#main character syndrome



I’m gonna say it. Other people’s hell trauma besides Dean’s and Sam’s deserved to be addressed. Bobby was in hell for over a year in real time, and centuries for him. Then they saved him and he went to heaven and oh, ig everything’s fine for him and he’s happy now. Kevin, who was fucked over in every respect anyway, was in the veil for a long time, then eventually went to hell, and nope, yet again, he had to go through hell and yet it was like everything was fine and dandy. Don’t even GO THERE with Eileen and how she, too, spent literal CENTURIES in hell, yet she got back and was shown to have ZERO TRAUMA ABOUT HELL??????? JUST TOTALLY NORMAL AND FINE??? Think about Dean: he was in hell for 4 months (40 years) and for an entire season he was shown dealing with this trauma. He spent 40 years in hell (which is obviously terrible in and of itself) and these other characters spent centuries there. We at least deserved a scene with Eileen where she maybe breaks down to Sam due to hell trauma. She deserved some kind of addressing of her experiences. I’m sorry, but the way hell trauma is literally always forgotten when it’s not Sam or Dean is really annoying to me.

The more I think about the guest for Mr spider episode the more Jon pisses me off. Like. He doesn’t believe shit other people say but he was touched by the web day one???? You think you’re so special????? You were??? I guess?? But still smh
