#major announcement



《猫和老鼠》(Cat and Mouse), a short film by @奶糕成精档案社 on douyin.

English added by me :)

I don’t normally post videos this long on this site (this one clocks in at 6 minutes and 12 seconds), nor do I usually post videos with such a small percentage of their screentime devoted to a hamster in a cup (I would usually use video editing software to crop out the portions that didn’t show the hamster in its cup), but this is worth being posted (or rather reblogged) in its entirety. The part with the cupped hamster doesn’t come until almost the very end of the video so you will have to exercise patience to see it. You will also have to exercise patience waiting for me to finish creating my next post, which will be the 3,000th post I will have made on this site and which will contain a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT of EXTREMELY EXCITING NEWS.
