#maiden industries

At the Maiden Industries Bimbo Sciences Division customer satisfaction is the #1 Priority…Cus

At the Maiden Industries Bimbo Sciences Division customer satisfaction is the #1 Priority…

Custom Artwork of Maiden and @alyssaembers by the super talented Asphyiachan. Find more of her work at  https://bunnypot.net/

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Dear old friend…

Here I sit

Another Valentine’s day alone.

But this valentine’s day is a bit different than the others.

I have to write something for someone I miss alot:

Dear old friend,

Every day that goes by I grow colder and wilder.  The days seem to go by so much slower without you. Things are losing their meaning.  I need you. I don’t know where you’ve gone or what has happened to you.  But I need you back so badly. I long for the day you just come waltzing back into my chambers.  I don’t think I can run this company without you. I’m falling apart. I can barely afford to keep the lights on here. I’m totally fucking blowing this!!!!  I NEED YOU. PLease come back. Please.

Look at me grovelling for something that’s gone.

None of it matters anymore.

I re-read the note over and over again. Knowing who I longed to read it would never see the words on the page.

I gritted my teeth and sourly tossed it into the bin.

The bin was now overflowing with crumpled versions of the letter.

My hand ached from writing so long.

I’d better get back to work..




ENTRY #367

ENTRY DATE: 12-21-2051

Beginning entry

Connor J Ross visited my premises the other day for a field audit.

He’s snooping for any holes in my financial situation. and it seems he’s found some.

Connor sits before me in my large and echoing office chamber. Guards with human weaponry are outside the chamber doors.

But it doesn’t matter. None of it matters. Not when I can do whatever I want.  I have so much income, it just looks like worthless numbers.

When he arrived he was very nervous.  I exploited that.  I stood up from my chair. Intimidated him with my boots, and my height.  Telling him that he shouldn’t doddle around where he doesn’t belong.

He pathetically tried to stand up to me, and  replied:

“Y-y-ou are breaking the law Maiden. I need to speak to your account”

I laughed in his face. Normal human interactions are so mundane.  It’s exhausting trying to be a normal person with feelings and cares.

I replied sharply to him:

“Really, this is what you lead in on? Seems like you haven’t been getting much sleep… It would be a terrible thing if something were to happen to you. Some kind of accident? Some kind of unfortunate Mindcontrol experiment gone wrong? You should have told your Boss that investigating me and coming here were far above your pay grade.”

He squirmed in his seat and seemed to slink down in it as I paced next to him. Towering over him with ease.

He didn’t realize what I do to people I don’t like. Well. I don’t really like anyone.  I only have one friend. And she’s gone. It doesn’t matter anymore. Who cares. Who needs friends anyway.

With his voice shaking , he said

“Your not going to let me leave are you Maiden?”

It’s like he thinks he has some big life outside these walls. It’s so strange.

Earth is no better than an petri dish growing things inside of it.

I snapped back at him and said “Connor, that depends entirely up to you. You can leave, but only under certain conditions. It’s okay, you don’t have to know what these conditions are. I’ll help you meet the proper Criteria.”

He looked up at me like helpless prey, because he was. He grew quiet. He knew he couldn’t do anything. He’d stepped into the dragons den with no shield or sword.  I’m winging this as I go along. Nothing seems fun anymore. I’m going to brainwash Connor.

“Connor, listen to me carefully.  No one crosses me do you understand? I don’t care who you are. And no one else does either. It was a mistake coming here today.  The amount of money I have is incomprehensible to a normal human.  You won’t see a dime of it.”

He shivers as I spoke to him, he looked pale and sweaty. It was amusing. What a cry baby.

I reached into my desk, and pulled out a bottle of some freshly made maiden industrial grade intoxicant.  I’d never drink the stuff myself.  But I noticed that when you force people to drink it. It puts them in this awesome vacant state.

I poured him a small glass and pushed it towards him. He glared at the glass with big glossy eyes.. it seems like, he was scared? I can’t really tell. I’m not super great at picking up on emotions easily if they’re not my own.

I sternly looked him in the eyes and said “Drink. Before you drink this, you haven’t spoken in many minutes. What’s your deal?”

His reply was one I wouldn’t forget and shook even me

His conviction got stronger suddenly, and he found it within himself to look me in the eyes to speak

“We’re not afraid of you.  This planet is filled with good people. And we’re not afraid.  From the moment I stepped onto the premises today. I could feel the dark energy coming from here.  You’re stealing from everyone. And from what I see here, you’re the small person. You’re the weak one.  I’ll drink your solvent, because I don’t have a choice. But I want you to know that you won’t get away with your crimes. No on is above the law.”  

He slammed his hands down on the table, grabbed the drink and drank it, wincing.

I couldn’t let him see that I was taken aback.

“I am the law, the judge, and the sword. Maiden Industries is the future. And you, are in the past.  You don’t know who I am.”

I sat back down into my chair. And watched him start nodding in and out of trance.  I reached over my desk, and grabbed his face.

“When you leave here, you won’t remember a thing. You’re going to go back to your boss and tell them that everything checked out, and it was a mistake. You’re going to go on, with your small petri dish life. With your petri dish family. You’ll leave here, and forget. Forget to remember the things you needed to remember. You’re lucky. I could send you home with other thoughts in your head. Like, that you worship Maiden now. Or what if I put into your blank mind to quit your job and become a sex slave. We wouldn’t want any fucked up thoughts like that in your head would we? I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m just doing it. The repercussions don’t matter. You’d be better servicing others. Preferably hard cocks. When I slap you on the cheek, your going to come out of this haze you’re in, and you’re going to get the fuck out of here.  If you ever come to my complex again, you’ll never leave here.”

I slapped him really hard on the cheek. I was angry. I felt played. I should have been more harsh but he threw me off my game.

He looked around super confused and muttered “what happened?”

I laughed and played it off

“Oh you were just about to head off, you’d mentioned everything checked out. Do you have any more questions?”

He smiled

“Oh yeah! Right. Thank you Miss Maiden. Everything seems okay.  Wonderful establishment you’ve got here”

He began walking out of my office chamber. And when he closed the doors, I felt a sense of relief. How do I keep getting so lucky? The universe itself seems to be on my side.

Written by Maiden



By Odessa Holland

Yesterday evening an emergency distress signal was sent out from the newly constructed Martian Industrial Outpost 2. Fears and rumors spread that the distress signal was a result of terrorism, oxygen deprivation or a potential fire.

However after a brief investigation it has been confirmed that the MIO2 distress signal was sent in error. Maiden the founder and CEO of Maiden Industries issues the following statement:

“Yesterday while upgrading our facility to a new version of SQUEEX protocol a system error caused our distress signal to activate. The issue was promptly resolved and our engineering team is currently investigating the source of this bug and has temporarily taken the MIO2 instance of SQUEEX offline to maintenance. We here at Maiden Industries sincerely apologize for any panic that may have occurred. ”

The Astro Corp Observer will keep you updated as this story develops.

Designed and Written by Mousey

This is post is part of an ongoing RP event in our Discord server

Check out the Maiden Industrial Complex for RP events, Track premieres, Memes and more!

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 April 2019 In ReviewHey everyone Mousey here, I’m the cover designer and co-writer of maiden indust

April 2019 In Review

Hey everyone Mousey here, I’m the cover designer and co-writer of maiden industries and I’m here with a quick update about what we’ve been up to for the last month

We started off the month with our latest collaboration with Chaos Doll Lockdown. Lockdown was the season finale of maiden industries which is our sci-fi themed story series (Squeex, Chipset Melted, Spectra, Vantrin, etc). It’s a big turning point in the story that we’ve been playing for a long time. If you haven’t heard it yet be consider checking it out on our patreon! It’s a lot scarier than what we usually do but it’s one of our best story files yet.

This month was also our first guest upload. Maiden and I did a cameo in Chaos Doll’s latest drone file Unity Matrix and as part of that collaboration, we were given permission to post it on our patreon. We are looking forward to doing more of these types of arrangements in the future as we want to use our platform to highlight other similar and awesome creators while also giving you all more content to check out!

We also did yet another Maiden Mix. This one was called Maiden Mix: Mind Off. A seamless mix of all our best mind wiping and bimbofying releases. Maiden Mix’s are a perk for those in our $25+ tiers and are basically handcrafted playlists seamlessly mixed together by maiden.

Going forward from April to May we have some exciting things we are working on. During this between season break, we will be focusing our content less on sci-fi story oriented files and more on brainwash files and some experimental things. This week, for instance, we are planning to release our first ever song called “Lashes On”. It’s a song by bimbos for bimbos that will make you feel like, dumb and stuff.

Lashes on will be available for free upon release. We also plan to release a few more free tracks from our catalog of previous releases.

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May 2019 in reviewHey everyone, Last month I made some pretty heavy tracks. I’ve been very bus

May 2019 in review

Hey everyone,

Last month I made some pretty heavy tracks. I’ve been very busy with my normal job so things are getting a bit harder to keep up on. also , Mouse is here with me! She’s visiting for 2 months. So we are hoping to kind of add some new life to his project by putting our heads together.

Last month I made Unclaimed, which introduced a long awaited drone track into the mix. And a long awaited new Character into the mix.

I also produced and released my first ever bimbofication pop song Lashes On. If you haven’t heard it yet check it out!

Mousey and I revamped the release system so that higher tier patrons will 100% get their promised exclusive access.

Now the plan is, that a file will be released every 10th, 20th, and 30th for higher tier patrons. The unfortunate side effect of changing over to the new schedule was that I only released 2 files for the lower tiers instead of the usual 3 despite producing a third file this month called Babble 2.0.

Babble 2.0 is a sequel to an old now discontinued file and features myself, mousey, Chaos Doll and The Secret Subject all in one track! It will be released to lower tier patrons very shortly. Stay tuned!

Mousey and I are planning to spend this upcoming month experiment with new approaches and ideas on how we can adapt to this post tumblr purge digital landscape (Getting your work out there is harder than it has ever been but we have some ideas we want to try. Stay tuned!)

Thank you all for your continued support. Without all of you the cool stuff we do wouldn’t be possible!

-Mind Maiden

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