly walked over, handing over your luggage when prompted, and thanking the man, as you headed out towards the car, finally one step closer to reuniting with your boyfriend.

He had had absolutely no idea that you were coming out to see him, still believing that your work schedule would not allow for it. You had purchased Wi-Fi while on the plane so that you could continue texting him, so as to not raise suspicion. He knew that you would never disappear with no communication at all for a long period of time, especially after he had just been hurt. He would know for sure that something was up if you had just vanished all of a sudden.

Only a short car ride later, you arrived at the hotel that the boys were currently staying at, your heart beginning to beat faster in anticipation. This was something that always happened to you – no matter how long you and Jungkook had been dating, whenever you were about to see him after a long period of time, or sometimes even after having been separated for just a few short hours, your stomach would fill with butterflies and your palms would sweat. You took that as a good sign; however, that you were still just as in love now as you had been when you first met all those years ago.

Jungkook had sounded a little down in his messages to you, but had tried to put on a brave face in order to keep you from worrying too much; however, as his girlfriend, you could see right through his attempts at bravery. There was only so much information you could discern from a text though, so you were excited to see him in person and to see how he was holding up for yourself.

Walking into the hotel lobby, you were soon greeted by both Jimin and Taehyung who had been anticipating your arrival.

“Y/N!” They both shouted in unison, jogging over to you and wrapping you up in a group hug.

“Hi!” You exclaimed, genuinely excited to see them as well. Although Jungkook was the reason you were here, you had missed the boys dearly and were thrilled to be reunited with them as well. Once you and Jungkook had begun dating, you had been introduced to the members of BTS. You had been more nervous to meet them than you had been to meet his actual family. But thankfully, all of your worries had been in vain. You had fit in seamlessly with the group and were welcomed with open arms into their little family. Each of the boys was like an older brother to you and they cared and looked after you as if you were their own sister as well.

“We’ve missed you, Y/N,” Taehyung expressed, grin stretched out across his face. “It’s nice to see you and I know it will make Jungkookie-ah so happy.”

“Speaking of,” you began. “How is he holding up?”

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged a brief glance before shrugging. “As well as to be expected, I guess,” Jimin related. “You know how he is. He tries to put on a brave face because he doesn’t want to worry any of us, but I know he’s having a hard time dealing with it. He won’t admit that though, of course.”

“Of course not,” you smiled ruefully.

“C’mon,” Taehyung said, grabbing hold of your arm and leading you over towards the elevators. “We’ll take you to his room.”


A few moments later, you found yourself standing alone in front of Jungkook’s door. Jimin and Tae had left to their own room, giving you and Jungkook all the privacy you would need. Softly, you knocked on the door, holding your breath as you clasped your hands back together. After a moment, you heard some rustling behind the door and footsteps slowly approaching before the door swung open, only to reveal the bewildered face of your boyfriend.

“Y/N?!” Jungkook exclaimed, seemingly not knowing what to do as the shock overtook his body.

“Surprise!” You grinned, not moving as you waited for the realization to sink in that you were actually here in front of him and that he wasn’t having some sort of hallucination.

“Is this real?” He questioned, still dumbfounded.

“It’s real,” you confirmed, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you tried to restrain yourself from tackling him to the ground in excitement.

Without wasting any more time, Jungkook quickly closed the gap between the two of you, firmly wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” he murmured, voice breaking slightly. “How?” He asked, pulling away a few inches so he could look you in your eyes, hands coming up to caress your face.

“My boss is apparently a big BTS fan,” you chuckled, a few stray tears leaking out of the corners of your eyes as the barrage of emotions you had been feeling the last few days finally caught up with you. Jungkook wiped them away gently with his thumbs before placing a sweet kiss on each of your cheeks, causing them to heat up immediately at the action. “She was very concerned about you, said I shouldn’t even hesitate to go to you and help nurse you back to full health.”

Jungkook laughed. “I’m so glad. Remind me to give her some free backstage passes or something when we get back home.”

“Will do,” you smiled.

Neither of you wasted any more time as you simultaneously leaned toward the other, connecting your lips into a sweet kiss, pouring all of your love and adoration for one another into it. Soon enough though, Jungkook took the kiss deeper, tongue dragging across your lips, practically begging for access, which you were more than willing to grant. Tongue exploring your mouth, hands coming up to rake through your hair, you placed your own hands against his toned stomach, reveling in the feel of him against you after such a long time. After a few moments, the two of you finally broke away, gasping for the oxygen that forced the two of you to separate.

Placing a gentle kiss to your nose, Jungkook rested his forehead against your own, closing his eyes and soaking in the utter joy and contentment that he felt in this moment. Although his fellow BTS members/brothers had been there to care for him and cheer him up since his injury, nothing compared to having you back by his side. Even on the worst of days, your simple presence would brighten Jungkook’s mood and place a smile back on his face.

Realizing that the two of you were still standing in the doorway to his hotel room, Jungkook wrapped an arm around your shoulders, leading you into his room in order to avoid any wandering eyes that may begin to head over in your direction.

You were more than willing to follow after him, dragging your bags over the threshold before throwing them into the corner. Normally Jungkook would insist on carrying your bags for you, but you had shot a fierce glare his way before he could even make a move to grab them, not wanting him to exert himself any more than absolutely necessary. He returned your look with a sheepish smile and a shrug of his shoulders as if to say, ‘Sorry. Old habits.’

Rolling your eyes at him, you continued to follow him further into the room, plopping down after him onto the large sofa in the middle of the room and quickly cuddling up next to him. You were always like this when first reunited – clinging onto one another and not allowing more than a few feet of distance between you. It was as if you two had to make up for all of the lost time in the months of separation by clinging onto one another at every possible moment. You were often teased by the other members for your koala-like habits, but neither you or Jungkook minded much. It’s not like you could deny it, after all. It was completely true.

Sitting gingerly down on his lap, you both wrapped your arms as tightly as you could around the other, reveling in the closeness and intimacy that you had both desperately been craving from the moment he left on BTS’ latest world tour. When dating an idol like Jungkook, you had quickly realized that it wasn’t the big things that made a relationship, but rather the small, seemingly unimportant moments that collectively formed a beautiful tapestry that was your lives together. Although you both missed out on so many aspects of each other’s lives while he was away, the two of you did your best to keep in touch and to keep that intimacy alive. Overall, you felt like you did pretty well, but whenever you were finally reunited, you were always struck once again by the reminder that nothing could quite compare to having him physically there with you.

With that thought, you pushed your face further into his neck, inhaling that comforting and familiar scent that was distinctly Jungkook. With him, you were home. Even being so far from everything that was familiar to you, as long as you had him by your side, you had all you needed.

Beside you, Jungkook’s thoughts couldn’t help but echo your own. Although he adored being on tour and living out his dream, since meeting you and falling in love, he couldn’t deny that his priorities had shifted a bit. No matter how much he loved touring, he craved your presence more. He hated that he couldn’t be there for you like a normal boyfriend could, and despite your constant assurances that you knew what you were signing up for and that seeing him happy made you happy as well, he always worried that you would change your mind one day and realize he wasn’t worth all the trouble. However, moments like these where you were able to bask in the joy of finally being reunited, those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he focused on simply being with you again.

“How long are you going to be here for?” Jungkook mumbled, lips pressed into your hair.

“My boss didn’t really give me a set time on when I needed to be back,” you explained. “I still have to complete my work, but for now, she’s allowing me to do that remotely. It seemed like as long as I was able to keep up with everything I needed to do, that she wasn’t going to be too strict on when I needed to get back.”

“Good,” Jungkook breathed out, satisfied with that answer. He was grateful you were able to come out in the first place, but definitely would have been disappointed if it would only last for a day or two. Learning that you didn’t have any immediate plans on returning home filled him with a contentment he hadn’t felt in a while. Even with his injury, and all of the uncertainty around when he would be able to perform again, you brought peace into his chaotic lifestyle, which was just one of the many reasons as to why he loved you.

“Yeah,” you murmured, cuddling further into his chest, the two of you soaking up this precious time together, not needing words to express all that you were feeling. And not long after, the two of you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms and basking in the nearness of one another.


About an hour or so later, you and Jungkook were abruptly awoken by a banging on the door, which was promptly followed by loud shouts as the boys piled into the room you and Jungkook were currently occupying.

“Y/N-ah!” The remaining boys you had yet to see greeted you, excited to see you once again.

Blearily, you looked up, blinking the sleep out of your eyes as consciousness slowly returned to you. Beneath you, Jungkook did the same, a big yawn escaping his mouth as he sat up, pulling you along with him.

“Hi,” you responded, still trying to process all that was going on around you.

However, before you could, you were pulled up from your comfortable position on the couch and into the energetic tangling of limbs as Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi pulled you into a giant group hug, Jimin and V watching on with fond smiles, already having ambushed you with their own group hug upon your arrival to the hotel.

“It’s good to see you again, Y/N,” Namjoon greeted once the boys pulled back and you were able to breathe again.

“Yeah,” Jin interjected. “You should see Jungkook when you two are separated,” he announced, mirth dancing in his eyes as he shot a look at the maknae, who was already starting to blush at his hyung’s teasing. “Oh, I miss her. Oh, I’m so sad. Why, why, why!” Jin mocked in a shrill voice, causing Jungkook to cover his face in embarrassment and the rest of you to laugh at his expense.

“Oh, don’t tease him too much,” you defended, after finally recovering from your laughing fit. You lowered yourself back down on the couch, placing a quick kiss on Jungkook’s cheek before snuggling back into his side, leaning your head on his shoulder as he moved to place his arm around you.

Jin smiled at the action, happy for Jungkook and the love that he had found, especially with their crazy lifestyle. “I know, I’m just teasing,” Jin admitted. He loved to tease the two of you, but in reality, he was overjoyed that Jungkook had you and vice versa. “You two are sweet. Almost disgustingly so, but still sweet.”

“Couple goals,” Jimin chorused, nodding his head in agreement with what JIn had said.

You smiled, grateful for their support of Jungkook of course, but also of your relationship. When you and Jungkook had first begun dating, you of course had known how close he was to his fellow BTS members. He spoke of them constantly and considering that they had practically helped raise him, you knew that their opinion of you would be vital. Jungkook had assured you that everything would be find and that they would love you, but you of course hadn’t been so sure. Nevertheless, your worries had thankfully been for nothing. You had clicked almost instantly with the group of boys and had found yourself immediately welcomed into their close-knit little family. Not only did they love you for who you were, but they loved how you treated Jungkook. It was impossible to not see the effect you had on their little maknae and to see how happy and in love he was with you. He was practically on cloud nine whenever he was with you, how could they possibly ever disapprove of that?

“Thanks guys,” you grinned, leaning even closer into your boyfriend’s side as he reflexively seemed to do the same towards you.

“Did you guys just come in here to say hi or do you guys have work you need to do?” You questioned, not forgetting that although you were on what felt like a semi-vacation at the moment, they were still at work and had a lot of responsibilities, such as rehearsals, meetings, interviews, and so on. You were glad to be there, but didn’t want to hinder their work at all.

“We actually do have a meeting with our production team in a few,” Namjoon reported apologetically, not wanting to cut short your reunion with Jungkook. “We need to discuss the details of the concert tonight.”

“You mean whether or not you’ll let me perform?” Jungkook interjected.

“Yeah,” Namjoon responded, eyes flickering briefly to yours before settling back on Jungkook. “Although I don’t think there’s much to discuss. You’re still injured, nothing’s changed.”

“We’ll see,” Jungkook grumbled and you could immediately tell that this was not going to be a fun meeting. You loved your boyfriend dearly, but one of his not so endearing habits was his stubbornness. Once he got an idea in his mind, Lord help the person standing in his way. And just by the set of his jaw, you could tell that he was bound and determined to go on stage as normal tonight, no matter what anyone said. However, by the expressions of the other members, you could tell that they were not going to go down without a fight. None of them believed he was ready, no matter how much Jungkook argued otherwise. You couldn’t help but agree with them, a fact that you knew Jungkook was not going to be happy with.

Sighing, you stood up from the couch. “Alright, best to not keep them waiting then.”

“You’re coming with me, right?”  Jungkook questioned, big doe eyes looking up at you, unwilling to part with you again so soon after reuniting.

“If I’m allowed to,” you admitted, not wanting to intrude on their work, but also wanting to make your opinion heard.

“Of course, you’re allowed,” Namjoon responded, the other boys nodding along in agreement. “As Jungkook’s girlfriend, we want you to have a say in this as well.”

You nodded, returning his serious gaze. You understood the unspoken meaning behind his words. As Jungkook’s girlfriend, you were probably their best hope at calming him down and convincing him that performing tonight would not be in his best interests. No matter how desperate he was to get back out there, he needed to consider his own health and allow his wound time to heal so as not to make it any worse than it already was. Jungkook had done the one show sitting down, which had been the show that was scheduled on the same day as his accident. You knew that Jungkook had agreed, albeit reluctantly, that that was the best decision so soon after his injury. But now that he had had a few days to rest, you could tell that Jungkook believed he was ready to get back out on stage, full force. Again, you admired his dedication, but couldn’t help but want to shake some sense into him. They put so much energy into each and every show. You knew that if he was allowed back up there, he would give it his all, pushing himself far beyond his limits and risking further injury. If you could trust him to take it easy and sit back, the conversation might be a little different. But knowing Jungkook and his tendency to push himself as far as he possibly could, you knew that performing full out tonight was completely out of the question.

“Alright,” Hobi interjected. “Let’s head over there then.”


Not much longer later, you and the boys as well as most of their production team were gathered together in a small room to discuss the situation. You were sitting in between Jungkook and Jimin on the small sofa with the rest of the boys spread out in various positions around the room. Jungkook’s knee bounced up and down restlessly, betraying his nerves. Silently, you grabbed his hand, giving it a silent squeeze of reassurance. He returned your squeeze with one of his own before shooting a grateful smile your way, once again calmed by your presence and thankful that you were here with him. You couldn’t help wonder how much longer his gratitude would last once he realized you weren’t going to support his decision to perform tonight.

Wasting no time, their manager quickly began the meeting, bringing up the need to further rearrange the choreography given that they were now one member short.

Before their manager or anyone else could continue any further, Jungkook spoke up. “My leg is fine now, I can do the show tonight,” Jungkook insisted. You closed your eyes, knowing that this was not going to be a fun conversation. As Jungkook’s girlfriend, you always wanted to support him, but in this instance, you couldn’t in good conscience support this decision to perform with an injured foot.

“Your stitches are still so fresh,” Jimin counteracted, not missing a beat, clearly anticipating this turn of events as you were sure everyone else had. “There is no way you can dance like we do without risking tearing them open.”

Murmurs of agreement filled the room and you could feel Jungkook tense beside you, not quite expecting everyone to be so against him on this matter. He knew some would argue vehemently against him performing, like Jimin for example, but he had thought at least some of you would be on his side.

You simply remained silent for now, deciding that you would offer silent support unless absolutely necessary, not wanting to insert yourself too much into their business.

“What about if I just walk around?” Jungkook questioned, quickly changing his tactics, desperate to do something other than sit confined in that dreaded chair for another performance. “At least during the title medley?”  

“That is exactly when you should be sitting down,” Namjoon argued.

“You just got the stitches in two days ago,” Jin added, voice firm, leaving no room for argument. “Your wound is far too fresh. You need to rest and allow your body time to heal. That won’t happen if you’re dancing or walking around too much. If you push yourself too hard, you’ll risk injuring yourself further and being out for even a longer amount of time.”

Hobi nodded. “You have to think about the long run, JK. Yeah, it’s hard right now to miss out on shows, but if you take it easy and take care of yourself now, it will be better. It’s exactly as hyung said, if you push yourself too hard too soon, you risk a worse injury and an even longer recovery period.”

Again, a series of nods and sounds of agreement echoed throughout the room, but Jungkook still wasn’t discouraged.

“I understand that I can’t dance like I normally do, but I know I can walk around just fine. Please,” he pleaded, looking into the faces of each of his members, trying to appeal his case. “Just the title medley at least.”

“That is exactly when you should be sitting down!” Jin contended angrily, his concern for the maknae driving his insistence. “We knock into each other all the time, even without any injuries to worry about, especially during the title medley. With his luck, Namjoon will kick you directly in the wound and you’ll be right back where you started,” Jin continued, half-heartedly trying to bring some humor into the situation by poking fun at Namjoon’s clumsiness.

Jungkook seemingly had no reply to that, unable to deny the fact that in the heat of their performances, various body parts often knocked into one another on accident.

“For now,” Namjoon stated in a tone that suggested the finality of the decision made.  “It’s best if you remain seated. As you heal, we can revisit this conversation, but for now it’s best if you take it easy and allow yourself time to heal.”

Everyone in the room nodded along, silently affirming their agreement with that decision.

Jungkook looked around desperately, trying to find someone on his side who would help argue his case, but coming up empty. Finally, his eyes landed on you, wordlessly pleading with you to help him.

“Jagiya,” Jungkook implored, eyes boring into your own. You were his last hope here. “You know me, you know I can do this.”

You took a glance around the room, noting the somber gazes of the team, briefly locking eyes with Namjoon. Both of you had known it would come down to this, but you had secretly hoped that the boys would be able to convince him to sit this performance out without you having to interfere.

“I do know you, Kookie,” you began slowly, knowing he wasn’t going to like what you were about to say. The boys often teased you and Jungkook that you were the perfect couple, disgustingly sweet and always in sync with one another, and those observations were mostly true. You and Jungkook rarely disagreed, usually being on the same page. So, this situation was a rare one for your relationship. It wasn’t often you downright disagreed with one another and you were nervous as to how Jungkook would respond to you taking his hyung’s side rather than his own, especially on a matter that was so important to him.

“And that’s exactly why I can’t support you going out on stage tonight like normal,” you continued pleadingly, hoping to get him to see your point of view and understand your concern for his health. “You push yourself so hard during each show. I know that if you were allowed on stage, even to just walk around, that you would push yourself beyond your limits and risk injuring yourself further. Like Hobi said, it’s better to take it easy now, allow your body to rest and heal as much as it needs, so that you can come back strong and ready again, rather than going back out there too soon, injuring yourself further, and then risking a much longer recovery than necessary.”

The frown on Jungkook’s face continued to deepen as you continued on with your little speech, clearly not appreciating your take on the situation. “You’re supposed to have my back, Y/N!” He snapped, posture stiff and voice hard.  “You’re supposed to support me and my decisions. It’s my body. I know what I can and can’t handle. You’re supposed to trust me.”

“I … Kookie, I do trust you …” You trailed off, at a loss for words. You knew he wouldn’t be happy that you weren’t taking his side of the argument, but you didn’t quite expect this reaction either.

“Clearly not,” he muttered, shifting slightly away from you on the couch, sending a slight pang of hurt shooting through your heart.

“Don’t blame Y/N,” Jin interjected, not being able to stay quiet any longer at this turn of events. “She loves you and is doing her job as your girlfriend to look out for your best interests while you’re being too thick-headed to see sense.”

Although you appreciated Jin coming to your defense, that clearly was not the right thing to say in this situation as Jungkook immediately stood up, seemingly finished with this conversation. “Whatever,” he glowered. “I see how it is.”

Without wasting another minute, Jungkook stormed out of the room as quickly as he could with his injury. He still had a slight limp to his gait, further emphasizing the truth that he was so adamant on ignoring – that he was not yet recovered and still needed time to heal.

Once the door slammed shut at his departure, you placed your head in your hands, willing the tears that had welled up in your eyes not to fall. You hated arguing with Jungkook. It left you feeling so uneasy. It was a rare occurrence in your relationship, which only made things all the more awful when it did happen.

Jimin shifted on the couch, moving closer to you and placing a comforting arm around your shoulders. “It’s okay, Y/N-ah. He’ll come around. He knows that we’re right, he’s just being stubborn.”

You sniffled into the sleeve of your sweater. “I know, I know. I just wasn’t expecting such a strong reaction from him, that’s all. I knew he wouldn’t be happy, but I didn’t anticipate him getting quite so upset with me like that.”

“I’m sorry.” Namjoon came over to sit on the edge of the couch that you and Jimin were currently occupying, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze. “We shouldn’t have put you in that position. I know I encouraged you to come and back us up with this decision. I shouldn’t have used your relationship with Jungkook though to attempt to sway him. I’m sorry for that.”

“No, no,” you stated sincerely. “Even if you hadn’t encouraged me to voice my opinion, I would have done it anyway. He’s so stubborn and he can never admit that he actually needs to rest like a normal human being.”

Namjoon smiled at you in thanks, grateful that you held no ill will towards him.

“On the bright side, though,” Jimin interjected. “At least he stopped arguing with us.”

“For now,” you sighed, knowing that although Jungkook had seemed to concede for the moment, he would keep pushing until he was once again allowed to perform like normal.


About thirty minutes later, you stepped out of the room and attempted to hunt down your boyfriend, figuring that you had given him enough time to calm down and that hopefully he would be in much better spirits so that the two of you could discuss the situation rationally and calmly. You hated having any sort of conflict with Jungkook and were hoping that he was feeling the same way so that you could resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

You wandered about the venue, checking empty rooms and closets after examining their dressing room first, unsurprised that he wasn’t waiting there for everyone to return. After a  blow-up like that, you knew he would want to be alone to calm down.

A few moments later, you heard slight sniffles coming from the room on your right. Wasting no time, you softly opened the door, heart breaking at the sight of Jungkook sitting on the floor, head in his hands, cries shaking his body.

Rushing over to him, you immediately forgot his harsh words to you earlier, your only thought to comfort and reassure him. The only thing you hated more than seeing Jungkook upset with you was seeing him sad like this. It broke your heart to see him in so much pain.

“Kookie,” you murmured, dropping down beside him and wrapping your arms around him, bringing one hand up to tangle itself within his hair, gently rubbing and soothing his scalp like you knew he enjoyed. Instantly, he wrapped his own arms around you, burying his face in your neck, tears falling freely onto the skin there.

“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, pushing his face deeper into the crook of your neck, attempting to get as close as humanly possible to you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said. I know that you support me and that you’re only looking out for me. I was just so disappointed about missing another show and I took it out on you, which I know wasn’t fair.”

You sighed, turning your head to press a quick kiss to his head. “I know, Kookie, I know. It’s okay. I forgive you.”

He let out a shuddering breath, relieved that you weren’t angry with him, but still feeling ashamed at the way in which he had spoken to you, and in front of his entire crew no less.

“I love you so much, Jungkook,” you explained, pulling away slightly so you could look him in the eye, needing him to understand where you were coming from.  “I worry so much about you. You push yourself so hard and that’s something I admire so much about you, but it’s also something that worries me.”

Jungkook stared back at you, intently listening to what you were saying. Although this was a topic you and Jungkook had spoken briefly on once or twice before, you had never clearly expressed your concerns like this to him. Perhaps that was why he had been so shocked when you had stood against him earlier. However, you weren’t going to let that happen again. He needed to know how much his lack of self-care worried you.

“I know that you think you know your own limits, but I don’t think that you do,” you admitted hesitantly, hoping that approaching this topic wouldn’t anger him. However, he didn’t look angry, but simply surprised by your admission. You decided to continue on, taking this as a positive sign. “I see how utterly exhausted you are after each show, it seems like you push yourself almost to your breaking point. I know J-Hope has spoken to you about taking it easy, about conserving your energy, but you still don’t seem to do that. After that show in Chile where you nearly collapsed, I thought that things might change, but they haven’t seemed to. I admire your passion and dedication so much, Jungkook, but I care about you more – about your well-being. I worry that one day you’ll push yourself so hard that you’ll make yourself sick or really hurt yourself somehow.”

You let out a breath as you finished your admission, relieved to finally get that fear of yours out in the open.

“I had no idea you felt that way, jagi,” Jungkook admitted guiltily, ashamed at having caused you so much worry and anxiety without even realizing it.

He brought a hand up to your face, thumb caressing your cheek as you leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry for worrying you, Y/N. That was never my intention.”

“And I know that, Kookie,” you responded softly. “It’s just who you are, and I love that about you, but sometimes it does worry me. Especially when you’re so far away from me and I can’t watch over you and make sure you’re taking care of yourself.” You glanced down at your hands, clasped in your lap before looking back up to meet his intent gaze. “Getting that phone call from Jimin the other day was my worst nightmare. I’m thankful that it wasn’t something more serious, but I always worry that one day I’ll get a call that you’ve been seriously injured or you’re in the hospital or – or … “You trailed off, working yourself up into a panic as the endless possibilities began swimming around in your mind.

“Shh, shh,” Jungkook brought a finger up to your mouth to silence you. “That’s not going to happen, jagi, I promise,” he affirmed sincerely, eyes boring into your own in order to convey his earnestness. “I hear you. I don’t ever want to cause you unnecessary worry. I truly didn’t know that you felt that way, but I understand where you and my hyungs are coming from. It’s going to take some time for me to break those habits that I’ve established, but I’m going to really put in an effort to make those changes. You’re the love of my life, Y/N. I know I’m going to marry you one day. I want to start a family with you. It’s not just me anymore and I need to realize that. It was fine before when my actions were only affecting myself, but that’s not the case anymore. I need to realize that what I do affects you too, and I’m sorry I didn’t see that earlier,” he apologized. “I’m sorry that I made you worry so much. I promise though that things are going to change. I’m going to take better care of myself, not only for your benefit, but for my own as well. You’re right. I want to do my best for my fans, but I need to consider and prioritize my own health as well.”

You sighed in relief, a few tears slipping from your eyes, which Jungkook quickly swiped away with a gentle stroke of his thumb against your skin. “That makes me so happy, Jungkook,” you cried, throwing your arms around him and attaching yourself firmly to him.

“I love you, Y/N,” he murmured softly into your hair. “And I’m sorry again. Sorry about worrying you and sorry for how I spoke to you earlier. That wasn’t okay.”

“It’s alright,” you breathed out. “I forgive you. And I love you too. So much.”

At your words, he pulled away a few inches before slanting his lips over your own, bringing you in for a sweet kiss.

A few moments later, you broke your passionate embrace only to lean your foreheads against one another as you waited to catch your breath again. Contentment washed through you as you soaked in the intimacy and affection of this moment. You loved this man more than words could say and you were so grateful to love and to be loved by him. You knew that although Jungkook had come to see your side of the situation and had agreed to take things easy from now on that it still wouldn’t be easy for him, especially these next few shows. However, you would be at his side every step of the way, ready to encourage him and reassure him whenever he felt dejected or upset in any way.

As if sensing your thoughts, Jungkook spoke up, saying “I’m so grateful to have you, jagiya,” he whispered. “I know I’m not easy to look after, but thank you for trying, for always being there to care for me, even when I’m thick-headed and try to push you away.”

“Anytime, Kookie,” you whispered. “Anytime.”

Disclaimer: None of these are mine, this is just an organized list I compiled of all my favorite fics to read because I’m tired of endlessly scrolling through my favorites to find them when I want to re-read! Feel free to share and enjoy! :) 


Bucky Barnes x Reader

Steve Rogers x Reader  

Tom Holland/Peter Parker Imagines 

Misc. Marvel Imagines


Shawn Mendes x Reader

Harry Styles x Reader

1D Imagines 


Dolan Twins Imagines

David Dobrik + Vlog Squad Imagines 


Sirius Black Imagines 

 Misc. Characters







Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Brother!Jungkook  x Reader

Warnings: None! 

Word Count: 5.8k+

Summary: You are Jungkook’s younger sister who is finally able to come for a visit to see your brother and meet his fellow bandmates for the very first time. What happens when a certain member takes a special interest in you? How will your brother take the news? 

“I think you’ve scrubbed that quite enough,” Taehyung muttered to Jungkook as he watched the younger member vigorously wipe a towel back and forth along their dining table.

Jungkook grunted in acknowledgement, yet continued on with his task, determined to get every last speck of dirt, grease, and splattered food off of the table in time for his baby sister to arrive.

Keep reading
