#mainly the font choice


Masks and Trust

— a wip series intro

“You know,” she speaks softly, stepping out to lean against the banister. “We’re both named after the night.”

Genre -> Romance, Drama, Super Powers

POV -> Third Person

Themes -> Love, Trust, Trauma, Healing, Good vs Evil, Faith vs Doubt, Opposites, Heroism, Identity, Redemption and Corruption.

Vibes -> A fire pit frosted over, masks hidden under the floorboards, a loose thread on a long sleeve shirt, sunlight on hardwood floors, gold glitter in purple ink, the intimacy of sleeping beside someone you trust and the quiet truth of midnight.

Blurb -> Two Supers fall in love, unaware that the other is a Super as well. Unaware that one is a rogue Hero and the other is one of the most wanted Villains, but hey. Love conquers all… right?

Note -> This WIP being a series means that it will consist of several standalone pieces and perhaps smaller series but will all focus on one of those two OCs. The WIP tag is like an umbrella term to keep them all together.

Tags To Follow -> wip Masks and Trust, wip MaT, disaster lesbians

To Be Tagged -> Ask! You can see my current taglists at the bottom of my pinned post (they’re made as requested).

Synopsis under the cut.


When she decides to settle, to finally bury the mask and give normality a shot, she expects it to be hard. She expects to break, every now and then, unearthing the costume she loves as much as she hates to slip out into the night.

She expects the transition to be brutal, and it is.

What she does not expect is the girl she falls in love with — to fall in love at all. Who is she, to be happy, after all she’s done? But it feels like normal, the lazy Sundays she’s always heard about but never had. And despite the past — the shame that leers over her subconscious, the horror of actions she realized the truth of too late, the memory of her costume itching her skin — she lets herself settle. Get comfortable. Start to trust again.

Then comes the truth, tearing everything apart.
