#maker starlightthemes



An image of a Tumblr blog featuring a white and purple color theme; it strongly resembles the Tumblr in-dashboard blog view. On the left is a section with the header image, avatar, title, and description. Throughout this section are included a highlighted link, as well as the ask/submit links, messaging button, palette swap button, and search bar. The sidebar includes a group of three featured posts, a list of updates with dates attached, and a list of blog members.
The same blog, now in black and purple colors, scrolled further down to show the posts. Via and source links are present in the post headers, along with the date and time of the posts. All the content of the post visually resembles the dashboard display of posts, including the styling of audio and text posts.
The same blog, back in white and purple colors, scrolled to the bottom of the page. The posts now have their tags hidden by default, as well as a new tag icon next to the like and reblog buttons at the bottom of the post. In the bottom-most post, the tag icon is highlighted, and the post tags are visible. Page navigation below the posts shows that this is page 1 of 3, and has an arrow icon linking to the next page. In the sidebar, a Navigation section is visible below the members section, offering unlimited custom links.

THEME 7: Unite

Syncs with your mobile theme colors and mimics the new in-dashboard blog view for a consistent look across platforms.

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  • Appearance options (show/hide header image/avatar/title/description, title font options, and background/text/accent colors) synchronize with mobile settings
  • Optional:Featured posts section, updates section, andblog member list in sidebar (require some HTML editing; see under the cut for instructions)
  • Unlimited custom links, plus a highlighted link under the title
  • Optional second palette
  • Customizable post width and font size
  • Optional search bar, like/reblog buttons, date/timestamps, tags (plus a show tags on click option), and Archive/Random links
  • Responsive
  • Supports new post types/pinned posts
  • And more!

For help, check my theme guide, or feel free to send me an ask. Theme credits and an HTML editing guide for the special sections are under the cut.

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An image of a Tumblr blog featuring a white, navy blue, and red theme. A header bar with the avatar, title, and blog navigation stretches across the top. A banner image, taking up most of the top half of the page, is overlaid with the blog description, custom links, and a search bar. Visible just below the banner is a page navigation menu, followed by the top of a post with a pin icon.
The same blog, now in black, red, and lavender colors. It is scrolled down to show more posts. The post bodies have each reblog's content in a Twitter thread-like structure, with a bar running down the side of the post through each user's icon. Tags, placed at the bottom of each post, are hidden behind a "show tags" button. Special text across the page (such as the blog title, post data and tags, and usernames) has been entirely converted to lowercase.
The blog in white/blue/red colors, showing a tag page. The page header offers a chronological or reverse-chronological view of the tagged posts. In the post itself, tags are visible, without a show tags button. Special text across the page has been entirely converted to uppercase or small caps.

THEME 6: Horizon

Inspired by Han Yoohyun and Haeyeon Guild from The S-Ranks That I Raised.

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  • Optional header image
  • Text options: choose between standard/uppercase/lowercase for special text, Google and Tumblr fonts, and font sizes
  • Appearance options: customizable post widths, and a variety of color options, including an (optional) light/dark mode toggle
  • Optional title/avatar/description, search bar, like/reblog buttons, date/timestamps, tags, and Archive/Random links
  • Responsive
  • Supports new post types/pinned posts
  • And more!

For help, check my theme guide, or feel free to send me an ask. Theme credits are under the cut.

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An image of a Tumblr blog featuring a dark red and gold theme. In the sidebar, the blog icon is styled to look like a planet. Under it, circular links with icons act as the blog navigation; each button has its own unique icon. The description and title are inside a box with crosshairs framing opposite corners. The posts, on the left side of the page, are similarly encased inside crosshairs. All-uppercase text on the top and bottom of each post lists the post dates, note counts, and tags. A vertical line drawn between the posts and sidebar splits the screen in two; aligned to its center is the page navigation menu, complete with a lightning-bolt icon at the bottom. The current page is highlighted in this navigation menu. The title of the blog is "as you wish." and the description reads "When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it."
The same blog as before, now in a light color scheme of cream and pink, and using sans-serif fonts instead of serif ones. The planet-like icon, being hovered over, is shifted to the side, revealing three links- one a color mode toggle with a moon icon, one theme download button, and one blog info button. Post tags have been replaced with a 'show tags' button. Post dates, note counts, and the show tags button are also in all lowercase. The navigation icons are different, with pawprints, animals, and flame/snowflake themes instead of the previous lightning bolt, wool, dragons, and bow/arrows. The title and description in the sidebar have also been updated. The title reads 'damned skill' and the description reads "I can't say I have faith in myself yet, but the name 'partner' is one I like".
The same blog as previous, in its light cream and pink color scheme, but with the original serif fonts, icons, and "as you wish" title and description. It shows a tag page, with a page header listing 3 available results for the "ask" tag, with links to see the posts in newest-first or oldest-first orders. Only one post is visible, with dates and tags completely hidden from view. In the sidebar, the color mode toggle has been replaced by the blog's lightning-bolt icon, and the navigation buttons all have identical chain-link icons.

THEME 5: Jupiter

Inspired by Sung Hyunjae and Seseong Guild from The S-Ranks That I Raised.

Live preview (temporary) | Static previews: index page,permalink|Code


  • Customizable icons, chosen from Cappuccicons: 1 blog-wide icon, and up to 8 individually customizable links (see under the cut for how to add custom links)
  • Text options: choose between upper/lowercase for special text, Google and Tumblr fonts, and font sizes
  • Appearance options: customizable post widths and sidebar width, and a variety of color options, including an (optional) light/dark mode toggle
  • Optional title/avatar/description, search bar, like/reblog buttons, date/timestamps, tags, and Archive/Random links
  • Responsive
  • Supports new post types/pinned posts
  • And more!

See more about how to customize this theme and theme credits under the cut. For additional help, feel free to send me an ask.

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